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5 Brooklyn Rabbonim Show Support Erick Salgado’s Campaign for Mayor

salgadoSeveral of Brooklyn’s leading rabbonim came together Thursday evening to show their support for Erick Salgado, a candidate in the Democratic Primary. The theme that flowed through the Rabbis’ talks was that Salgado was the only candidate in the Democratic Primary who will protect the values that the orthodox Jewish community hold dear.

Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Nelkenbaum, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir told the gathering, “I’m excited for Mr. Salgado’s candidacy due to the fact that he’s dedicated and committed to safeguard our freedom to observe our religious practices and Torah values. In recent times, there were attempts to outlaw certain mitzvahs of the Torah…there were attempts to forbid them from using Mayim Shelanu (overnight well water) for the Matzohs, Metzitza B’Peh, even circumcision itself. There were attempts in various states to outlaw it. The Gemara says (Shabbos 54B) kol m’e sheyesh beyado lemchos, ve’ano moche, nitfas be’oso avon (if someone has it in his power to protest and prevent someone from doing a transgression and he doesn’t, he’s also punished for that transgression because he’s allowing it to happen and that way he’s aiding). So we have the ability to put someone in office who will hopefully be able to stem the tide and maybe even reverse it. That goes into the category of kol m’e sheyesh beyado lemchos…and therefore it’s incumbent on everyone to see that it happens (elect Salgado Mayor).

Rabbi Nekelbaum concluded his talk by addressing those who thought that Salgado was a long shot by pointing out that God runs the world and that both Bob Turner and David Storobin were also long shots.

Rabbi Auziel Admony, of B’nai Yosef, highlighted the importance of Salgado’s campaign for the orthodox Jewish community stating, “This is not considered a political event. It’s a religion issue. It’s a religious obligation to be here tonight and support the campaign of Mr. Salgado.”

Rabbi Beni Rachmanov, a student of Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim and a leader in the Queens Bukharan community, also highlighted how important it was for the orthodox Jewish community to actively support Salgado.

Rabbi Romi Cohen, a mohel, expressed his concerns about City government interfering with religious practice, telling the gathering that he was a Holocaust survivor who fought with the partisans and came to this country because of our First Amendment ̶ freedom of religion. Now he is seeing what Mayor Bloomberg is doing to hinder the practice of orthodox Judaism.
Also addressing the gathering were State Senator Ruben Diaz, who has endorsed Salgado’s candidacy, and who brought an Hispanic delegation from the Bronx; and Gregory Davidzon, a leader in the Russian community.

Senator Diaz, the only Democrat in the State Senate who voted against same gender marriage, said that voting for Salgado will send a message to the Democratic Party not to ignore the religious vote.

Salgado, whose campaign has been gaining momentum, told the Rabbis, “Your support is a significant boost to my campaign, but equally important it is strengthening the coalition that I am building that will protect traditional family values in this City. New York City needs a Mayor who understands that these values must be protected.

“They can say you have no chance, you have no money, you have no name recognition, you can add to the list, but still, if I have the children of God with me I’m going to achieve the victory,” Salgado added.

The Rabbonim all made contributions to Salgado’s campaign, with Rabbi Admony presenting a check to Salgado at the conclusion of his talk. For some of the Rabbis, it marked the first time they made a political contribution.

Rabbi Nelkenbaum had previously signed a letter with seven other prominent rabbis stating it was a Mitzva Chiyuyes, a religious obligation, to support Salgado in his campaign for Mayor. The letter further defined the religious obligation to include “volunteering and donating as you would to any other charity organization.”

“I am honored by the Rabbis’ strong support and thank them on behalf of all New Yorkers who are concerned about protecting traditional family values. We have a tough fight ahead of us, but I am confident that together we will be victorious,” Salgado stated.

Salgado told Thursday night’s gathering that, “I will be Mayor for all the people. My administration will not interfere with religion; rather I will look to religious organizations to partner with the City to provide needed services for the residents of New York City.”

Salgado, the married father of six, is the only conservative in the Democratic Primary.

(Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. This is mamesh a no brainer. How can any Ben Torah, not vote for Erick?! Every other candidate is either a pervert themselves or strongly supports the militant homosexual movement! And that includes the lame “Republicans” who are running as well! Let’s bring “some” sense of decency/Kvod Shomayim back to New York City! We did it for Bob Turner & David Storobin. We CAN & Will, do it for Erick Salgado!
    Shame on those “Frum” lol “PR” groups who have latched on to the open Muscheses, Quinn! I’m sure your Father (whose Lag BeOmer video is shown below) is shepping such Nachas from you!

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