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Amona Eviction is Underway


7:29AM IL: While no one is being dragged out of their homes at present, Amona is surrounded by security forces and no one is permitted to enter. This has been the case since Tuesday evening the eve of 5 Shevat. There is an estimated 1,700 people in the community; about 1,500 youths and supporters and 200 residents.

Tires are burning in Amona and a group of teens can be seen throwing rocks at security forces. Security forces are standing by and not responding at this time.

Instructions to persons in Amona include remaining in buildings once the eviction begins and not to cooperate – passive non-violent resistance. Persons are expected to “make it as difficult as possible” and compel security forces to carry everyone to buses. Once on buses, to be carried off and then to block the area where they are dropped off”.

Prominent rabbonim shlita call on thousands to come and be a part of the battle, but state clearly no one has a right to lift a hand against another – calling for passive non-violent resistance only.

Events in Amona will be updated a needed throughout the day.

WhatsApp Image 2017-02-01 at 06.54.12

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. What a shame? Lesson of Gush Katif was not learned! Look what happen bed to Sharon and look at the disastrous results of Gaza . (Previously Gush Katif).

  2. This is truly a black day for Israel,when will the Knesset final get together and pass laws to completely change the makeup ,selection and powers of the Supreme Court?The Supreme Court is totally undemocratic and represents a very small minority of secular leftists in the population.It shouldn’t have the power to veto the laws it doesn’t like over that of democratically elected Knesset members and to decide unilaterally what political and social causes it wants.

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