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Eretz Yisroel: Two missing & feared dead R”L

tehillim new1.jpgThe Rosh HaAyin Police & the ZAKA organization are asking for the public’s assistance in locating a missing Yeshiva Bochur answering to the name of David Yitzchak, who went missing this afternoon. He was last seen on the beach in Ashkelon and police fear he may be dead. Height: 170 cm, Long payos, wearing a backpack. Anyone who has seen someone that fits this description is asked to call the ‘Moked’ (municipal switchboard) at 100 to reach the police, or dial 1220 to reach the emergency switchboard of the ZAKA organization.

missing assaf.jpgIn addition, Volunteers and police are continuing to search for 20 year old Assaf Shlosh – who is reported to be an IDF soldier – and a resident of the Samaria community of Ariel, who went missing and is feared dead as well. Height: 175 cm, brown eyes, wearing glasses. He was last seen in the center of Ariel. Anyone who has seen a young man fitting this description is urged to call the Ariel police at 03-906-5555.


3 Responses

  1. Anyone reading this, please immediately say some Tehillim (and give some Tzedoko?). May we hear besuros Tovos soon

  2. Thank you abeshapiro for that wonderful news. Indeed it says so on . May we hear further besuros tovos about the other missing young man too

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