‘Moishi’ To Light Israeli Independence Day Torch

Moishe (“Moishi”) Holtzberg, the four-year-old boy who lost his parents in the 2008 terror attack on the Chabad House in Mumbai, is expected to light a torch together with his grandfather Shimon Rosenberg at the opening ceremony of Israel’s 63rd Independence Day festivities.

Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that the two were selected several days by a public committee appointed to choose the torch lighters. The committee recently approached Rosenberg, who adopted his grandson after Moishi’s parents – Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg – were killed in the Mumbai attack – and informed him of its decision.

An official announcement is expected to be made in the coming days, after the selection will be approved by the Ministerial Committee for Symbols and Ceremonies headed by Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov.


8 Responses

  1. How far “lubavitch” has denigrated from the anti-nationalism of the RASHA”B & MARYA”TZ ZK”L. This is supposed to be Lzichron Kedoshim of his parents in Mumbai. What a travesty!!! Neo-Chabad with their moshichism and pro-zionism is descending to a new low. The holy Baal Hatanyah & Tzemach Tzedek must be turning over in their graves.

  2. Crazy. How can such a child grow up to be normal if they keep making him a hero. Let him live like a normal child. He doesn’t need all this publicity.

    Let him live in peace.

  3. Yoin, perhaps this may seem like a chillul hashem to you from your comfortable home in boro park, but i can tell you, as one living in israel, that seeing this boy light that torch on independence day will be a wonderful reminder to the world that the jews will always survive, will never back down from their enemies, and will continue to be a safe haven for jews throughout the world. if you want to criticize israel, please have the decency to do it from here, not from brooklyn, where the existence of the state of israel means nothing to you.

  4. As much as most of us are not happy with this, keep in mind the family has to show some Hakoras Hatov to the M’dina. I would bet if they had their druthers they would shy away from this sort of attention.

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