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Israel: Disruptions in Cellular Service on Monday Morning [UPDATE 12:57PM IL]

There are reports of disruptions in cellular telephone service in a number of areas on Monday morning to subscribers of Orange, Pelephone and MIRS. A reason for the interruption in service is not being reported.

In another matter, which may or may not be related, the Likud computer network for the primary elections in the Jerusalem Convention Center crashed on Monday morning. While this is not certain at this time, the system does appear to have some connection to the Pelephone Company.

UPDATE:The outage of cellular and some Internet services was attributed to a Mekorot Water Company tractor driver damaging a fiber optic cable in the Bet Shemesh area. The disruptions of service were repaired in a number of hours. Service outages also resulted in a late start in the voting in the Likud primaries in Bet Shemesh and other areas in the extended Jerusalem service perimeter. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The problem this morning was with Bezek,
    The Bezeq company says it has managed to fix the damaged communications lines in the Jerusalem area, which were accidentally torn by a tractor Monday morning.
    This caused internet service to be down and also noise on telephone lines extending all the way into Gush Etzion

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