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Wisconsin: Jew outraged after having to vote in Church

In Wisconsin, a Jewish man whose polling place was at a Catholic church said he was disturbed to see a crucifix hanging over a ballot box. Dr. Zeev Bar-Av, 65 said, “If there is a place where church and state should be separated, the polling place should be it.”

Wisconsin Elections Board executive director Kevin Kennedy said the state and municipalities struggle to come up with adequate polling places, and churches have plenty of parking. He adds that polling places don’t have to be redecorated to protect voters from feeling uncomfortable, and voters who are bothered can always vote absentee.


4 Responses

  1. I’m usually against these attacks about “separation of church and state” (they just want to force atheism on America), but not this time.
    The guy is absolutely right, “If there is a place where church and state should be separated, the polling place should be it.”

  2. If he would have woken up a bit earlier, it might have helped. As reported here in Yeshiva World,, in Cleveland Heights, OH the polling location was changed from a public school to a church. After receiving dozens of calls from concerned residents and meeting with community activists (and making waves in the local media, of course) the Board of Elections made the decision to find an alternate location.

  3. esg 78 I’m just thinking exactly the same. I don’t like when us yidden act as if everything belongs to us. This time it’s outrageous!!

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