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More Audio & Video On SS Rachel Corrie

The following statement was released by the Office of the IDF Spokesman following the arrival of the SS Rachel Corrie, the 7th flotilla vessel seeking to break the Gaza embargo.

IDF naval commandos boarded the ship attempting to break the maritime closure of the Gaza Strip with the full compliance of the ship’s crew members. According to initial reports, there was no violence or injuries amongst the soldiers or the crew, as the use of force was unnecessary and no shots were fired.

Shortly before 18:30, the ship docked at the Israeli port of Ashdod, after attempting to break the maritime closure of the Gaza Strip.

Nineteen people were onboard the boat, including eight crew members, all of whom will be transferred to the custody of the appropriate authorities in the Interior Ministry. The cargo found onboard will be transferred to the Gaza Strip following security inspection.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson:

Over the past few days, the State of Israel repeatedly called to the activists aboard the “Rachel Corrie” vessel, offering that they land at the port of Ashdod, where their cargo will be off-loaded, checked, and transferred to the crossing point into Gaza – accompanied by representatives of the activists and the Government of Ireland.

This offer was formulated in contacts between the Governments of Israel and Ireland. Unfortunately, the activists rejected this offer, and consequently, the Israeli Navy boarded the ship with full compliance of the ship’s crew members, and redirected it to Ashdod port.

The operation was carried out in a peaceful manner, without incident, as was the case with five of the six vessels of the previous flotilla.

The cargo of the “Rachel Corrie” will be off-loaded in Ashdod. The activists on board the vessel will be processed by Israeli immigration authorities and will be flown to their countries of origin as soon as possible.

During the morning hours a naval force identified the ship and, as it did in the past, issued numerous calls for it to dock in Ashdod and transfer the goods via the crossings upon inspection. The calls were ignored and it became clear that the boat intended to reach Gaza’s shores. The Israel Navy contacted the boat and clarified again that the Gaza Strip was under maritime closure and due to security risks in the area, it would not be permitted to enter.

With the compliance of the crew members, the naval force boarded the ship without incident under the command of the Commander of the Israel Navy, Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom, directed it to the Ashdod port.

Any organization or country wishing to transfer humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip can do so legally via the established ground crossings by coordinating with the relevant authorities, as is done on a near daily basis.

The closure of the Gaza Strip prevents the smuggling of arms to the Hamas terror organization and ensures the security of vessels traveling in the area.

It should be noted that Hamas has refused to allow any of the aid carried by the other six flotilla ships into the Gaza Strip thus far. Five days have passed since trucks were loaded with cargo and were ready to enter Gaza.

The rules of warfare allow the capturing of naval vessels prior to their actual violation of a naval blockade. This is dependent on the vessels being on their way to a blockaded area, being outside the territorial waters of neutral states and when there is a substantial likelihood (based on credible evidence) that the vessels intend to violate the blockade.

Declarations by the flotilla’s organizers and their reactions to the messages that were transmitted to them during their approach clearly show that they had intended to break the naval blockade, thus allowing for the steps taken by IDF forces.

Earlier on Saturday, the Israel Navy conveyed the following message to the 7th flotilla ship via radio transmission:

“This is the Israeli Navy. You are approaching an area of hostilities which is under a naval blockade. The Gaza area, coastal region and Gaza harbor are closed to all maritime traffic. The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip and invites you to enter the Ashdod port. Delivery of the supplies in accordance with the authorities’ regulations will be done via the formal land crossings and under your observation, after which you can return to your home ports aboard the vessels on which you arrived.”

The ship organizers chose to ignore the invitation to dock at the Ashdod port where the cargo could be unloaded and transferred to the Gaza Strip upon inspection.

As of 12:00, 5 June 2010, the Linda (original name of the ship which was renamed the Rachel Corrie) had refused four requests by the Israeli Navy to dock at Ashdod Port where they could unload their aid materials and after a security inspection all goods would be transferred to Gaza via the land crossings.


In this audio recording of the radio transmission between the Israeli Navy and the 7th flotilla ship, the Rachel Corrie, the Israeli Navy offers to transfer all humanitarian supplies on board to Gaza through land crossings in coordination with a third party (including a number of independent aid organizations), so that the navy would not have to board the ship.

Additionally, the Israeli Navy offers that if the ship redirects to dock at Ashdod Port, the cement on board will be transferred into Gaza in coordination with an aid organization to ensure that it is used for civilian purposes.



Aerial footage from 5 June 2010 when the IDF naval commandos boarding the ship attempting to break the maritime closure of Gaza, they did so with the full compliance of the ship’s crew members. According to initial reports, there was no violence or injuries amongst the soldiers or the crew, as the use of force was unnecessary and no shots were fired.

The boat and its crew are being led to the Ashdod port and will be transferred to the custody of the appropriate authorities.

During the morning hours a naval force identified the ship and, as it did in the past, issued numerous calls for it to dock in Ashdod and transfer the goods via the crossings upon inspection. The calls were ignored and it became clear that the boat intended to reach Gaza’s shores. The Israel Navy contacted the boat and clarified again that Gaza was under maritime closure and due to security risks in the area, it would not be permitted to enter.

A short while ago, with the compliance of the crew members, the naval force boarded the ship without incident under the command of the Commander of the Israel Navy Admiral Eliezer Marom, and is now directing it to the Ashdod port.

Any organization or country wishing to transfer humanitarian aid to Gaza can do so legally via the established ground crossings by coordinating with the relevant authorities, as is done on a near daily basis.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. So why did the boat choose Shabbos Kodesh to come to Gaza and cause Chilul Shabbos by soldiers, personnel and others to stop and contain the activity.

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