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Manchester: Shiva for mother of Dayan Westheim

Dayan Osher Westheim of Manchester is sitting shiva for his mother (starting this past Sunday morning December 31) at 15 Broom Lane, Salford M7 4EQ. Tel 0161 792 4939 Fax 0161 792 5124.

2 Responses

  1. It is worth mentioning that Dayan Westheim’s parents were remarkable people. His father learned in the kollel in Gateshead but went, as a very young man to Paris, where he served as a Rav and Posek. Peopl said that in Paris he conducted himself with the same sidrei halimmud as youngermann in kollel and adhered to the highest standards of Torah, even learning a mussar seder every day. His wife supported him in all of this (if I am not mistaken there are teshuvos to him in Minchas Yitzchok which demonstrate the level of zehirus in their home), and deserves a great deal of credit for making their home a bastion of Torah and yiras shomayim in a very non-religious environment.

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