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The U.S. is on pace to leapfrog both Saudi Arabia and Russia and reclaim the title of the world’s biggest oil producer for the first time since the 1970s. The

Two criminal trials over allegations of high-level corruption in New York state were both drawing to a close Wednesday on the same floor atop a federal courthouse with dramatic views

Join Queens Hatzolah on Monday July 23, 2018 for an unforgettable evening and to show your support for Queens Hatzolah. Grand BBQ, Raffles, Wine tasting and entertainment, featuring international superstar

The U.N. agency for Palestinians says new Israeli restrictions on Gaza will worsen living conditions there. Agency spokesman Chris Gunness said Thursday it could have “profound and far-reaching consequences for

Poland’s president says the debates over NATO spending that U.S. President Donald Trump ignited are paying off for countries like his on the alliance’s eastern flank because they have led

Dozens of chareidi families in Tzefas, 52, are living without electricity during these hot summer days, a reality blamed on the city engineer and mayor, who they say refuse to

(by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for As we begin the Nine Days, knowing the historical background of the churban help us mourn its destruction. Tisha B’Av is the culmination, of

A woman was airlifted to a Trauma Center following a serious crash in Woodridge on Thursday afternoon. Catskills Hatzolah was on the scene just after 1:00PM, after receiving multiple calls

The Democratic candidate for the 19th Congressional District, Antonio Delgado, is a former rap singer who released a CD titled “Painfully Free” in 2006 in which he uses the N-word,

Retired Justice Theodore Ohr noted the professional work of MK (Shas) Yaakov Margi as chairman of the Knesset Education Committee, who is attentive to all and tries to help disadvantaged

The Trump administration says all eligible small children separated from their families as a result of its zero-tolerance immigration policy have been reunited with their parents. But nearly half of

That Tap On The Shoulder By M. Lowinger You know that charismatic guy, the one who captures everyone’s attention as soon as he enters the room?  The fellow with the

The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Jarida, considered one of the most reliable in the Arab world, reports Thursday that Israel is very close to returning the remains of Israeli spy Eli Cohen

Now consumers are in the cross-hairs. Americans could soon find themselves paying more for goods they might not have known were imported from China. It’s a potential consequence of a

A letter written nearly 500 years ago by Martin Luther in which he refers to Jews as “devils incarnate” during a tirade against a former ally is up for auction,

A raucous and divisive NATO summit concluded Thursday with all 29 NATO member states agreeing that there still is a common commitment to the military alliance after U.S. President Donald

Last week the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC, hosted a meeting with community leaders and NYPD officials, together with Flatbush Hatzoloh and Flatbush Shomrim​​. The purpose of the event was

In a letter sent to residents of Jerusalem, HaGaon HaRav Dov Lior, former mora d’asra of Kiryat Arba and now a Jerusalem resident, the rav endorses Minister Ze’ev Elkin in

President Donald Trump on Thursday forecast an unspecified “escalation” between the United States and Iran following his withdrawal from a landmark deal that provided sanctions relief for Tehran in exchange

Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation World-Wide Tisha B’Av Event Provides An All New View of  the all-important midah of “Nosei B’ol” As in the past, The CCHF Tisha b’Av presentation  will

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