HaRav Kanievsky Rejects Bracha Request for Traffic Violator

kaniev.jpgA bachor facing traffic court next week after being apprehended driving without a license decided to turn to a Gadol HaDor for a bracha ahead of his court appearance, during the 9 Days. He turned to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, seeking a bracha.

The Rav asked just why he was going to court and facing a jail term, and after hearing of the event, with the bachor explaining that he lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a wall, the Rav called him a “murderer”, adding that “they should put you in jail” Chareidim reports.

The bachur explained that no one was killed or even injured, but confirmed he was driving without a license, to which the Rav is quoted as saying “then you are a murderer!”

The youth expressed remorse, but the Rav stated that he believes if given the opportunity tomorrow, he would drive again. “It is best that you sit in jail and learn not to be a murderer”.

The Rav insisted he cannot give a bracha, wishing the bachor that he hopes Hashem will assist so that the verdict is the best thing for him in this case.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

24 Responses

  1. The gadlus of the rosh yeshiva is amazing! the rosh yeshiva is so normal and says it that way it is without mincing words.

    What on earth would anyone really think a rosh yeshiva would say to someone who gets behind a wheel and acts recklessly and disregard laws?

    A skverer chosid said to me recently that the last few months the rebbeh has been getting more shailos and requests to the skver rebbeh about the stock market and asking for brochos that it should go up!

    Mishagoyim used to be a select group but today everyone knows one or is one!

  2. ….”hashem should assist that the verdict should be the best thing for him in this case”. So he DID get a brocho.

  3. That is a great p’sak, true gadlus! It’s about time that young ( and all) people learn to do things responsibly. Too many people shrug off derech eretz issues as unimportant. Driving without a license is like shooting a gun into the air in a public place. Being frum means following in the derech of Torah. Even the umos ha’olam have to follow laws of society to be civilized. This lesson must be taught in all yeshivos,”derech eretz KODMO laTorah!

  4. i hope this is a clear lesson for all the youths out there, whether in the mountains or city- DO NOT DRIVE W/O A LICENSE, EVEN IF YOUR A “GREAT DRIVER” OR ESLE YOUR A MURDERER

  5. now isn’t this a shocking report? a Godol upholding the laws of the zionists and even hoping that those awful “nazis” should imprison this poor ben torah.

    I am being sarcastic, but I am sure there will be an outrage from some quarters of our society, maybe even pashkevilim calling for a ban on Harav Kanievsky.

  6. It’s not just about youths, moreover we should learn not to talk on a cellphone while driving. If we will apply it to ourselves youngsters (others) will learn to do the same.

  7. Please give credible sources!! Basically #3 said what anyone with any seichel should when reading such a story!! (Although I give YWN more credit than #3 did and believe there might be a reliable source – as did #9)
    YWN in the future please have your intelligent readers in mind when posting such stories or any news or comments for that matter.

  8. #15 I don’t agree with you. This is EXACTLY how Gedolim should act!!! We all need to know that just because we are FRUM, doesn’t mean a Gadol has to stick up for us even when we’re wrong. This young bachur has a lot to learn.

    #14 What’s wrong with showing our support for a Gadol and true Torah values? As #6 worded it so well, “he DOESN’T NEED me to say it, but he is right”.

  9. JOSEPH; “does not fit within my beliefs how gedolim should act”. Well you better change your beliefs real fast. you funny man! Who do you think you are!?

  10. #15 Joseph:

    If it is verified that the story is in fact true, what will you do?

    Anyone that can say with such confidence that “I have no doubt this exchange is pure fiction as it does not fit within my beliefs of how gedolim should act.”

    either holds that (a) Rav Chaim is not a godol(c’v)because it does not fit with “my beliefs” ;

    or (b) Realizes that his “beliefs” are extremly flawed and will sit down with Rabbeim and gedoilim and start to correct his errant misplaced confidence about how gedoilim think.

    Furthermore, Joseph, During this time of introspection and reflection will be a form of tshuvah to hasten the geulah so that Tisha B’av will be a yom tov. May the Yom Tov come speedily in our days

    Joseph: I’m sure you choose option (b)

  11. To #1 through 20, about 20 years ago, a few unlicensed bachurim from Camp Harim, took a car off camp grounds and bchasdei shamayim, nobody got hurt, and when Hagaon R’ Motel Weinberg zatzal heard about it from another bachur,he was fuming. R’ Motel Z”L screamed at the bachur “why didn’t you call the police? isn’t bachurim driving unlicensed sakanos nefashos? they could’ve killed someone!!!!.

  12. Much as I would like to, it is, lulei demistafina, very difficult for me to believe this story.

    Another website had a transcript of the conversation. Was someone in the room recording it? Also, I would imagine that the Rav would have called him a “Rodeif” not a “Rotzeiach.” (Perhaps the Rav holds psik reisha?)


    I don’t mean to belabor the point, but it would behoove your news organization to use reliable sources for stories of this nature. I’m not suggesting that this story did or did not happen. However, when dealing with the reputation of someone of R’ Chaim’s caliber, you should be making sure to the utmost extent that he actually made those remarks.


    I am not saying that what R’ Chaim allegedly said is wrong or negative. To the contrary, whatever he said is obviously correct. But these types of remarks should be confirmed with legitimate sources. Because if he didn’t feel this way, and didn’t say these things, then YWN has a lot of explaining to do.

  14. #3 there is a gabay with reb chaim same time as petitioner, also who said he ran out,he repeated it later. does the article mention it was repeated on the spot? and why is this a silly story?

  15. This is absolutely unbelievable. Everyone is so quick to blindly follow other things, and yet, when something is said that speaks out LOUDLY against a consistent problem in our community, right away people say “oh he didn’t say that.”

    What is the problem? The Rav admonished a bachur. Is that so offensive to you?

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