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Almost 1,000 Terrorists for Shalit

giladn3.jpgResponding to a petition filed with the Supreme Court on Sunday in the hope of preventing the release of terrorists from prison in exchange for Gilad Shalit, the state explained its position, telling the Almagor organization representing bereaved parents the state may indeed release 450 terrorists in exchange for Shalit, as well as an additional 530 terrorists under the guise of a ‘good will gesture’, in phase two, totaling 980 in all.

The state explained the second stage release, the 530 terrorists, have not yet been selected and the criteria for this release is yet to be set.

When challenged as to the state’s use of the military censor to block the publication of details of the release, to permit the bereaved parents and the entire nation in essence to weigh the facts, the state explained that the foreign mediator has set the rules, and the details of the planned release mustn’t by published by either side to protect the integrity of the formulating prisoner release agreement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. The Israelis use the term terrorist very liberally. Many of those captured would have been mere accessories (e.g. knew someone in the neighborhood was involved in anti-Israel activities but didn’t turn them in). Also, the word “terrorism” should not include those who attack military targets – those people are, to use an American phrase, unlawful combatants. Given that most Arabs usually kills their prisoners (note that no is discussing POW-MIAs in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq), exchanging people for live prisoners may be a good policy as it would discourage the Arabs from murdering prisoners.

  2. This just proves that ONE Israeli/Jew is worth MORE than a thousand arabs/muslims. It’s just a shame that we have to release terrorists so they can Chas V’shalom do their “work”. But anyway, I hope Gilad Shalit will be home to celebrate Chanukah. We must all daven for him.

  3. #2 I couldn’t agree with you more. We believe saving one life is saving a whole world,they believe the value of one life is the value of maybe one suicide bomber,but they have plenty of those,so they don’t care about their fellow arabs in prison. For 1000 prisoners then maybe they would do an exchange.

  4. Shalit is definitely worth 1000 terrorists but they should be dead terrorists. I’d much prefer to see the IDF go in with force to free him while taking out 1000 terrorists THATS A WORTHWHILE EXCHANGE!!!
    Don’t forget that having Rachmonus on the Arabs is seen as a weakness in their eyes not only don’t they appreciate it, it actually causes them to be more agressive.

  5. this is a שאלה of דיני נפשות a question for gedolim not ציוניםas r eliyshav said lets daven simply for his release ה הכל יכול תאמין בו לא במדינת מינים

  6. If this exchange does go through we are davening that a live, healthy, well in mind, body and soul Gilad will be returned home. there is still major doubts that the above will occur.

  7. yswo, I couldn’t agree with you more. I wish akuperma and all the rest of the people who blog on as akuperma found another website and left us alone. I still remember akuperma how you gave a whole long drasha as to the lomdus of why Dabbah Almontaser’s lawsuit had nothing to do with ideology missing the point of the T-shirts that were in the midst of production, NYC Intifada, chas v’shalom.

    Could you find another website and stop insulting us with what you consider brilliance? It is absolutely tasteless, demeaning, and is only pandering to the people who fund your local A.C.O.R.N. office!

  8. Wow Flatbush Bubby whats with the hating?? It appears that akuperma wasn’t condoning their actions, but more like defining the term terrorist different. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, yes, even if they are wrong.

  9. Before they release these criminals they should implant some kind of marker within their bodies that would track them on GPS forever.

  10. so #10 you agree with the statement one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist? Maybe al qaeda hamas and hezzbollah are freedom fighters in your eyes

  11. the moderator should not be posting comments justifying terrorism here. This is a frum site. If I want to read about the legitimacy of killing Jews we can go to huffington post or hamas’s website, yeshivaworld is not the forum for these disgusting remarks.

  12. yswo take it easy. When did I say anything like that? Did I deny these people are despicable (not even human) beings? Listen, if I said H*tler wasn’t a terrorist does that make any difference?

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