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Large number of Israelis see state disappearing

israeli flag.jpgAccording to a poll published in the Yediot Achronot today, 47 percent of Israelis say they are concerned that in the year of 2048 (which would mark 100 years since the creation of the State of Israel) there will be no Israel. 53 percent, said they were not concerned. When they were asked what most threatened Israel’s existence, 32 percent said natural disaster, 26 percent said the Iranian nuclear program, 20 percent said a potential civil war and 17 percent said the prospect of being defeated by the Arabs militarily.

17 Responses

  1. The Chazon Ish said: Meshiach will be here when the Medina will not exist.
    So let’s hope it doesn’t take 100 years.

  2. The Torah and the Nevi’im told us this a long time ago. What’s the difference who politically runs whatever country is there,Eretz Yisroel will always be governed by H.K.B.H. amd not by man-made- rules. We cannot escape from Hashem’s plan.However,we must daven for the safety of ALL Jews,wherever they may be or who ever they may be.

  3. Thanx Y.W editor 4 giving a place 4 all those who disagree w that other newspiece about yom hazikaron, to air their disagreeing view…

  4. no one was concerned about the exploding arab citizen birthrate, and the diminishing Yiddish birthrate (one major factor due to the millions of Yiddish unborn martyrs)?

  5. 32% said a natural disaster, what is that? earthquake (like in sefas), tidal wave, tornado, gas explosion. Large amount of people waiting for an act of gd. Interesting, the smallest % is concerned about war with Arabs.

  6. I am very concerned with these numbers. As a Jew of Sephardic heritage I am keenly aware of what it means to be “outside the fold”. May Hashem help us all.

  7. G-d is our King,
    We are his servants

    The holy Torah is our Law
    We are loyal to it.
    We do not recognize the Heretic Zionist Regime
    Its laws do not apply to us

    We walk in the ways of the Torah
    In fire and water
    We walk in the ways of the Torah
    To Sanctify the Name of Heaven

    HaTzadik R’ Amram Blau

  8. re: G-d is our King,
    We are his servants

    The holy Torah is our Law
    We are loyal to it.
    We do not recognize the Heretic Zionist Regime
    Its laws do not apply to us

    HaTzadik R’ Amram Blau


    With all due respect to Rabbi Blau, if you choose to live in Eretz Yisrael, Israel is the malchus you live in, so, presumably, Dina diMalchusa Dina applies to you. If you abhor Zionism so much, maybe don’t live under their rule.

    If you don’t live there, of course you have no obligation nor reason to follow or even take notice of their holidays any more than they should celebrate July 4th.

    May we all be zoche to see Moshiach Tzidkeinu and to the geula shileima Bimheira ViYameinu, Amein.

  9. HaKatan, Yidden have been living there from before the oppressive zionist regime came to power. So they are under no obligation to move out OR conform with or recognize the zionist entity.

  10. Qodush Says:

    April 23rd, 2007 at 10:40 pm
    HaKatan, Yidden have been living there from before the oppressive zionist regime came to power. So they are under no obligation to move out OR conform with or recognize the zionist entity.

    That’s interesting. Do you mean to say that people can not be conquered? You must have spent your entire life in America on an Indian reservation. Elsewhere in the world, going back to the beginning of time, citizens of a country are obligated to its rulers. When power changes hands, so do the residents. Democracy introduced the ability to disagree with those in power, but not to form an autonomous enitity within their eminent domain (see Abraham Lincoln on the decision by the South to seceed)

  11. zzzz
    not two different entities, when you ride the buses, go to the chupat cholim, get your garbage picked up, go to daven at the kosel, receive betuach leumi, vote in elections, receive property tax exemptions, shop at malls, etc. etc. etc.

  12. 32% said natural disaster…. What do they think is going to happen? Is this what they see on TV news in Israel? I think it is really bizzare. I’ll bet there is a psycological disorder going on here on massive scale.

  13. …unless the 32% are reading the nevi’im like the haftoros about milchemes Gog uMagog.. That does sound more like natural disaster than war.

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