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Levaya Of Rav Tzvi Judowitz ZATZAL

candle7.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rav Tzvi Judowitz ZATZAL, who was a Talmid of Rav Elchonon Wasserman HYD, and R’ Avrohom Yaffen ZATZAL. He was a tremendous Masmid who learnt 18 hours a day all his life and finished Shas every year. The Levaya will will be today at 1:00 PM in Shomrei Hachomas Chapels (Boro Park).

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

4 Responses

  1. he didnt learn 18 hours a day all his life, but since he retired some 30 years ago he’s been keeping that seder, when he worked he learnt whenever he could especially on shabbos-he wouldnt take an afternoon nap.

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