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Tensions Mounting Between Toldos Aaron & the Eida

It is not just about what is good for the child or his parents some are already theorizing and tensions between Toldos Aaron and the Eida Chareidis continue to increase surrounding the toddler in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. As reported earlier by YWN, there appears to be much more to this case than the chareidi community just taking care of one of its own, as is beginning to unfold.

Another hearing is scheduled and if the mother is not released from house arrest as is hoped, there is already a dispute surrounding her future. The askanim and rabbonim remain divided, with the moderates calling for the mother to remain at the home of Rav Freilich, not wishing to push their luck with the court, while the more militant faction is calling to ‘go for broke’ and totally disregard the secular state and its judicial system. Both R’ Freilich and R’ Smeidal seem to count themselves among the militants while opposing them are the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita, Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and prominent chareidi askan and journalist Dudi Zilbershlag.

One suggestion for an alternative location is the home of HaRav Tuvia Blau Shlita, but this was rejected. It appears tensions began flaring with the introduction of R’ Smeidal into the picture, brought in by Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita. One of the ongoing dispute is the Eida, though R’ Smeidal, has hired the services of prominent attorney Yaakov Weinrot while the current attorneys, Reuven Bar-Chaim and David Halevy were hired by the Toldos Aaron Rebbe. Gavaad Weiss is expected to have the final say.

One victory for the Toldos Aaron Rebbe is the fact that the woman did meet with the psychiatrist, a move opposed by Gavaad Weiss too, but Toldos Aaron askanim apparently were able to persuade this to take place, thereby at least making a first step towards satisfying the agreement reached with the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court surrounding the suspect’s release from jail to house arrest.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. This seems to be the normal sort of discussion of people who are involved in litigation. Is their litigation strategy something that belongs in the press. It is hardly as horrible as your headline implies.

  2. i am confused – what happened to Dina d’malchus dina – why does this not apply here? What is the Eida’s, Toldos Aharon’s reasoning for thinking they don’t have to abide by the States’ laws (I am not asking them to agree with the laws)

  3. Who, pray tell, is looking out for the rights and best interest of the the accused mother? Clearly the Eida and Toldos Aaron look upon her as some sort of political asset. I assume that this woman is secularly uneducated and not savvy at all regarding litigation. But this case is very much about her. She has the right to make decisions about how her defense should be run. She has the right to choose her advisors and attorneys. Has anyone exaplained anything to her and sought her input? Or are the rights of the mother and the child of secondary importance to the rabbis and askanim? How will anyone ever know if the powers that be decide to sacrifice this woman and or her child in order to gain political yardage?

  4. onlygoodnews:
    The Torah supersedes dina dimalchusa dina. I am taking sides here but there are many questions to be answered (on behalf of the hospital).

  5. I heard that on Radio Kol Chai there was a story on Monday about a child treated in Hadassa 5 years ago who was going through surgery after surgery with no apparent purpose. The father suspected that the doctors were experimenting on the child and decided to transfer the child to Michelov Hospital. As soon as Hadassah realized they’re in hot water, they accused the father of attempting to kill his child. The matter came to court and the man was aquitted. The child was transfered to Michelov and fully recovered.

    The difference between that case and this one? The man was irreligious.

    Being closely involved with this case, I’d like to share some tidbits.

    Yocheved (grandmom) goes to the hospital every day and she says they treat Chaim like a prince. He wears a nice suit instead of hospital pajamas, he’s showered with toys and gifts, stuffed with food… the works. Methinks they do protest too much.

    A while back Yenty (mom) had been to a big doctor who told her, when he heard the name of the chemo Chaim is given, “I wouldn’t give such a strong drug to a child so young.”
    That’s when she realized her child is being used by Hadassah as a human guinea pig. Once the doctors realized she was up to their scheme, they turned around and pounced on her with this despicably false accusation. She was doing a regular procedure to clean the device, which the doctors cleverly made to look like she was trying to kill her own child.

    A similar story happened a few years ago with the Valles child, who was left to die because of hospital negligence, and in order to escape accusation, the hospital accused the father of negligence. The case is still pending in Bagatz. One of Valles’ askanim predicted a while ago that one of these days a frum parent will be charged with child murder, so as to influence Bagatz’s verdict. “Chacham adif minavi”.

    It seems to me Israeli kids, especially frum ones, are hefker as training material for Hadassah’s medical students. If caught, the hospital can always go on the offensive. After all they’re only charedim, about whom everybody, including religious groups, are ready, willing and able to believe anything.

    And what about Yenty’s inhumanly cruel treatment in jail? In her fifth month of pregnancy she slept on concrete and suffered unspeakable abuse at the hands of her jailers. She was kept in a cell with an Arab woman who murdered her husband and threatened to murder her too. If Yenty (who is BTW an intelligent and wonderful woman) is indeed crazy, is this the way to treat a mentally ill nebach?

  6. No , not naively. There is something in the gut here that people seem to assume corruptionand self interest. Hey, fellas I would like to introduce you to abunch of altruistic people. There really is love at there.

    PS Everyone please read #7. Some of this that he mentions I remember too.

  7. #2 you asked ” what happened to Dina d’malchus dina – why does this not apply here? What is the Eida’s, Toldos Aharon’s reasoning for thinking they don’t have to abide by the States’ laws (I am not asking them to agree with the laws) ”

    Obviously you are very confused!
    They and many other thousands of Jews including BRISK and many other don”t recognize the STATE OF ISRAEL since according to many shitas[see divrei Yoel] it is assur to make a state before moshiach comes

  8. The Eidah and Toldos Aharon both have the best interests of mom and kid at heart. There was only difference in opinion over the best strategy to achieve the same result: freeing the mother, transfering the child for his safety, and preventing such blood libels in the future. Yesterday the Toldos Aharon rebbe, R’ Duvid Cohen, instructed his men to work only in accordance with Ravs Weiss, Freulich and Shmidel, whose experience and wisdom he trusts completely.

  9. I will simply quote Aaron Klein, Bureau Chief of World Net Daily:

    The level of anti-Semitism (read anti-Hareidism)in Israel is much greater than that of Europe, and Europe is pretty bad.

  10. Dina dmalchusa doesn’t apply in eretz yisrael according to many poskim. (Based on a Ran in Nedarim)
    Also, the eidah being the continuation of the yishuvh hayashan feel that they had been in eretz yisrael before the zionists and no one gave them the right to represent all of klal yirael. It’s a mantle they forcefully took on themselves. They therefore don’t feel that there is any legitimacy to the government’s decisions. It is a struggle that started before 1948 and continues till this very day. Last weeks “battle” was the latest fight in this ongoing war.

  11. TO # 2
    Dina D’MALCHUSA Dina, refers to the laws of a government of NON-jews who have the right to make & enforce laws based on the 7 mitsvos of bnei noach. and so any jew living under such conditions should apply himself to those laws .

    But what gives a JEW the right to enforce any law which is not a torah law [or different than the torah law i.e. halacha] upon another jew?!?!?!!!
    get it? ask ur rav. v’dai limeivin!

  12. Aaron Klein spoke about this case on Kol Haolam. He had an interview with a father whose child is also in the oncology unit of Hadassah. The man testified that Yenty is a very intelligent woman who’s been helpful and encouraging to his family. He said the child is now being stuffed with food and swollen. He said he’s very worried about him. Aaron said he studied medicine and he suspects the doctors are giving him hormones so he’ll gain weight fast (in order to prove that Yenty starved him – under their noses, that is).

  13. #11, just because they don’t recognize the state does not give them the right to pick and choose which state laws (if any) they want to follow. Can someone who does not recognize the state decide to drive on the left side of the road because that suits him? What kind of thinking is this?

  14. Nobody is addressing the REAL issue.
    She was deemed NORMAL so that they can arrest her with all the charges against her and to have to stand trial by the ZIONIM> Either way she will lose!! Something drasticlly has to be done!!

    and just like in America a chusid cannot get a fair trial and is always advised to plead guilty instead of going before a jury that will defintely convict and the jail sentence will be much longer than if he pleads guilty.

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