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  • in reply to: Kiruv Rechokim #807873

    I don’t have any experience in kiruv but I definitly encourage you to at least have a short discussion with her. Sorry I cant offer any tips. Don’t shy from getting advice either if needed.

    Chazak V’Emotz!!

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810306

    mytake: Anyone read the Binah last week? (or maybe it was the Family First..?) Anyway, there was an article in it about this.

    No, I did not read it. Was there an explanation from a Mechanechess? I’d like to understand their mehalech from their perspective

    in reply to: Pass a Smile Day #983282

    great idea. Truth be told I’m not a smiley type of guy but I’ll give it a shot for just this one day because I know how important it is, and the potential positive effect it can have on others.

    in reply to: Does anyone care? Are we so stupid? #785930

    my initial reaction to this post was “Oooh nooo, another poster having a freak attack, and screaming for all jews to do teshuva and to change. Very nice, now let me crawl back into my comfortable chair here and surf the net for something more interesting and entertaining”

    ….Wait a minute….Move over Yeitzer Hara!!

    WIY- You are on the ball, and are SOOO completely correct!!! Although it is not Elul yet and the theme of teshuva is not even close to the front of my mind, there are very bold and clear messages from Above that the status quo is very not well. Last thing we need to hear is R”L of tragedies in the catskills or anywhere, from car accidents, to missing kids, to whatever. All us men must learn more torah now in the summer. We lost 3 Torah Giants. YIDDEN,We need protection. And nothing protects and sends yeshuos as the power of TORAH! There is not enough torah learning in the summer. I will B”N will try to increase my learning. May we hear only good news and yeshuos.

    Thank you WIY for the vrtual wake up call.

    in reply to: The Drunk Thread #800016

    Didn’t know where to post this so I’ll just post here…

    (Heard from a drunk yid who laughed so hard at his own jokes he literally fell off his chair backwards – gotta love shikkur yidden!!)

    Q. What brocho did Haman say before he died?

    A. Al Ho’eitz

    Hope you all enjoyed Purim!!!

    in reply to: Socks. #746340

    once saw a cartoon of a beautiful sunny resort island that was inhabited by socks who were sunbathing on a beach. The line was “Where all your single socks disappear to” 🙂

    in reply to: Flowers for Shabbos #746532

    Every Erev Yom Tov, our Anniversary and for my wife’s birthday. Never for Shabbos though.

    in reply to: Small i #747186

    In all seriusnes i think peopl r just plain doing these out of lazines, its not lik its so difcult to writ a word with all the letersssss….zzzzzzzz

    in reply to: Small i #747184


    in reply to: Small i #747182

    is that a question or statement

    in reply to: Small i #747180


    what do you mean

    in reply to: Small i #747176

    totally out of my humility!! My yetzer hara tells me it’s incorrect spelling but i won’t give in…


    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102535

    LOL that was funny!!

    in reply to: PURIM TORAH!!!! #1062383

    mbacher- you’re absolutly right, but you can’t be too serious. Enlighten us with a Purim torah, I know u got one up your sleeve…lol

    in reply to: The Funniest Purim Costume #999729

    Off topic

    I recall a story I heard once about R’ Yonoson Eibeshitz ZT”L. When he was a little boy he was what we can call a “quite lively” kid. One day he came home from cheder, went straight for the kitchen cabinets, took out a pot and a wooden spoon, and started drumming away like there was no tomorrow. His mother asked him to please stop but he answered ” my rebbi said Mishnichnas Adar Marbim Besimchas’ so I’m being besimcha, and kept on banging away!

    Nothing his mother or other family members could say to make him stop. Finally his father came home and to everyone’s delight little Yonoson put down his wooden spoon. His mother complained to his father about the noisy afternoon they all experienced and Yonoson’s explanation. He approached his son and asked him why did he stop his drumming so suddenly?? So he answered sharply, “my rebbi also taught us “Mishenichnas ‘AV’ (father) mema’atim besimchah!!”



    “Even if something goes wrong, don’t give up.”

    This is soooo true. I messed up by shifting into Drive instead of Reverse in the very first minute of my test. The rest of my drive was flawless but I thought I for sure failed bec of that first error. Nevertheless I passed.

    Also, wear comfortable shoes, neat clean clothes, and be polite.

    in reply to: The Funniest Purim Costume #999727

    A family dressed up as skunks last year with a sign “Mishenichnas ‘ODOR’ marbim besimchah. lol.

    in reply to: PURIM TORAH!!!! #1062380

    Hey, can we revive this thread? Purim is coming and we all need to stock up on Purim Torah!! Anyone have a geshmakeh vertel??

    I heard this one from my rebbi years ago:

    Question: Why is Purim called “Purim” in plural, if there was only ONE lottery it should be called “Pur”??!

    Answer: On Purim there is a mitzvah to give Matonos Loevyonim to TWO Pur people 😉

    Let’s go guys, get out your Best (and corniest?) Purim Torah and please share them with us.

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102527

    Matonos LoEvyoinim

    in reply to: Purim Katan #745974

    “I guess you would also have to get “a little” drunk”

    where does one get a drunk midget?

    In a Mini Bar.



    What will be the Hebrew date of the shloshim?

    The date will be posted – YW-Moderator


    Will be happy to learn Pe’ah L’Iluyei Nishmasom.

    We need Achdus in Klal Yisroel….what a beautiful way to unite us all, to learn Mishnayos for nishamos of Yidden who went through that Gehinnom, H”YD. May this achdus continue and IY”H usher in the Moshiach speedily.

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