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  • in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005843
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- you are seriously making me doubt your objective halachic approach now that you are aware of the above info.

    Furthermore, the STATE OF ISRAEL “the medina”- although started by many tinok shenishba jews (who were zionists with wrong hahskafos) and some charedim who were li’shem shamayim- DOES NOT EQUAL ZIONISM. ZIONISM IS A BELEIF SYSTEM WHICH IS WRONG ACCORDING TO ALL. THE STATE IN AND OF ITSELF IS NOT A VIOLATION OF OATHS ACCORDING TO ALL – RATHER TO SOME IT WAS- AND MOST IT WAS NOT.

    I specifically asked Hagaon R’ Elya Weintraub of Bnei Brak, ( one of the Gedolei Hador who was against zionsim) if it was muttar to make a state -to which the Rav replied the Satmar Rav held it was a problem and Rav Moshe did not. The question was not would the state be created because of the BD of Klal Yisrael’s decision – rather it was whether or not it was muttar to make a state. Hakatan please don’t make things up about stories you know nothing about – you are simply embarrassing yourself.

    Either way, The Moetzes (BD of Klal Yisrael) voted in favor of a state just without accepting smaller EY borders and that we should make state frum. They could not have voted this way if the 3 oaths would be violated, The whole discussion was in reference to the Permission given by the British – who ultimately gave their reshus to the majority UN vote.

    The arabs have nothing to do with it — it was not their land it was the british’s land. They( the british) abstained so as to appear not to take sides, but from a pure legal and halacik perspective left the decision to the UN in the first place – so when the UN voted in favor- the British are to be considered as voting in favor.

    You write :”Contrary to your wishes, there simply is no “eilu viEilu” by Zionism and the State of Israel. “

    My response to you – is of course there is NO eilu vieliu by zionsim – it is wrong for all. The state- to be formed without violating oaths was ,however, eilu vieilu -but majority paskened not to assur.

    Lastly , as per haba lihargacha and vi’chai bahem – it was pikuach nefesh not to make a state- because otherwise – the arabs would have tried to kill us all anyways – for example the Mufti of Jerusalem worked with hitler himself. So you see we would have lost lives regardless of what happened – at least this way al pi teva we would have a fighting chance to survive and constituted a milchemes mitzvah defensive battle.


    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005834
    Just Emes

    hakatan- you missed the whole point- according to the Boyaner Rebbe, Sadigur Rebbe, , Rabbi [Aharon] Lewin of Reisha [the head of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah], Rabbi Sorotzkin,Rabbi Tzirelson, the president of the congress, and majority of knessia members it is possible to agree, according to the laws of the Torah, to the establishment of a Jewish State in a portion of the Eretz Yisael without denying the belief in the coming of redeemer. This means there is no problem of 3 oaths etc..

    Furthermore, the state of Israel “the medina”- although started by many tinok shenishba jews (who were zionists)- DOES NOT EQUAL ZIONISM. Zionism is a belief system. The state in and of itself is not. The state IS a democratic and principally neutral state that can by majority rule be run by the frum or non frum – but in itself is neither. In the future, it is predicted that the charedim will be majority -and for those who held state was not problem, but we should make it religious- this will fulfill all their optimal conditions – either way- now – it has not transgressed the oaths. Plus Rav Moshe also held it was not a problem. While it may be eilu vieilu we pasken one way and we did and you were not on the majority side.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005821
    Just Emes

    Hakatan and others-

    This statement was recorded in Hapardes, a rabbinic journal, in 1937 regarding the debate amongst gedolim about whether or not it would be muttar to make a jewish state or not. (Hapardes volume 11, Issue 7, October 1937), 75 years ago, reprinted in Mishpacha Issue 179, 6 Cheshvan 5768, October 17,2007 Page 26)

    “On Sunday, 16 Elul, the great Torah leaders discussed the question of a Jewish State, and reached the greatly anticipated decision of the congress. It was a stormy assembly, attended by the Rebbes of Gur, Ghorkov, Boyan, Sadigura, and the great Torah scholars members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (Rabbinical Council). A great battle took place, over seven hours, with struggles about every minute detail of the decision.

    “Rabbi Wasserman, Rabbi Kotler, Rabbi Rottenberg of Antwerp, and rabbis from Czechoslovakia and Hungary were unanimous in rejecting any proposal for a Jewish State on either side of the Jordan River EVEN if it were established as a religious state, because such a regime would be a form of heresy in our faith in the belief in the coming of the Mashiach and especially since this little Jewish State would be built on heresy and desecration of the Name of G-d.

    “Arguing against them were the Rebbes of Boyan and Sadigura. Rabbi Tzirelson, the president of the congress, Rabbi [Aharon] Lewin of Reisha [the head of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah] and Rabbi Sorotzkin, [who said that] it is possible to agree, according to the laws of the Torah, to the establishment of a Jewish State in a portion of the Eretz Yisael without denying the belief in the coming of redeemer.

    Those in favor won the vote!

    So you see – there were many gedolim who held it would be ok according to the torah–but we should try to make it frum- which we still do today, for all tinok shenishba jews we try and promote kiruv- and eventually whether they choose to or not- we will be majority(BIRTH RATE STATS) and it will be a frum state elected democratically from an officially neutral democratic state that reflects the will of the majority

    A pic of knessia can be found here her

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005772
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- your logic is ridiculous – The British who were in charge of Palestine/Israel passed off decision -to the totality of the UN to decide by majority vote and they did – in favor. the fact that arab nations who were part of the UN did not like it – is irrelevant – it was not their land it was the England’s land and of course they abstained – that is the reason they gave it to the UN in the first place -but Britain accepted as binding the majority vote of the UN. In any case — even look at our current political situation- the Palestinians want to make a state in the UN and not just be granted UN observer status– they do this because a majority vote in the UN constitutes world opinion. Also, you keep on saying the zionists have no answers and i agree they don’t- but i do- and i am not a secular zionist but a Torah true Jew -who based on many gedolei yisroel disagree with you and your minority viewpoint. Any violence against British was by small minority groups and was completely batel to the vast majority of jews. And in reference to pikuach nefesh- the arabs were going to try and kill us anyway at least now we had a fighting chance al pi teva to survive. The fact that the state which is democratic and neutral- in prinicpal- and which today is governed by many tinok shensha jews and charedim – doesn’t change the fact the state, although started by many zionists and some charedim -is independent halachikly from zionsim in its secular form which is against the Torah –stop mixing issues up already it is getting taxing.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005764
    Just Emes

    hakatan- you need to understand that: 1)Secular Zionism as is generally defined today – is wrong and against the Torah according to all Poskim. It is unfathomable that concepts such as the wanting to be like the other nations in every way etc -is the Jewish peoples true objective. Rather, we are to be an ohr la’goyim/mamleches kohanim vi’goy kadosh- that maintains its differences – “am li’vadad yishkon”. WE are to strike a balance- between being a nation apart from all the others that also interacts with and leads the world toward Kovod Shamayim.

    2) Even so – you equate the state – an officially democratic and neutral state-which is neither frum or non-frum – run by a majority of tinok shenishba jews-With a signifcant charedi population –which in the future will take over the govt by sheer numbers- as being EQUAL To Zionsim. This logic is untenable— Zionism in its secular conception is wrong and against the hashakafas haTorah– BUT the democratic neutral state, is an independent halachik question over which gedolim were divided based on various issues– however many Gedolim took a more lenient approach as explained in previous posts and by Hashgachas Hashem the state came about.

    3) You seem to be under the assumption that had we not declared a state in 1948 with permission of UN(binding all nations to resolution) — the Arabs would have let us just live there and we would just look down and take any punches that arose– you are so wrong – the arabs were out for jewish blood even during the holocaust period making deals and meeting with Hitler — and had the allied forces not beaten the german forces- Israel would have been taken over and all jews executed with the help of our arab neighbors- This is documented fact. So when you say it was pikuach nefesh to declare state- No- it was Pikuach nefesh not to declare state and give us a fighting chance al pi teva to survive after reeling from the holocaust. You see, the world turned a blind eye to this destruction. Lastly, while the oaths do not allow us to rebel against nations we also have a principal of HABA LI’HARGICHA HASHKEM LI’HARGO and VI’CHAI BA’HEM which would mandate we do not die as sheep to the slaughter. While you may want to make the case the BECAUSE of the state NOW everyone is against the jews-this is untrue- they have always been against us — just look in the years earlier during holocaust – without the state- where world let us die on a mass scale for too long-. Many would argue that nonjews( as a whole )generally were against the jews anyways(look at history) – and the state makes no difference – and in fact does the opposite- the idea that israel has nukes, army, elite units who take care of the shadow targets (with Hashem’s help) help actually to dissuade larger scale attacks and murders of jewish people.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005751
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- you will not get off so easy – answer the question i posed -must one have hakaras hatov even to the medina ( which in your view is mamash trief A’Z etc..) if for mitzrayim which killed us spiritually (was A”Z) and physically we must have hakaras hatov as well. And to further that point, how much more so should we have hakaras hatov to the medinah given that it does not put innocent jews to death, has an army that risks its lives to protect Jews, and has for decades provided assistance for Torah learners.

    Regarding the history- first of all – 1)the entire nation of Jews in Israel at the approx time surrounding the founding of state did not attack/promote aggression -rather only a small group of individuals had small scale isolated events — the vast majority of jews (ruba di’ruba) had no such involvement i.e. ( the little minority was batel to the vast majority of Jews) and second of all-2) the state was declared in peace with authority granted by UN(binding all partner nations to its ruling) and only when the arabs attacked –they fought to defend themselves which included pushing back the enemy until they would no longer pursue us and attack us( This is basic life saving defensive tactics and logic).

    Regarding Halacha : RAV MOSHE HELD IT WAS NOT A PROBLEM. Rav Moshe was the recognized Posek hador and he held this way. Case closed. I dont even have to know why- this is true emunas chachamim! (although it is possible that the reasons i cited above are part of this leniency).

    Don’t forget to answer .

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005732
    Just Emes

    r of berlin- Saying that the oaths were only aggadic will only further entrench the overall view of those against state –they will then quote you sources like igeres teiman of rambam, maharal, selected sources etc..

    you will never win with them by claiming: 1) it is aggadata (even if not brought down in traditionally well known codes of law but rather other sources) 2) they broke oaths so we will beak ours 3) oaths were only for 1000 yrs etc…

    The way to win the argument is to say- of course the oaths are valid but they just don’t apply here – because the binding ruling nations gave permission, state was declared bishalom, No National force/ No National rebellion(because the was declared with reshus and only afterword (the next day) did we fight a defensive war to protect our lives), no dechikas haketz in last geula period because each day is the zman geula can come, no inherent unfrum state but rather neutral democratic state, unfortunate tinok shenishba( non intentional Jew) involvement in govt at current time which will change in future – then invoke the Gedolim card – ie majority voted in favor, as well as ohr sameach ( R” M.S. Mdvinsk), and at the very least its eilu vi’eilu.

    By the Hakatan -i still want a response to my last post before this one- in detail if you would

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005727
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- i genuinely believe that actually you think you are 100% right- when you are 100% misinformed as to the totality of the different Gedolim’s positions on this issue. You assume that i havent learnt the sugya when not only did i go through the sugya- but i read the anti sefarim, and the pro, and the in between. I do not disagree that there were oaths -rather that these oaths were not violated for the reasons quoted above in my posts( Permission, reshus, Binding Majority,no dechikas haketz in last geula, no inherent unfrum state rather nuetral democratic state that changes with population, and even when nonreligious run it are deemed tinok shenishba and not meizid).

    You said :”For example, it is not emes that the State would be in any way acceptable if it were “religious”.” But This is exactly what the majority of Gedolim (B”D of KLal Yisrael) said was muttar. I know it sounds out of place, but on that B”D, Rav Aharon Kotler and Rav Elchanon were outvoted by majority of other Gedolim on the B”D -which decided that it would not be kefira and A”Z in our understanding of yiddishkeit to have some sort of state before mashiach comes if done it the right way. Plus, Rav Moshe held it wasnt a problem(as per my above discussion with one of the foremost gedolim of our times). Lastly- while it is probably bothering you to think -that you might have to express hakaras hatov even for the medinah itself – the example of mitzrayim who killed us phyiscally and spiritually – is a 100% knockout- because even if you hold that state is treif , A”Z, terrible, a shmad, sitra achra– Mitzrayim had those qualities and yet we are told to have Hakaras hatov for them. The state, however, does not put innocent jews to death, the state has an army that risks its lives to protect Jews, and has for decades provided assistance for Torah learners. But you just quote a statement about the romans which does not resemble the comparison to our issue whereas mitrzayim does.

    LOOK AT THE RITVA EIRUVIN DAF 13 — that eilu vi’eilu has a mesorah based on the medresh that there are 49 ways to permit and 49 ways to prohibit Torah matters- but the rov decides the halacha – the B”D of Klal Yisrael( acc to Brisker Rav) paskened the state alone was not a problem. I am sure they were not happy with non religious running the place in the beginning but that is not related to the oaths as per above. And as per above – the state is neither frum nor non-frum – but rather democratic and neutral.


    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005700
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- you need to understand a few things 1) The State of Israel, which by its democratic nature is neutral- is in essence neither a frum govt state nor non-frum govt state- it is just a reflection of the current majority – which can and (in the Charedim’s case -will) change in the future. The state was founded not only by nonreligious jews then- who made up the majority of the founders and who would have the din of tinokes shenishbu- (I.E. not intentional sinners)- but also frum rabbanim and Jews. 2) ZIONISM DOES NOT EQUAL THE JEWISH STATE- secular zionism on its own had the wrong views but with what they thought were the right intentions for jewish survival(hence tinok shenishba) -but the state on its own which is officially democratic and neutral is a separate halachic issue which was up for debate -and then paskened one way to permit it -followed up by Rav MOshe (for whatever reasons held). 3) The way to win any debate with well meaning Jews like yourself is to pull what i like to call the Gedolim card- you say Gedolim were against it – and i say thats not entirely true-some were agaisnt but majority were in favor – and we go after the majority (see ritva eiruvin 13 a and the midrash quoted there). Don’t sidestep this fact- deal with it-. The question is how to make it go from majority non religious rule in a neutral state to religiously valued jewish state. Also — see Rav Dessler ( i believe its volume 3. ) who states anyone can clearly see the hashgacha of Hashem in EY post the holocaust – do not turn a blind eye.

    Either way acc. to the prinicpal of hakaras hatov based on the Torah’s statements regarding giving thinks to MItzrayim, despite their physical and religious persecution- you must, as much as you might hate to admit it – give thanks not only to IDF soliders but even to the medina even if its completely bad in your view – for it would be no less than mitzrayim. But for me , who clearly recognizes the service of IDF and the support of state in general however mild to Torah instituions for decades -would require hakaras hatov. To not admit this would make you a kafui tov ( a denier of thanks). Please respond in yes or no format if you have hakaras hatov-1) for IDF(protectors of Jews) 2) and If you have hakaras hatov for the medinah itself ,even if in your view you feel it is A”Z, just as mitrayim was A”Z and the Torah requires of us some level of hakaras hatov.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005693
    Just Emes

    Lastly: Regardless of the specifics- I heard directly from one of the greatest Rabbanim and Mekubalim of the our dor Hagaon R” Elya Weintraub TZKL of Bnei Brak- who heard it directly from Rav Moshe – that it was not a problem. Although he did not explain specifics as to why and how- suffice it to say – that if Rav Moshe, considered the Posek Hador, even amongst Gedolim themselves, held the states creation was not a problem(for whatever reasoning he held) the halacha stands. This in no way implies that we are happy with the status quo, we need to up our outreach efforts and explain Torah to our unfortunate non religious brethren(tinkos Shenishbu) who for lack of sincere opportunity are blinded in their views to change for the better. That is one of the reasons i started this thread – for i believe if the non religious on their own terms understand that although we may disagree with them for various religious reasons we have hakaras hatov for them and their children who risk their lives daily (with Hashem’s help) to provide security for the Jewish people living in Israel ( and supposedly abroad-but thats classified).

    As an aside ,See meseches chagiga daf 3 which states that a person will hear many views to allow to prohibit etc on Torah matters– and asks then so what should one do – make their ears like a sieve and sieve out the truth from all points of view.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005683
    Just Emes

    dass yochid- you still so not understand- As per above- no shavua or oath was violated due to permission given by British>UN 1)-was not Bichoma/yad chazakah, 2)not rebellion against nation if they themselves legally allowed it 3) No dechikas haketz in last geula period. NOW, the state of Israel is by its nature a democratic state -meaning it is in principal religiously neutral and depending on who is in the majority of govt. so will be its policies. In the beg. it was predominately non religious- although, many are misinformed- beacuse there were recognized Rabbanim who lead the declaration as well with the hope that due to its inherent nuetrality of the state and the potential influence and growth on state of religious values – it would turn this democratically neutral state into a frum one– see stats which show that if the religious keep up birth rate they will be govt majority in decades to come and will uphold all delineated principles. MY POINT IS twofold- one- the shavuos are unrelated to the states religiousity. two- the state due to its democratically neutral nature – cannot be classified as frum or non frum but rather the will of the people of each cycle reflected in govt. and at times may be primarily frum or not primarily frum. Plus, there were many religious Jews and Rabbanim who did helped found the state as well – so even founding was not entirely non religious. Plus, although there were anti frum zionists there were also charedi frum people there as well in govt. Plus, if you look at history you will learn that although many in the beg of state were not frum- many still respected the Torah in principal – for example – when one of Israel’s PM’s was asked how you justify state they picked up a bible. The Israeli Flag of blue and white represents techeles and the two blue lines with magen david in middle represent Klal Yisrael passing through the Yam SUf to EY ( i am not making this up -look at the State’s records on this point). Plus in any case most of these non frum jews would be classified as tinok shenshbas(children enslaved by lack of religious education into certain ideals) and would have the status of a non meizid ( not intential jew ) in relation to the states initial frum keit. so you have a neutral state (not frum or non frum), a lot of tinkos shenishbu( not intentional and not guilty people), and open frum rabbis and jews supporting its founding so – i dont see why even acc to formulation of above Moetzes decision this would be considered anti frum if its democratic and can also be frum.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005681
    Just Emes

    Daas Yochid – i think you missed one of the crucial points i mentioned- The Halachic RIGHT to make a Jewish state based on the oath related permission of the ruling Nation(s)(and lack of dechikas haketz issue -see above) has NOTHING to do with the individual or communal religiosity of the founders of that state – and deals only with the ruling nations viewpoint. Translation- yes the Gedolim wanted it frum – and if not- would not be happy with the development – however based on the purely halachic considerations of these Gedolim regarding the oaths -they would not have been violated in any way as per permission and legal declaration and followed defensive milchemes mitzvah. I am not justifying a modern state – in the way you think ie : everything is up to par – rather i am saying -no – we want to change it and make it frum – but we don’t claim that any oath was violated.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005675
    Just Emes

    Hakatan – i hope you will read these words very carefully- The midrash states that there are 49 ways to purify and 49 ways to impurify ( 49 to allow ,49 to prohibit) any issue in the Torah – and it is given to the majority of leaders of each generation to decide in which direction the psak will ultimately go (see Ritva Eiruvin 13 — on eilu v’eilu). I do not disagree that the Satmar Rav , Rav Elchanon, R, Aharon Kotler and others prohibited any form of state before mashiach –HOWEVER- the Majority on the B”D of Klal Yisrael (as the Brisker Rav himself stated) voted against this opinion and in favor of state with no violation of any oaths if given with permission , proper boundaries, and eventual religiosity of state etc.. Furthermore , R’ Meir Simcha (Meshech Chochma) agreed to this position as well as Rav Moshe, who was considered the Posek Hador even among Gedolim. The RIGHT to make state based on oath related issues has NOTHING to do with the individual or communal religiosity of the founders of that state – and deals only with the ruling nations viewpoint. In regards to Pikuach Nefesh – many would argue that before the state- as in the time of the Holocaust- we already were targeted as we always have been- and now at least we have an opportunity to defend ourselves (haba lihargicha hashkem lihargo)The Jews did not take Yerushalyim just because — they took it as is common in any defensive battle to push back the enemies in order to ensure safety. Now in relation to dechikas haketz (which is one of 6 oaths not 3 by the way) see Hagoan Rav Yechezkal Abramsky (the chazon Yechezkel)on parshus vayigash (46;4) who states that perhaps while in other galus periods such as galus mitzrayim and galus bavel Hashem prescribed as a set time for the galus – so that if we were to try to end it earlier (as the Bnei Efraim did and were punished for that effort) – it would not be allowed — By the Galus Hachrona – where the end was not prescribed and revealed by Hashem – every day is the zman “kol yom zmano hu” -and therefore no issue currently of dechikas haketz . He further states that “yaalu bichoma” remains but that it refers to going to EY bederech milchama – but Jews can go up Bi’shalom in peace. Lastly, as per the reshus of ruling authorities of land of israel at the time i.e. THE UN binding majority vote allowed them to form state bi’shalom. ONLY later on did Arabs attack (of which they might have done anyways) and we then as the Torah permits us -defended ourselves and by siyyata dishmaya survived.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005671
    Just Emes

    I am not saying that Rabbanim are happy that the state is primarily run by non religious jews – however the issue of whether that actual state building itself was kefira- still stands as mutar- due to a variety of reasons including the reshus and permission of the previous governing nations and authorities – allowed by a majority of Gedolim including Rav Moshe who was a gadol among gedolim. The question Hagoan Harav R’ Elya Weintraub of Bnei Brak asked Rav Moshe was most likely post the state and yet it was condoned. Furthermore- while many non religious jews helped found the state their were rabbanim as well who contributed to its founding and were even on the platform at the declaration. Plus as per the Brisker RAv, who was against the state- he said to his sons – now that the MOetzes Gedolei HAtorah of AGudas Yisroel( of 1937 pre war europe) voted in favor it will happen. The Brisker Rav knew that once that decsion was made- Hashem would inevitably create the state. Lastly, again the mashal of hakaras hatov to Mitzrayim comes to mind – for even if you are not willing to due the required historical research as to the diversity of Gedolim’s rulings on this matter – there is no way that mitzrayim who killed us , phyically and spiritually – is any worse than israel who for decades have allowed Torah students to learn in addition to financial support-as well as who provided the protection of the people by the IDF (with HAshem’s help of course) – we should certainly have hakaras hatov even to the state while at the same time stand up for our religious values and hopefully in mutual respect – change the country’s views for the better

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005668
    Just Emes

    I am not saying that Rabbanim are happy that the state is primarily run by non religious jews – however the issue of whether that actual state building itself was kefira- still stands as mutar- due to a variety of reasons including the reshus and permission of the previous governing nations and authorities – allowed by a majority of Gedolim including Rav Moshe who was a gadol among gedolim. The question Hagoan Harav R’ Elya Weintraub of Bnei Brak asked Rav Moshe was most likely post the state and yet it was condoned. Furthermore- while many non religious jews helped found the state their were rabbanim as well who contributed to its founding and were even on the platform at the declaration. Plus as per the Brisker RAv, who was against the state- he said to his sons – now that the MOetzes Gedolei HAtorah of AGudas Yisroel( of 1937 pre war europe) voted in favor it will happen. The Brisker Rav knew that once that decsion was made- Hashem would inevitably create the state. Lastly, again the mashal of hakaras hatov to Mitzrayim comes to mind – for even if you are not willing to due the required historical research as to the diversity of Gedolim’s rulings on this matter – there is no way that mitzrayim who killed us , phyically and spiritually – is any worse than israel who for decades have allowed Torah students to learn in addition to financial support-as well as who provided the protection of the people by the IDF (with HAshem’s help of course) – we should certainly have hakaras hatov even to the state while at the same time stand up for our religious values and hopefully in mutual respect – change the country’s views for the better

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005662
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- i know you think you are trying to say the whole truth – but you are clearly lacking in basic history and the Piskei Halacha of the entire gamut of Gedolei Yisrael on the isssue of whether or not Israel’s creation was against the Torah. Let me summarize your position and then break it down for you. According to you – based on the shalosh shvuos(3 oaths given to Klal Yisrael) in Meseches Kesubos – it would be assur to allow the creation of a state before mashiach comes even if would be 100% glatt frum. The oaths that are listed include not going up to Eretz Yisrael en masse ( Yaalu Bi’choma) and not for the Jews to rebel against the nations. This oath would prohibit the creation of a state- This is the opinion of the Satmar Rav, R’ Elchanon Wasserman, Rav Aharon Kotler and others ( see the rabbinic journal hapardes 1937 on the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisrael’s discussion on this issue). However what you do not realize is that many other Gedolim disagreed with them and said that the creation of a jewish state prior to mashiach would not constitute a problem as long as the borders of EY were not compromised and that the state would be frum. Furthermore, even though the state ultimately became predominately non religious this did not effect it’s legitamacy based on the shalosh shvuos. You see these Gedolim felt that if we are to go up to Eretz Yisrael Bi’shalom and with reshus it would be allowed to create a state before mashiach comes. See Rashi who explains the oath of not going to EY bichoma – as meaning – “bi’yad chazaka” with force- but with permission it would be allowed. This was the position of the Meshech Chochma( R”Meir Simcha MDvinsk), Rav Sorotzkin and the majority vote and conclusion in the MOeztes Gedolei Hatorah’s decsion in 1937 to vote in favor of Israel’s creation with the conditions mentioned above. Furthermore-I personally heard from Hagoan R” Elya Weintraub tzkl (considered one of the greatest mekubalim of our generation)that while the Satmar Rav did not allow it – Rav Moshe held it was not a problem per se. When I questioned how he knew this- he replied -I asked Rav Moshe myself. Furthermore, you will probably say- well the arabs didn’t like it so it was not with permission- but this does not matter- because in 1948 the British controlled the land of Israel and passed it on to the UN to decide – they did by majority rule vote in favor of a Jewish state -which all UN affiliate Nations must accept to be binding – just as any law passed must be accepted by all nations- in the UN charter they agreed to this. You then will say fine- but there was a war the day after the state of Israel declared independence – so you see there was force right- wrong!- because they declared the state with UN permission first and then a day later fought a defensive war agaisnt the arabs who tried to kill them all – that was a milchemes mitzvah by the way. Lastly , even the Brisker Rav who felt like that of Satmar, and others- said that because the MOetezes Gedolei Hatorah of the Agudah( in 1937 pre war europe) is like the Beis DIn of klal yisrael – the hashgacha will be that the state will come about -as it surely did 11yrs later. — SO you see the majority Gedolim vote and others- held no problem to create Jewish state – and although they want it to be frum- that still remains the goal in pre -mashiach times. (R’ AYF)

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005657
    Just Emes

    I one hundred percent agree- it goes both ways– Torah helps protect us with its merit, and yet Hishtadlus (in this case the IDF) is also necessary and should therefore be graciously and publicly commended for its sacrifice.

    in reply to: Hakaras Hatov for Israeli Soldiers (IDF) #1005653
    Just Emes

    First of all, nothing I said is new– see the article above – that Gedolei Yisrael past and present have stated this view. Second of all, while Hashem watches over the Jewish people, Hashem also requires of us- some modicum of hishtadlus(see mesilas yesharim). In this case, it is the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect the people of Israel. Secondly, you seem to state that if not for some IDF action outside of Israel, Jews would not be targeted. Suffice it to say- I am not exactly clear as to what you are referring to — however this logic is flawed as there have been countless pogroms and attacks on Jews throughout our History -long before the IDF came into existence. Thirdly, you seem to think that soldiers operating on the front lines do so alone with no help and support from the rest of the IDF — this is not really the case – as the IDF as whole contributes to the success of each individual unit- just as a machine needs all the necessary components to work – for if not it would be inoperable. Fourthly, you sidestepped acknowledgement of Hakaras Hatov to those who defend Jewish Lives -which the Gedolim have explained is comparable to those who sacrificed their lives for the Jewish people in Lod. If thats not enough for you – I would employ the following kal vi’chomer — if for Mitzrayim(Egypt) who enslaved us, killed us, and tried to break us down – the Torah states we should have Hakaras Hatov (gratitude) how much more so for our fellow Jews who risk their lives day and night on our behalf. Lastly, of course tefilla is neccessary and it is not kochi vi’otzem yadi (our might) that we employ to win our battles -rather with Hishtadlus (our own efforts) combined with relying on Hashem do we succeed.

    Isn’t the Truth Sweet!

    in reply to: Kiruv Question #1003376
    Just Emes
    Member has a really great system for hosts and guests to find each other in cities and towns all over the world and enjoy the beauty of shabbos. Tell her to check it out. If she is home it could be nice to go outside to a park and read inspiring books and Torah thoughts.

    in reply to: BTL #985367
    Just Emes

    Regarding the BTL –it is accredited nationally by the US dept of education under –Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools, Accreditation Commission (AARTS)


    There is another type of accreditation called regional accreditation which is what most grad schools require(most BTL granting yeshivas/schools dont have that because it requires a lot more general studies requirements, i believe ) — however depending on the type of school, area located , deals with local BTL granting schools, and other factors such as pre-required coursework and resume and high standardzied test scores — a student potentially can get into high level grad schools — and more likely in law schools.

    Also most of these BTL yeshivas/schools have deals with local programs to accept some or most of the BTL credits towards transfer credit to that school to be completed there – and receive a regional diploma from that university

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176746
    Just Emes

    The Halachos of Work/ Kollel:( in my understanding R AYF)

    1) Shulchan Aruch OH 155,156 clearly states: a) that one should daven in the morning b)then learn after davening(ko’vey’ah itim)- c)and then go to work because without work one will come to sin.

    d) However even when one works he should make his Torah learning ikar /primary and his work secondary/temporary.

    The question is obvious -what about kollel/sitting in learning?

    A:So the Biyur Halacha( The Chofetz Chaim) writes OH 156– that the Shulchan Aruch- which says to go to work – is refering to the general public–but individuals who want to sit and learn – Hashem will support them as the Rambam writes. This concept, that most people will work and individuals will only learn is learnt from the Gemarah in Brachos _ many did like R’ SBY and it didn’t work. Many did like R’ Yishmael and it worked. Therefore even though ‘learning only’ didn’t work for most people – for some -it did- and those individuals will only learn and Hashem will take care of them.

    The question now becomes: Well that’s only for individuals- what about today where many frum men learn in kollel?

    A:1) After the Churban (holocaust) where a large majority of Torah was lost (death, exiles etc)- Many Gedolim said that we live in a Horaa’s Sh’aa (special ruling based on time/circumstances) — and since we must rebuild Torah again – more people should stay in kollel because if not there simply wouldn’t be enough thriving Torah for the Jewish people to rebuild itself.

    2) Another answer is that in our time many men have not developed their learning skills well enough to go it alone afterword yet-

    As well as the fact that “working today” has a lot of temptation from the outside world-(which was not generally available in previous history) and that one should learn in kollel after marriage -at least a certain period of time – to start the young couples new life off in a higher level of Torah learning/scholarship/kedusha etc.. that will lift them higher for their whole lives.

    3) Although I quoted the majority opinion regarding working and learning there seems to be minority opinions that hold that mi’ikkar one should spend their time only learning — others would say this is just a Maal’ah (goal to strive for) but not required.

    Lastly – the Yerushalmi states in one statement- on the verse of “Ubacharta B’Chaim” / “choose life” that this refers to umanus – getting a job.

    So it is very clear that the issue- from a halachic standpoint is not in general whether one is allowed to work- but rather which person are you- and that is up to you (However see above regarding current day realities)

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955608
    Just Emes

    Hakatan- I am not blaming anyone chas vishalom- I am just reporting the brisker rav’s thought on the moetzes decision that the state will come about. From what I understand the gedolim that allowed it said that it should be religious as well. That was their decision. They said that- 11yrs prior to founding of state and before the holocaust- it is very possible that because of the holocaust the practical outcome of the state becoming primarily religious had changed because many frum Jews were killed and Torah institutions were uprooted during that time. Plus the gedolim at the time were dealing with a theoretical issue as the state required a lot more items in the process to come about. Plus that is all based on a story from the brisker rav’s position on the issue – it does not mean that the that everyone held that bizmanenu their decisions would make the outcome

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955601
    Just Emes

    hakatan- 1)you must differentiate between zionism and the state of israel today- zionism – the belief that we should be as all others was wrong- and many of the gedolim you quote wrote prior to the holocaust- and were referring to that belief system -but the state- in and of itself- is neutral because it’s a democracy- if the frum will be the majority (which it will be given the current birth rate in some years) then it will be run completely frum and even now — we have a rabbanut and religious divisions that oversee religious issues- marriage divorce kashrus etc..–plus these jews who are not frum are tinokos she’nishba – and are considered not to be acting bi’mezid intentionlly and it is our duty to bring them closer to yiddishkeit to accomplish this goal further.

    2)The Moetzes( BD of Klal Yisrel) voted in favor by a majority– and it is not i but the Brisker rav who said that ,because of this ruling the state will come about — plus they held it was no problem if had true Torah borders. They also said it should be frum. They hoped it would be frum (this was debated 11yrs before the state was created and much transpired in that time.) I don’t know if you know this but it is a historical fact that the people who created the state meant well even if not religious and there were rabbanim at the announcement of the state in Tel aviv. Further- even the flag of israel is made of blue and white (resembling techeles) and the 2 blue lines with the magen david in the middle represented the jews going through the yam suf on the way to get the Torah and EY –read any history book for these symbolisms. Their intentions were to go back and live in EY – our land. Even the Baal Shem and the Gra sent their talmidim there. Plus the gemarah says that when EY starts blooming again we have entered the stages of geula and after hundreds of years of desolation the land is green and flowing – proving that this was a positive development. No one is saying that secular zionsists didn’t do anything wrong- we are saying they did -but even so the state is not zionism in and of itself but a seperate democratic entity and should be judged hashkafically and halachakily independently of zionsim

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955571
    Just Emes

    Again- no one is endorsing secular zionism (ie a land for us in order to be like all other nations)- rather i have said that there were great gedolim-like Rav Moshe-the Moetzes(beis din of klal yisrael)-Ohr Sameach etc.. who allowed the creation of the state- whether because oaths did not apply as per balfour,UN, defensive war etc OR while brought down by some poskim as halacha not halacha limassah according to all opinions OR dont apply anymore as per R”chaim vital after 1000yrs (quoted in thread). Secondly, you say they had a koach that Hashem allowed the state– that’s because we have a concept “lo’ Bashamaim He” it is not in the heavens- but rather we human beings who are worthy of issuing a psak halacha and are in the majority(in our case Rav Moshe, Moetzes, Ohr Sameach etcc) can make it so- so when the Posek Hador and Beis din of Klal Yisrael paken -it’s not just that it was allowed by Hashem- but it is Hashem’s will that it should be so because of the koach of the Majority such as Moetzes Rav Moshe and others. By the way this in no way takes away from the opinion of great gedolei yisrael like Satmar rav,Rav kotler , and Rav elchanon just that it was an eilu vi’eilu and the majority opinion on the Beis Din said ok- and therefore Hashem not only allowed it but willed it. Thirdly, no one is overlooking the problems with the state – rather also recognizing and being machshiv the good just as in mitzraym. And the description that mitzrayim is different because they hosted us is ridiculous – they did not leave chocolates on our pillows! – they killed us and enslaved us and removed us from kedusha for 210 yrs — the state allows us to practice yiddishkeit,tries to protect us with their own lives,and has even given subsidies to yeshivas and kollels for 60yrs -So Please – see the real history here.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955564
    Just Emes

    First off, the quote about moetzes that “it is possible to agree, according to the laws of the Torah, to the establishment of a Jewish state in its portion of the land of Israel without denying the belief in the coming of the redeemer” is exactly my point- that it is not kefira bemunas mashiach and not a violation of the oaths( for whatever reason -either not applicable due to Nations Permission- or- despite some poskim saying assur it is not the generally accepted halacha). The last line about the religiosity of the state has nothing to with the halachick allowance of the state regarding the shalosh shavuos. Plus regarding the Brisker Rav- while he many not have agreed in principle to their decision he clearly stated that they are the Beis din of Klal Yisrael and because they paskened its ok- it will happen( ie Hashem will make it happen) that was how great their koach Hatorah vikedusha was.

    As per Rav Moshe – he said it was not a problem- end of story – and i have that directly from Hagaon Harav’ Elya Weintraub tzk’l known as one of the greatest mekubalim of our generation who asked Rav Moshe directly. Rav Moshe was the Gadol and Posek Hador and a Gadol amongst gedolim-and if Rav Elyashiv was mevatel his daas to Rav Moshe than seemingly he would agree too. Whether Rav Moshe’s reasoning was because of nations approval/shalom/defensive war etc- or- because it is not a clear cut halacha according to all poskim only some poskim)is irrelevant- he said it.

    Regarding Hakaras Hatov to mitzrayim there is no difference to Israel we thank those who do any good despite their general stance- Also regarding the IDF soilders who put their life on the line to allow jews and even yeshivas to learn day and night while they patrol day and night – we all have tremendous hakaras hatov to them – Rav Chaim Shmulevitz(mir) and Rav Gershon Edelstein (ponovich) also say we must have tremendous hakaras hatov to the soilders and that they are like the ‘harugei lud’ and have a special place in the olam ha’emes. Do we want the state to be better- of course- but can we be blind to the good we have received -absolutely not- see Rav Dessler (M.E.) who says one must see the hashgacha of Hashem in EY after churban of the Jews. The argument that the jews would be ok without state that Hashem allowed- is not the case- even during the holocaust the british and american’s even sent boats of jews back to europe to the nazis. saying that since there are terror attacks and wars against israel is nothing new- and not due to oaths as per the above din of Moetzes and Rav Moshe- we had a holocaust,pogroms,libels,killings,expulsions etc long before the state was ever discussed – we would be persucuted anywhere anytime because of galus. So i grant you that there were difference among great gedolim on the issue- and eilu vi’eilu however we pasken one way and the Beis Din of Klal Yisrael and the Posek Hador said we pasken that its ok.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955560
    Just Emes
    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955549
    Just Emes

    Two words : Rav Moshe. That is all. I see that the the only way to counter you on this issue is to pull the ‘gedolim card’ which then puts us out of the realm of argument and rather just a history of the shittos haposkim. Rav Moshe was the Posek and gadol Hador and he said that the states creation was not a problem halachickly. Also the rest of the moetzes gedolei hatorah of the Agudah- which the Brisker rav called the Beis din of klal yisrael – voted that it was also not a problem . So yes it was a machlokes but when the Gadol Hador and the Beis din of klal yisrael say muttar it’s not just that its a machlokes rather now its decidedly muttar for all of klal yisrael. Plus these gedolim were anti the zionistic ideals of the secular- only allowed real political state on the assumption of Torah borders and would be frum. Further even in mitzrayim we have hakaras hatov because we were there as the Torah states- so why is Israel any different if not more so because they protect Jews and allow us to do mitzvos whereas the mitzrim killed us and brought us to 49th level of Tuma. Once again: just emes

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955533
    Just Emes

    I was not going to share this but i will – i personally asked Hagaon Harav Yisrael Eliyahu Weintraub TZK”L known as one of the greatest mekubalim of the entire generation (from Bnei Brak) – about whether or not it was muttar/allowed to create a state (By the way Rav Weintraub was totally against zionist ideology-see his sefarim)-he responded to the effect that the Satmar Rav tzk’l held it was a problem and Rav Moshe tzk’l- did not. Upon hearing this about R’ Moshe ( who was considered even by other Gedolim as the Posek and Gadol Hador)- i asked where this information about Rav Moshe originated as i never heard or saw that anywhere- and he responded – because i asked Rav Moshe myself. So if we are going to have this converation – while we have great gedolim such as Rav Elchanon Rav Kotler Satmar Rav and others opposing creation of a state even if frum – we have other great gedolim like Rav Moshe and the majority of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of the Agudah in 1937( of which Rav Kotler and Rav Elchanon were members)holding that it is not a problem. So much so- that the moetzes voted in favor of state if frum and with Torah borders. They obviously held that the 3 oaths were not a problem – and potentially for a variety of reasons- but most likely because the creation of state was not a problem if given permission by the nations- thereby not being a problem of yimridu ba’umos (rebelling against the nations) and not yaalu bi’choma (going up en masse/force)to EY. Many learn that since Rashi says there in kesuvos that yaalu bichoma is yad chazaka it only means by force is a problem but to go up bi’shalom is muttar ( see Rav Yechezkel Abramski -Vayigash on this ). Also the argument that since the arabs dont like it- doesnt matter – because it wasnt their land to give- it was the British who passed it to the UN of which the Arab Nations were binding members who then voted by the majority (rov) that it was ok – so even regarding the arabs no issue because they signed on to the UN rules which allowed the state. Also, following the declaration of state in Tel Aviv – the arabs wanted to kill the jews but in order to defent their lives they fought and it the process received more of their original land – and now once its ours- its ours.

    PS- i like my screen name and it fits


    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955492
    Just Emes

    As i mentioned above the moetzes gedolei torah of the agudah in 1937 by a majority ruling-said that creation of medina was ok if it has Torah borders and will be run religiously – i believe this assumes permission of ruling nation- which was England until they passed it off to UN and the UN voted in the majority in favor of israel -binding all nations to the decision- so its not yimridu b’emos- and if yo see rashi on yaalu bichoma(end of kesuvos) – he says yad chazaka- and many shittos learn that you can’t take israel by force but if go up peacefully ie with permission- then no oath is violated. Also, the argument that they did take it militarily because 24 hrs later arabs fought over it – has no relevance because the permission of the nations in the UN of which the arabs were members allowed it – then israel declared it with permission and then did not fight for it – but defended their land (given with permission) in a defensive battle which is also totally muttar and allowed. Also as i mentioned before even the Brisker Rav who disagreed – said that since moetzes voted for it- it will happen. By the way the argument that since there are casualties in EY- it proves that the oath was violated is not correct because we were persecuted and killed for years and years before that and only a few years before the state was made 6 million jews were murdered in cold blood and did not receive help until it was too late – so jews dying has nothing to do with medina but rather jewish people’s judgement in galus by Hashem. Also see Rav Dessler Michtav Meliyahu(bnei brak) who says one must recognize the hasgacha that post the destruction of the jews – the jews are thriving in ey. Also many jews are not attacked outright even in other nations because of fear that israeli teams of agents will come after them. also, although secular zionism is a wrong hashkafa on life – it doesnt mean that the creation of the state is wrong especially given the aguda’s position even though they were anti secular zionism. And since the state already exists we have every right to live and defend our lives there – because of vi’chai bahem and haba lihargicha haskem li’hargo

    in reply to: Info on Smicha Tests #973442
    Just Emes

    i was told that one needs to have completed the written test, oral test, and letters of recommendation from a rav about your knowledge, learning skills, midos etc…there is also a test on nidda that can be taken

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955434
    Just Emes

    This thread discusses 2 issues -secular studies in eretz yisrael (for high school students and up)-and the state of Israel-and I just wanted to share with you some of the main points from the sources in Halacha poskim and gedolim of our time and previous generations : 1) regarding secular studies in general- and by this I mean math science medicine it is clear in the shulchan aruch OH 231 that even to speak in matters of chochma or wisdom it is muttar if done leishem shamayim also see OH 307:17 that even on shabbos there are poskim that say one may learn science etc and the Mishnah brura Chofetz Chaim says that the minhag is to be mekil even on shabbos also see teshuvos rema 7 for a positive look at science to see creation of Hashem . The question is not is it muttar but when in life should it be learned and for how much. This was the dispute between the Netziv (rav naftali tzvi yehuda berlin) and Rav Hirsch. The Netziv in his teshuvos meshiv Davar 44 explains that all the gedolei Torah like the Rambam etc who knew science etc learnt it either before or after they became gedolei Torah- because to become a gadol of that stature one must be fully immersed in only Torah to succeed . Rav Hirsch (acc to what I understand ) advocated science etc along with Torah learning throughout life. I believe this is the point- till 8 th grade there is math( ie around bar mitvah time )etc but afterword Torah needs to be learnt on its own to grow to full potential. In EY this can still be done .In the USA all schools must have some science math requirements therefore yeshivas for HS students will have kosher science and math books etc. Also, a RY told me that in EY they are more concerned with apikursis because of the vast polarization there between anti religious and the religious. I think that. Acc to Rav Hirsch this would be ok anywhere based on his views. The predominant opinion has been the Netziv as many Yeshivas stem from the Volozin yeshiva. And many Rabbonim and gedolim have endorsed this understanding of the Netziv. Btw although ultimately the Netziv closed down his yeshiva due to the overly taxing reforms of the govt regarding secular studies that would have completely altered the yeshiva life and potential -the netziv writes on Chumash that regarding the menorah -the center is Torah and the other lights represent the other wisdoms which are subservient to the torah. So it wasn’t that you can’t learn science etc just when should it be learnt , where -in a separate location , and how much – in a set class/kvius or individually when necessary for some Torah purpose ie learning etc… B’ Akrei (here and there) like the rema writes In hilchos Talmud Torah In YD. 2) regarding Israel – there was debate among the gedolim if it was allowed to create a state in the first place Rav kotler and rav Wasserman satmar rav held assur and even kefira bemunas mashiach -the other gedolim on moetzes gedolei hatorah of Agudah in 1937 held it was ok with conditions (see below)- i heard from a gadol that R’ Moshe held it was ok as well assumably with the same conditions. However this is just the creation of the state they were debating- and those that permitted only did so under the condition of having the real EY borders of the Torah and that it would be a religious and frum run state. However , ltoeles it was started in the majority by well meaning but unreligious jews who after complete destruction of Jews felt they had nowhere to turn. Many say the question isn’t was it or wasn’t but how does that affect me now – on this there are many views -some view the medina negatively some more positively although even they hope it could be better. See rav dessler michtav meliyahu that says something like after the tremendous destruction of Europe one should see the hashgacha of Hashem in the flourishing of the Jews in EY today. – This is my humble understanding – R’ AYF

    in reply to: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today #942532
    Just Emes

    i heard that it obviously is not referring to a woman’s intelligence because they have binah — it rather refers to the ability of women to multi-task more easily than man — i believe i saw this kind of concept in the river kettle and the bird but not completely sure

    in reply to: National Business Conference for Frum Women #939849
    Just Emes

    I am just making the Olam aware of this awesome organization and their conference I read about. I saw them in a bunch of the frum papers and magazines and was genuinely impressed.

    By the way the price is 125 dollars – and therefore must be very subsidized given that conferences like this typically costs a lot more especially since this venue is at the Hyatt and includes a catered lunch.

    I have never seen anyone offer this many sessions about 18+ on business-related topics geared to an audience of frum women as well as having Rabbonim available for business halacha questions.

    That is why I wanted to spread the word and help the tzibbur who in today’s economy are really struggling financially.

    in reply to: Kiruv Problems & Solutions #936385
    Just Emes

    Just like to note that Avraham Aveinu went to go spread belief in one G-d from city to city and nation to nation when most of those people worshipped idols –see Rambam hilchos Avoda Zara 1:3

Viewing 34 posts - 1 through 34 (of 34 total)