Ober Chochom

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  • in reply to: Confusion on Lubavitch. #2027278
    Ober Chochom

    I am not farbycoffe. I don’t know what your making up. Why would you think I have a second name?

    “Can you explain why at the kinnus hashluchim, Moshe kotlarsky (vice president of chabad’s chinuch organization) said a corrupted version of veyehi noam as “”may the Rebbe look upon our gathering favorably, his presence is here with us now and may he grant our requests”
    I promise you he was saying that people feel the presence that they feel when they were by the rebbe when he was alive. He didn’t say that he was alive or even there. He said presence. That doesn’t mean physically. Of course your gonna start being a lamdan but that’s fine because you know your just asking silly kashyas.

    “A prominent chabad rebbetzin named Leah Lipszyc said in a 98″ magazine called “horizons”:
    “Rebbe,” I thought. “I know you’re here with us. I know you help people in difficult situations. I think this fits the criteria – please help us now. And do it quickly, please, before one of these guys snaps and decides to shoot.”
    Do you actually think she meant he was “HERE”??? No, if any one has half a brain they will realize it’s an emotional thing. He doesn’t have to be here physically to help people in difficult situations. Iv’e went to his Ohel many times before, and Iv’e been helped. ever heard of kivrei tzadikim? Why would anyone go to a grave? The Answer is, that you can daven there. And the tzadik will help push the message closer to Hashem.

    Harav Moshe Kotlarsky Shlit’a, the Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the Flagship Mosad of Chabad, did not say a single word that said the rebbe is still alive b’gashmius. I know who Rav Moshe Kotlarsky is. He is not a mishichist at all.

    Avirdera, the satmar rov said that the chassidus of the baal shem tov is no longer!
    You believe him more than the Lubavitcher Rebbe?

    in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2027073
    Ober Chochom

    Why is this thread all about Lubavitch? This is about klal yisrael in general, you might be confusing this thread with another.

    in reply to: Confusion on Lubavitch. #2026949
    Ober Chochom

    I think every last one of you out to pull out a likutei sichos from the tens of volumes and learn it. Everyone’s wasting their time argueing because nobody on this forum knows everything (including me) about lubavitch. We need to unite כֻּלָּֽנוּ כְּאֶחָד בְּאוֹר פָּנֶֽיךָ and respect each other. Every single person knows that the Rebbe never said he was Hashem That’s a fact. But people for some reason feel the need to bash it because what if maybe Moshiach is a Lubavitcher?
    I don’t think I’m able to put on videos, but I would If I could, where the Rebbe CLEARLY says he SHOULD NOT be called Moshiach for there is no way to determine. I simply ignore the fact that a MINORITY of lubavitchers believe in this mishugas. Tell me how many Yellow flags you can see by the simchas beis hashoevah is crown heights. Barely any. Maybe 5 at most. If a majority of lubavitchers were mishichists, then the whole kingston avenue would look like a sheet of yellow flags in the air.

    I think I may have to write up an article with all the sources, all the videos of the rebbe, all the stuff, and show how even though you can find one lubavitch website which Is a barely-visited website has a video with some meshugene and some text before the video saying a totaly-biased opinion, you will not find anywhere from the rebbe that says he is Moshiach.
    Find me a single page on chabda.org or lubavitch.com that says the rebbe is Moshiach and is alive physically. I challenge you.

    Ein Sof, which can be used to refer to as Hakadosh Baruch Hu, has more than one meaning. The Rebbe was on a higher connection to Hashem. He channeled the will of Hashem from Hashem to us. That doesn’t mean Hashem ‘needed’ him, Hashem doesn’t need anyone or anything. He did connect with Hashem and he was used to channel the Ratzon Hashem to Am Yisrael. He wasn’t ‘unlimited’.
    It means he never stopped until his ptirah. He never planned to stop. He was going to continue for as long as Hashem will keep him. And that’s what he did. From the time he became rebbe to his very last day, he worked to strengthen yiddishkeit and our connection to Hashem.

    Regardless, really picture when you’ll come up to Beis Din Shel Maala after 120 and imagine what questions they will ask you.
    Now, what has a bigger chacne of a question they will ask you:
    Either: Why didn’t you harass Lubavitch
    Or: Why DID you harass Lubavitch? Look at how many tens of Thousands (Yes, tens of thousands) of Mitzvos they have made happen. Look at how much yidden now have a kesher with Hashem because they put on teffilin because of chabad! Look at how many baalei teshuvah were made, and they have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. and all because of CHabad!
    Do You seriously in a hundred years think they’ll ask the first option?
    And maybe you want to see how Dovid Lichtenstein never stops praising Chabad and The Rebbe. ANd for your information, he is a yeshivishe guy who learned in lakewood.

    I wish Hatzlachah to everyone, (even the haters), and Moshiach should come Bimeheira Biyamenu Mamosh!

    in reply to: “Harry” #2026919
    Ober Chochom

    The way I view it, a harry is the one who says ‘Yeshivish’ (without the I being pronounced as eee) not Yesheevish.
    A harry is also someone who in their family’s culture, it’s normal for them to have the name Harry in the family.

    in reply to: do goyim have bchira chofshis? #2026906
    Ober Chochom

    Why are you always looking to upshlug me? Why are you just saying that “I have no proof”?
    Who are you to decide?

    in reply to: Sleeping in the sukkah #2026669
    Ober Chochom

    Number one, I have read all he posts on this thread.
    Number two, I didn’t say anything about a chabad yeshiva.
    Number three, I need to correct myself, it was 14 years, not 20.
    Number Four, I realized how worthless this conversation is. We’re not getting anywhere with this. What problem do you have so much with lubavitch that you need to bash it so much? If your gonna start looking for questions ask satmar why they where dafka white socks, over their pants. ANd your not gonna make lubavitchers not sleep in the sukkah because your making such a big deal over it.
    Why don’t you check your tefillin every year? Why dafka every seven years? I can ask that question, I can even make a thread about it, but why whould I? It just split’s klal yisrael because the different minhagim and opinions they follow. WHy are we focusing so much on parts we we disagree? Let’s start threads on what we do agree on. (We doesn’t mean litvish and chabad, it means yidden)

    in reply to: do goyim have bchira chofshis? #2026657
    Ober Chochom

    I really don’t chap how you never knew that you have Bchira! Yes, you can choose to good. And you can choose to do bad. Look at last week’s parshah, Hashem gave Eisav Bchira, he could choose to do bad, so he was and for generations on driven to do bad. Yaakov also had Bchira, and he chose to do good, that’s why Klal Yisrael os driven to do good. But we still have free choice, int he haggadha we say we are Bnei Chorin (someone is gonnna say that it’s out of context because we said we were slaves and now we’re free, but we learn from here that we are still free people).

    in reply to: Women Doing Men’s Jobs #2026650
    Ober Chochom

    I’m not saying that women can’t work. They should work.
    In fact, nowadays it is the norm for a frum family to have their mother working too. I’m saying that in perspective, the Husband is the provider. Nowadays many yungerman learn in kollel and their wife works, and that’s great. But to have female soldiers and police are a bit too farfetched. Women (I think) can be Nurses, Teachers, Doctors, hairdressers, designers, artists, composers, (not sure about lawyers) many more jobs. My point about Beiso was as follows: Who makes the supper in your house? The Mother of the house (Your wife). Who does the laundry? Who spends more time in the house? You know the answer already.

    And just tell me where in the gemara it has a women doctor (I’m not doubting it, I’m curious)

    in reply to: Women Doing Men’s Jobs #2026248
    Ober Chochom

    Chazal many times refers to women as ביתו (first mishna of yuma and many other places), and it teaches us that women are the house, meaning they take care of the house. Men go and make money.
    Now, if you have a female lawyer who gives lots of money to your shul, I’m not saying to send her away, but in values, they should be the ones in the house. It’s just these feminists who are looking always at the diamonds of everyone else, and they can’t see their diamonds in their own pockets.

    in reply to: Trump is a Distraction, Much to the Detriment of the Republican Party #2026126
    Ober Chochom

    I just want to say that biden is now low in the LEFTIST polls, the ones that claimed he was very high just a few months ago. With everything that happened, biden has no chance for re-election and I think that Trump as pres and Ron DeSantis as vice pres would be great.

    in reply to: Women Doing Men’s Jobs #2026125
    Ober Chochom

    It’s pretty much a known fact, that there are such things called man jobs and such things called woman jobs. And women can’t start taking man jobs just like that, and vice versa. Jewish Men do have a chiyuv in talmud torah, but also have a chiyuv in providing for his household. That means (in most cases) that he needs to go out and work. (And let’s say he is a rebbi, women cannot be teachers for boys for limudei kodesh. Just doesn’t work that way.

    in reply to: do goyim have bchira chofshis? #2025794
    Ober Chochom

    Goyim don’t have bechira like us yidden. They are attached like a magnet to their taivos and desires. We yidden are LUCKY that we have bechira and don’t have to fall to these taivos.

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