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Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/22/07

Rav Eli Ber Wachtfogel Shlita spoke at an asifa for the shloshim of Rebbetzin Wachtfogel this afternoon in Lake Terrace for all the girls high schools of Lakewood – The Asifa was arranged by and addressed by Rabbi Shmuel Mayer (Menahel of Bais Kaila). Also speaking was Rav Yaakov Bender Shlita and Rebbetzin Lubart.

Rav Shloma Kadosh Shlita Mashgiach and Magid Shiur in Mesivta Kesser Torah is flying today to Eretz Yisroel to give Chizuk to all his Talmidim currently learning there.

Rav Levi Dicker Shlita R”Y of Bell Harbor is sitting Shiva for his brother at his home in Bell Harbor. The Levaya was this past Friday in Florida.

The Spinka Rebbe Shlita is currently in Waterbury Yeshiva and is giving a Shmooze and Divrei Chizuk to the Yeshiva.

Rav Akiva Roth Shlita RAM in Yeshiva Nachlas Yisroel will be making a Bris tomorrow morning in Lakewood.

Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita will be traveling to London this week to participate in the Chasunah of his Einikle, the son of his son Rav Yackov Yidi Solomon Shlita Mashgiach of Gateshead. The Kallah is the daughter of Rav Menachem Halpern Shlita Rosh Yeshiva & Rosh Kollel of Schneiders Kollel in London.

A big Sheva Brachos was held in Yeshivas Ohr Simcha of Englewood NJ for the daughter of Rav Don Blumberg Shlita Rosh Yeshiva of Englewood Yeshiva to Hachoson Daniel Schon.

Rav Avrohom Ausband Shlita R”Y Riverdale has sent six Bochrim to learn and be Michazek Yeshivas Me’on Hatorah of Roosevelt NJ. They will be there until Pesach.

Hagoen Rav Aron Leib Shteinman Shlita and Hagoen Rav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz Shlita have traveled to Bait Shemesh to attend an Asifa concerning Tznius.

Last evening was the Chasunah of a son of Rav Rephael Abuchatzeirah Shlita, a nephew of Rav Dovid Abuchatzeirah Shlita. Many Rabbonim from all over Eretz Yisroel traveled to Ashdod to attend the Chasunah.

One Response

  1. a correction , rabbi shmuel mayer is not menahel of bais kaila ,
    rabbi yisroel schenklewski is. rabbi shmeul mayer is the admistrator, encharge of tuitions. the asifa was arrainged by him but rabbi schenkelwski, our menahel spoke

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