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Tehillim Gathering(s) In Lakewood For Rabbi Moskowitz (Update On His Condition In Extended Article)

tehillim.jpgThere will be a gathering for Tinokos Shel Bais Rabon (BOYS) to say Tehillim for the Refuah Shelaima of Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz – (the 4th grade Rebbe in Lakewood Cheder who was brutally beaten with a baseball-bat by an African American male) – at 4:00PM [Friday] in the Lakewood Cheder dining-room. Additionally, this Motzei Shabbos, there will be a Tehillim gathering for women at 9:00PM in the Bais Faiga Hall. Please bring your own Tehillim. Yidden everywhere can be Mispallel for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam – who Bichasdei Hashem has started talking and has opened up his eyes! (Click on inage to ENLARGE the Tehillim)

18 Responses

  1. I just want to repost over here what a familly member asked me to put on the YW.

    Does one ever think of blaming the mailman for delivering the bills that upset us?
    Blaming the assault of a Lakewood Cheder Rebbe on crime, complaining about police, etc. is missing the point!
    As ma’aminim bnei ma’aminim, we know that it’s a message to us from Hashem. What is the message? Possibly this: Our streets are unsafe! Rav Shach zt”l once told someone who questioned the many car accidents that the spiritual pritzus is making the streets unsafe.
    Please make one doable kabbalah in the area of tznius as a z’chus for a refua shleima bimhaira for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam.

    Thank You
    A Relative.

    P.S. Your tefilos are still very much needed and appreciated.
    Thank You

  2. jack 1435, is it by ruach hakoidesh, that it became known to the family member, that it is lack of tznius, that is the cause of such tragedies??

    Personally I am fed up with the fashionable blaming of everything on presumably not sufficiently tsniusdikke women, with the additional benefit of not having to enquire further into the inexplicable darcheiHashem..

  3. Blaming all tragedies on presumed lack of tsnius apparently defies all logic: this horrible attack did not happen in the street, even Rav Shach zt”l in you story talks about spiritual not actual pritzus;

    Personally i am getting fed up with the recent trend of people having this explantion handy and presuming to be able to explain the darchei Hashem!

  4. #2 by a relative is completely true and right on target!

    The blatant pritzus that has invaded our streets in a crime against Hashem and the direct cause of many of our ills and misfortunes.

  5. Mi kiamcho yisroel! May the kiddush hashem caused by the above post, comming from a family that would undersandably have feelings of outrage, resentment & fury, be a zechus for this special person and mishpocha.

  6. I agree with number 4 only so far as to say that we can not know the exact cheshbonos in shomayim. To deny attributing the event to hashgocho is ocvious kefirah though. The Brisker Rav once heard of a man who was kiiled while driving on Shabbos R”L. He commented that Shabbos had exacted it’s revenge. Someone asked but there are so many who do die while driving not on Shabbos & many who do drive & do not die. To which the rav responded here we have the reason. This case is not the same. We do not know the reason. We do know thaough that not to realize the yad hashem is missing the main message.

  7. If your going the pritzus route then how about looking at yor own family and stop judging others.

    Someone else at a recent levaya stated the same dumb line and then I saw this guys daughter walking with a dress that I will not detail here.

    When I mentioned this to the person who opened his mouth about tznius He said it’s different!

    It’s always different when it’s THEIR OWN FAMILY MEMBERS dressing non tzniusdik.

    To the family that supposedly mentioned about tznius issues you should
    look at YOURSELF. Maybe you double parked or blocked someones driveway for an hour at one timeand did not care?

    Maybe you were talking on the cell phone while driving and made a tremedous chilul hashem?

    Maybe you talk loshon hora? Or maybe the last time there was a sad story posted on Yeshiva world you did not feel the tzaar-thinking it’s not “my family”….

    There could be many reasons why this happened to your family. We are not go–d and therfore can’t sit here and start saying it’s because of XYZ.

    LOOK AT YOURSELF AND STOP BLAMING OTHERS in the name of daas torah and in the name of tznius.

  8. After complaining about a burglary in his home, a fellow asked his rebbe if perhaps he should check his mezuzos. The rebbe answered that before he checks his mezuzos he should start locking his doors.

    Nobody is denying that in every occurance – both painful and joyous experiences – there in an underlying message from The Ribbono Shel Olam. This does not, however, relieve us from the obligation of keeping our neighborhoods safe.

    The fact is that violence in Lakewood is escalating so what can be wrong about exploring methods to improve security? Obviously, we need to conduct an internal investigation on our ruchniyos as well. But to ignore the current security crisis is callous.

  9. Everything one does in this world causes an effect. When one sins it causes a bad effect, when one does mitzvos it causes a good effect. While we don’t know what particular sin caused this tragedy to happen, it is apparent that we must be metakein something. Each one of us has to work on something that we personally feel needs improvement.We can’t carte blanche blame it on a lack of tznius, or the slum landlords, or whatever. Everyone of us should make a personal commitment to work on something that each one of us knows we have to improve on, whether it is lack of tznius, talking loshon horah,etc.

  10. Here we are just reading parashas Noach, and we learn that the aveirah that was the “final straw” for HaShem so to speak to bring the mabul, even with all the pritzus etc., was gezel.

  11. I just want to stress that I was not indicating in any way that Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz was involved in gezel, just saying that if we want to focus on certain aveirahs to work on after a horrific event such as this, there are others beyond tznius to think of.

    b”H Rabbi Moskowitz is recovering and may we only hear good news.

  12. Dear Judy and others, I would just like to clarify what I have posted in the name of a family member.
    All the letter was out to do was to stop the Loshon Horah that was rapidly spreading about different people. As anyone who knows the Moskowitz family will tell you they are very into not speaking Loshon Horah. I myself as a talmud of R’ Moskowitz in the 3rd grade remember him showing us the tapes turning in his house as people listened to S”H over the phone.
    Nor did we say that the reason why this happened is a direct cause of tznius but all that was said was “What is the message? Possibly this: Our streets are unsafe! Rav Shach zt”l once told someone who questioned the many car accidents that the spiritual pritzus is making the streets unsafe.
    Please make one doable kabbalah in the area of tznius as a z’chus for a refua shleima bimhaira for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam.” The following was NOT to put blame but to request that people accept upon themselves something for a zchus for our beloved R’ Moskowitz!
    May the Zchus of the L”H tapes, “Greater Adventures” and all that the tzibur is doing BACHDUS be a zchus for a refuah shleima for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam.
    Thank You

  13. #7 where did i deny hashgoche in this tragic event????????

    Apparently just questioning, why this tragedy and many others recently automatically get linked to tsnius issues comes down to kefirah according to you!

  14. You don’t need ruah Hakodesh to know it’s a lack of Tznius. Why is it when they blame it on loshon hora people accept it but when they say it’s because of a lack of Tznius people don’t want to hear it. We can’t know the exact cheshbonos in shomayim but we know that it says “Ve’hoyoh Mechanecha Kodosh Velo Yireh Becho Ervas Dovar Veshov Meacharecha” & Ha-shem takes of His shmirah when there is no Tznius.

  15. #16, Very well put.

    People are afraid to hear about the tzinius problem plaguing us in a way no other aveira instills the same fear in them– i.e. they are willing to accept rebuke in the inyan of loshon hora (even when a Godol links loshon hora to a particular tzora), where they will close their ears when anyone mentions the great problems facing us in the area of tzinius.

    This is clearly due to the fear of people in ceasing to engage in the lack of tzinius that plagues us.

  16. SHOMU SHAMAYIM! Is a Yid not safe in Lakewood, Monsey,Boro Park ect.? Perhaps we have become too insular at a time that so much needs to be done for Yidden who are not members of our community, for all yidden in Eretz Yisrael and in America.We can’t afford to be like Noach, a tzadik just for himself. If we want to be safe in our communities this can only be if we help those in distress elsewhere.

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