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MDA Sacks Beit Shemesh Hatzolah Chief

mdal.jpgIt would appear that relations between Hatzolah and Magen David Adom remain quite strained as MDA decided to oust Bentzion (Bentzi) Novak, who stands at the helm of Hatzolah Beit Shemesh.

According to a Chareidim report, the move was prompted by Novak arranging for first aid courses that were not authorized by MDA. Novak is quoted as explaining he turned to MDA to add courses for the chareidi tzibur in Beit Shemesh, receiving a response that MDA is uninterested in further strengthening Beit Shemesh’s Hatzolah, refusing the request. Novak explained that he turned to a private company to conduct the first aid classes, and without warning, after 15 years of service as a MDA volunteer, he was ousted.

Novak is quoted as saying, “I do not understand. On Friday, I received a phone call from the head of volunteers in MDA Jerusalem, Avi Chovav, who informed me that I am out. I explained that according to the laws of MDA, he lacks the authority to make such a decision, a decision that only a senior officer can make. He told me to return my pager and if I fail to comply, he will file a complaint with police”.

“I told him I will comply after there is a party- for one cannot just dismiss someone after 15 years of service without a party”. Novak responded angrily that tensions between MDA and Hatzolah Beit Shemesh stem from the fact that the organization transports patients without charging them.

Novak explains that about 3.5 years ago, they began transporting patients in the Hatzolah ambulance, without charge, after realizing people hesitated to summon an ambulance, fearing the charges involved. “At the time, there was a meeting with the Jerusalem MDA Chief Ronen Bishari and the rabbonim, and he committed not to bill patients [that we transport] but he did not adhere to his commitment”.

Novak further states a disciplinary committee must be convened to dismiss a volunteer. He adds that he and his colleagues have endured during difficult situations in past years, and he is not afraid now, and will continue to save lives.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. The entire article is “Novak said”… where is the other side? As someone who has worked with both MDA and Hatzolah I find it disturbing that only one side is being presented.

    If no one from MDA would answer your questions, say that, and at least people will see you tried to write this in an unbiased manner.

    If you didn’t ask MDA for their take on the situation then I would really hesitate to call this journalism.

    Please be fair.

  2. Maybe, just maybe, Yechiel actually knows the people involved. Bentzy is a Tzaddik who dedicates himself to the Tzibbur, and has been doing so for years, helping anyone and everyone in any way he can. On the other side we have an organization which is trying to make money. somewhat of a no-brainer…

    Chazak Ve’EmatZ, Bentzy!

  3. Having lived in RBSA for the last (almost) 8 years and having used Benzi’s services many times, I think I’m perfectly qualified to respon to the previous comments:

    Benzi Novak is an incredibly devoted volunteer who does everything possible to help residents. All the boys of the neighbourhood look up to him as a hero and he devotes his life to helping others.

    He’s the one that started Hatazala B’Rama and fought to provide services to the residents. There is almost always an ambulance parked outside his house and whenever someone calls to ask him for advice (on his personal cell number, which he and his wife happily give out) he’s happy to help, no matter what he’s in the middle of.

    I’ve had doctors tell me to go to Bentzi in an emergency instead of them sometimes!
    He always places communal concerns above his own. For example, a few years ago, MDA ambulances were being offered free of charge for those going to give birth and Benzi told everyone to call MDA instead of Hatzala, because they would have to charge you and MDA wouldn’t.

    He is one of the most humble, soft-spoken, caring and hard-working individual we know of and we all want to know how we can show our support for him and make sure he stays!

  4. i fail to understand, realy, why hatzoloh doesn’t have their own phone number, they respond much faster thatn MDA. can someone enlighten me?

  5. #7 FYI, Hatholoh beit shemesh is (i’m almost sure) the only one that has a phone number you can call directly, and they will send help.
    And Bentzy is a great guy, and it’s known that MDA is controled now by people that are after the money, and they feel that the hatzolo organizations are lowering their income:)

  6. Slowly but surely the truth about MDA is coming out – how stupid of them to throw out someone who everyone knows is only interested in the Tzibbur and saving lives. Btw There are many great individuals who work for MDA and care about saving lives, so this is not a criticism of them.
    #6 Yes, It’s time those running the MDA organization get put before a knesset panel to explain this type of abuse of volunteers and other irregularities. Enough is enough!.. and lets have their response under oath.

  7. I know bentzi & his family well & I can tell you he is a tzadik who is always there for everyone and he does not deserve this . all he does is give to others and this is what happens? what hapened to hakaras hatov ? this is not right…something has to be done.

  8. I just spoke to the Novacks. The quote from Bentzi was mistranslated from Hebrew. He said he will comply only after there is a “mesibah” which means a meeting. (The word “mesibah” can also be used to mean party, but not in this context.)

    Please correct the quote, it sounds random and is inaccurate.

  9. BH we are zocheh to have some like Benzi in RBS.
    He built a team of dedicated first responders and this was his main intention as in most neighborhoods.
    When MDA began charging ridiculous fees to trnsport people to hospitals, Benzi took up the fight and they agreed to waive the fees but continued charging! This is when he bought the ambulances and began transporting himself.
    Today we have a Shabbos goy who drives the ambulance on Shabbos!
    Yeshar Koach to Benzi and all the dedicated RBS Hatzola!

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