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Passaic Clifton Kashrus Releases Final Statement About ‘Jin Restaurant’

Passaic Clifton Kashrus (PCK) on Friday afternoon released a statement regarding the recent reports about the “Jin Restaurant” that may have had non-Kosher food.

In their statement, PCK says “No non-Kosher food was found at the restaurant, nor can PCK conclude that any non-Kosher food ever entered the establishment. Rumors to the contrary are entirely unfounded”.

The statement ends by saying that Hagaon HaRav Dovid Feinstein has ruled that there is no need for customers to Kasher any Keilim.

See attached image for full statement.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


44 Responses

  1. Baruch HaShem alls gut.. It could have been shut for health regulations. Not necessarily for being dirty. The health department, at least in NYC can give violations for many other reasons. Ex. Water faucets not working properly, hats / nets on hair not being worn, food left out of the fridge to long , etc…

  2. In their statement, PCK says “No non-Kosher food was found at the restaurant, nor can PCK conclude that any non-Kosher food ever entered the establishment. Rumors to the contrary are entirely unfounded”
    There is no kosher restaurant in the world that would be able say with absolute 100% certainty that non kosher ever entered thier domain. They could only say with certainty that they only by from a kosher reseller but that doesnt mean that non kosher ever entered thier store/ restaurant. Its a very odd statement from them.
    You cant even say it about your own home, especially if you hire outside cleaning help.

  3. I have years of experience in the Kashrus field. This would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. Did you really expect anything to say Glatt treif?!? By now all kashrus problems were scrubbed. I would like to hear how the shayla was presented.

  4. So let me get this straight. 2 mashgichim find a type of chicken not found on the invoices with no way of determining whether or not the chicken is kosher and PCK concludes that the chicken is kosher. This sounds like nonsense. Many of us who ate there witnessed the Chinese eating food that was not served on the menu. When we asked the mashgichim, they were concerned about this too and said that the Rabbi had no concern and said the Chinese can eat fish without scales in the restaurant.

    This is definitely a coverup and a shame for klal yisrael. As I posted on the other article, they only care about the $$$MONEY$$$$

  5. All the sarcastic comments notwithstanding, the vaad doesn’t say that they are going to restore their hashgacha to this location or what happens going forward. Just that no need to kasher keilim. Also, to the poster who educated us on NYC health department rules, as Toto said, this isn’t Kansas, nor is Passaic in New York.

    A gutten Shabbos.

  6. According to PCK and their Mashgichim, the restaurant used Bodek pre-checked vegies. (as the mashgichim were only qualified to check scallions, celery, some herbs, etc.) Hopefully it wasn’t Rabbi Eisen’s methods.

    Yudel Shain’s research indicates that the restaurant also served “unchecked” broccoli and other vegies that require Bedikas. The Chinese managers / workers or rather “owners” bought at cosco and other outlets, Brocolli, Chinese leafy vegetables etc.

    There is very good reasons that the OU refuses to certify Chinese restaurants owned by non-Jews. This restaurant was owned and managed by non-Jews.

    All indications from an experts point of view indicates that unchecked vegieies and Treifas was indeed served at this restaurant. Keilim should be koshered.

    Yudel Shain studied chinese cooking and Bedikas Toloyim prior to certifying a number of non-Jewish owned Chinese restaurants.
    It seems that the system was at fault.

  7. Yes, you shall kasher your Keilim.

    The scandal and the cover-up is mind boggling.
    Unless their System of certification needs adjustment.

  8. Yudel, I’m sorry but there is a very special place waiting for you אחר מאה ועשרים. A VERY VERY VERY HOT PLACE.

    You live in Lakewood and you have NO idea what’s happening in North Jersey .

    One more thing, what’s with the third person ABOUT YOURSELF?
    די האלטצ דיך אזוי גרויס ?



  10. Yudel- you claim to have done research. Any evidence to back that up?
    Are you a bigger posek than R Dovid who said no need to kasher keilim?
    Are you so certain that the place is owned by non jews?

  11. Dear Annoyed,

    Let them reopen the restaurant with the same Chinese manager and workers and the same owner. They can continue to do business as usual and pretend to feed you kosher chinese food. The truth is anyone that would eat at Jin Glatt Treif after this doesn’t care about kashrus.

    Over Shabbos I was told by a reliable source that PCK did a forensic audit and found they were selling more chicken than their invoices showed they were purchasing and this has been going on for years. Are the Chinese magicians? They probably found the cheapest chicken, bought it and sold it to you. But don’t worry. You believe it is kosher so you will be fine. Jin Glatt Kosher is as kosher as KFC – Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    The Chinese eat fish without scales in the restaurant and the Rabbi says they can do it. That is non-kosher food.
    They are buying less chicken than they are selling and PCK – Passaic Clifton Kashrus has no problem saying no “non-Kosher food ever entered the establishment”

    It is about the $$$$MONEY$$$$. I have lost my trust in PCK – Passaic Clifton Kashrus.

  12. Im not a big fan of yudel to say the least but im Just fact checking the followin.
    Did rav dovid feinstein himself come down to passaic and do his own personal checking of the matzav and paskened on that? Or did he send his שיק אינגל and paskened on here- say from a third/4rth/5th party?

  13. Reb Dovid Feinstein answered to what was asked.
    Could we have the exact question that was asked?

    Was Reb Dovid told about the Costco Broccoli, the Bok Choy, the Napa, all of the other goodies?

    Was he told that the Jewish lady was a “front” not the owner?

    What else was he not informed about?

  14. Numerous locals say that they were never comfortable with the kashrus, etc. at this restaurant, now we know why.

    One should be able to tell a difference between a kosher processed chicken & a non-kosher processed chicken.

    One should be able to tell the difference between kosher processed meat and non-kosher processed meat.

    Who checked the garbage?, I guess no one.

  15. If they re-open the restaurant, perhaps Rabbi Perlmutter “OU” (Passaic resident) should be in charge of the establishment?

  16. To Mr. Takes 2 Tango:
    Rabbi Dovid Feinstien is a Posek whether you like it or not. I am sure that he knows what he is doing. Your comment about a 3rd or 4th party does not make any sense. The Posek knows how many parties are involved. The real question is; we need to know the exact wording of the question and I would like to see Rabbi Feinstien’s answer in writing. Can we have access to the audio of the question and answer.

  17. Google Yudel Shain and you will see that this is not the first time he is starting Motzei Shem Rah. A few years ago he stated that Ribashkin was bribed by satmer and all their meat is treif. He was kicked out of Bedatz Mehadrin…..

  18. Not sure why anyone is even arguing with Yudel Shain. A rachmanus on the man. Lying in a hospital bed nearly dying from a heart attack and blogging away cursing out other Yidden.

    A deranged mentally disturbed individual that curses anyone and everyone out on his blog for 15 years, except the his own ganev son. That he keeps off.

    Yudel is a better shochet then anyone. Better bug checker. Better chevra kaddisha. Hatzolah stinks. BMG stinks. Gedolim stink. In fact, everyone and everything stink unless Yudel the Loser did it himself.

    Google “borderline personality disorder” for more information.

    Very sad. Bitter Rachmanus.

  19. I wish all those that bash behind these anonymous names would have the courage to use their real names. If what you’re saying is truth, then man up and say it in your name.

  20. This is why I thought it was inappropriate for YWN to spread rumors that the restaurant served non kosher. Report only NEWS not hearsay.

  21. Why are these so called erliche yidden on this blog who are so concerned what goes into their mouths, be just as concerned what comes out of their mouths?

  22. Yudel, do you even know these Rabanim that your calling liars?? These rabanim that signed the paper are very prominent talmidei chachamim. Speak to anyone that knows Rav Yonason Sacks or Rav Shachne Weinberger and they will tell you how straight and honest they are. How can one even say they are in it for the money?? Even if they did mess up and there was treiff food why would they only tell half the story to Rav Dovid and be Michshal hundreds of people? They obviously got that psak and feel there is nothing to gain from publicizing the story. (Btw R’ Eisens methods are good according to many people. Don’t take your chumrahs and make it like it’s Halacha)

  23. Just wondering. If “yudel” knows the “facts”, and he truly cares about the klal, why doesnt he present them to Rav Dovid Feinstien Shlita, or any other posek for that matter, ask the question in his own words, the way he wants it asked, and present us with the answer he receives.

  24. Could some normal person provide a layman’s explanation as to is this Yudel character, is he still alive (one poster said he was in a hospital and terminal), if he is still active, what his relationship is to the Passaic restaurant hashgacha issue, etc. Sometimes this all sounds like inside baseball to the 99 percent of CR readers.

  25. I stated my name “Yudel Shain” Lakewood.
    I am qualified to comment, research, conclude, etc. on these type of issues.

    I have the hands on experience, I’m not a “wannabe.”
    I caught the Shevach Finkel treifus scandal, the butcher in Borough Park, The caterer with the bishul akum, unauthorized product, Shabbos scandals, the Borough Park bakery working on Shabbos, KYO Restaurant in Monsey, among numerous other scandals in kashrus.
    Everyone can attack me with their arm chair attacks.
    They have theories, I have the facts.
    DeJa Vu- in all of the kashrus scandals “The Certifiers are at fault.”

  26. I think people have a right to know the details of this psak to determine if they want to rely on any kulos. For example:
    if i ate there and there was an issue but reb dovid paskened there’s no need to kasher the keilim then i would like to know the details for my self(im sure others want to know too) so i (and others) can determine if we are relying on a major or minor kula by not having to kasher.

  27. So this Yuddele from Lakewood is the world’s greatest and only honest kashruth expert and Rav Dovid Feinstein Shlita and the vaad rabbonim from Passaic are all a bunch of ignorant kashruth wannabees who are also taking bribes to cover up the treifus at Jin’s Restaurant. Thank you yuddele for providing the facts from Lakewood, that center of honesty and integrity in all things having to do with yiddieshkeit.

  28. It’s not a kula, it’s the facts are different.
    Rav Y.S. Eliyashev Z”L, taught me that the first thing one must determine is the correct facts, otherwise it’s not a psak but a heter.

    I had shimush by Rav Eliyashev, Rav Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shmuel Wosner, etc OB”M to name a few.

  29. Name dropping, so far thats all you have done, that and innuendo. Why dont you tell us exactly what you found out, how you found it out, and based on that information, how you reached the conclusions you reached. Otherwise, you are a faceless internet user, who may or may not be who he claims to be.

    You claim to have facts, present them. Not to me, I dont need them, and wont issue a psak based on them. Present them to a posek and let us know what said posek rules. You claim they are liars, prove it. You claim a cover up, prove it. Otherwise, why should anyone believe you? I can claim to have all the expertise and experience you have, times two. You cant disprove it. Perhaps I am correct, and you are a quack.

  30. @yudel “I’m not a “wannabe.””

    Actually, you are the biggest “wannbe” on the face of the plant. You are better then everyone and everyone in every field on the plant. The only “wannabe” that you aren’t is what you actually are, and that is one of the most horrific baalei motzei shem ra to walk the globe in the last centurey. Your lashon hara is legendery. Your mesira is legendary. You have been a moser in lakewood for years and years, reporting mosods, including BMG, for the most pathetic false things, that in your deliusional warped mind have decided that is mutar to be a Moser.

    You claim to have “shimush” from Rav Elyashib and others….so have they also given you shimush on your blogging and spreading vile lashon hara and motzei shem ra?

    Yudel Shain is a joke of a person.

    Never had a decent job, and is a total nobody.

    He is exactly what he claims he isn’t. “A wannabe”.

  31. @Gadolhadorah

    Guess you never met Yudel before. Don’t you know that he knows better than Rav David Feinstein?

    Rav Feinstein knows nothing compared to Yudel.

    He is the biggest. The best. The most amazing.

  32. At least after 120, They will ask you why you ate treif and infested vegies?
    you will not be able to shrug your shoulder and say “I didn’t know”.

    Then they’ll send you to………(Gan-Eden- right?)

    After all, I’m doing this for 45 years and have a proven track record of being on target.
    After 120, you’ll check it out, right? TOO LATE CHARLIE.

    I’m finished with this issue.

  33. Rabosi,

    I am sad to say R’ Yudel is somebody who hates everyone in kashrus and can’t get along with anyone. It’s a major shame because he had so much to offer.

    It’s very sad how he sits in Lakewood and bashmutzis things elsewhere when he has no idea of facts, not a ki hu zeh, not at all. Abi tzu redin.

    Moderator: It’s time to shut the comments on this story because all you’re going to get is more narishkeit and r’chilus from Central Jersey.

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