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WATCH: Hannity: Koppel Interview Is Example Of ‘Edited Fake News’

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  1. yes i agree with everything hannity says in this video

    sadly “THE ENTIRE WORLD IS DISHONEST & CORRUPT” not just the media, YOU will also give just your side of the story & convince your psychological mind that you are right & everything you said is honest but behind the scenes you know that thats not true & you just feel that you need to protect your agenda (in this case all the corrupt medias that have an agenda mostly to support the democrats & show a hate of Trump) THIS IS WHAT WE CALL OUR YETZER HARA & its sad to be living in such a dishonest & corrupt generation where torah frum yidden can reach such a low level of dishonesty & corruption.

    The ENTIRE world was destroyed in the days of Noach because it was filled with corruption. none of us want it to happen again Chas V’shalom (Hashem never promised never to destroy the world again he just said it would never happen again by a flood)

    ask yourself now if you are ready to say the FULL STORY (of why you came late somewhere or why you charged a rich customer more then a regular customer etc…) YOU-with your evil inclination/Yetzer hara-will convince yourself that its because you were busy or because its not stealing to charge more cause you decide the price BUT THE HONEST & TRUE FULL STORY is that YOU know its because you were tired & lazy & therefore came late or had a desire for more money & so charged the rich customer more-which we all know is pure stealing & a chillul Hashem.

    bottom line: im ashamed to be living in such a dishonest & corrupt generation, where even frum yidden are so corrupt

    a frum psychologist

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