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Police Recommend Indictment Against Mayor Gutterman

Police investigators have recommended to the state prosecutor to move ahead with a criminal indictment against Modi’in Illit Mayor R’ Yaakov Gutterman and his deputy, Gideon HaCohen, alleging the two threatened candidates in the scheduled 2008 mayoral race resulting in the cancelation of the race when opponents dropped out.

According to police, Gutterman used unacceptable and illegal tactics to compel opponents to drop out of the mayoral race, resulting in the election being canceled. While police announce they have gathered sufficient evidence to move ahead with a criminal indictment, ultimately, the final decision rests in the hands of the state prosecutor, but the police recommendation weighs in heavily in the decision-making process.

One should remember that R’ Gutterman was selected by Gedolei HaDor Shlita, who favored possibly reaching mutual agreement for his appointment since they realized an election would result in bitul torah and loshon hora.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The Mara Deasra of Modiin Illit with the Rabbonim of the town arranged that theie be should be no voting to avoid unnecessary machloikes and trouble in town between the parties.

    Talmidei Chachomim Marbim SHOLOM Beoilom!!!!!

  2. It is OK to use thug tactics and threats to avoid Lashon Harah and Bittul Torah? How’s that working out now? I guess this guy is about to get all the time he needs to “sit” and learn.

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