Some local residents in the Williamsburg neighborhood have found something new to complain about. Their new target is the Satmar Matzah Bakery – which has been at the same location for more than FIFTY years.
Local residents staged a small protest in front of the bakery on Broadway on Sunday, complaining that the bakery has dangerous and toxic smoke billowing out of it.
The bakery belongs to the Satmar Williamsburg Kehilla (Rav Zalman Leib), and produces Matzah for thousands upon thousands of families. It is known as the “Congregation Yetav Lev Satmar Matzoh Bakery”.
The following is via WPIX11:
Williamsburg resident Rosa Ortiz says the smoke is irritating her 9-year-old child’s asthma.
“The smoke wakes us up in the middle of the night,” Ortiz said. “My apartment feels like it is on fire.”
Ortiz joined dozens of members of the South 5th Street Block Association as they demonstrated against the Congregation Satmar’s matzo factory at 423 Broadway.
The Williamsburg southside residents claim that the factory spews toxic coal smoke in the early morning hours. It is so bad that some residents say they have to wear masks in order to get to the subway.
In an interview with the media gathered at the scene, local resident Yiddy Wertzberger countered that the bakery burns clean wood, just like any home fireplace. He explained that the protesters would be better off protesting pollution from the vehicles traveling on the nearby highway, or any business producing real toxic emissions.
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(Charles Gross – YWN)
16 Responses
Actually, my zeidah was a troop leader in a yeskeshe girl scout troop in New York…..your comment is both childish and if I was you, I’d avoid any type of shoah/nazi comparisons…..chazal bring down that those who joke about such tragedies in ANY format are at risk themselves for what they joke about it.. Just something to think about
So the typical liberals are here
Godolhadorah and Takes2-2tango
If they were around before the war, Wouls anyone be surprised if they joined the gestapo?
As far as keeping windows open? Plenty apts dont have thier own thermostat which could make it very hot at night, so the only choice is to open the window a bit.
Well then maybe they should protest that. What a blatant waste of money and energy.
KetanahHador: “If the bakery has properly installed their oven vent system than the city’s health inspectors can tell these demonstrators to go home.” They still have a right to protest regardless of the legitimacy of their cause, as long as that have a permit and follow legal guidelines.
weird, usually noone messes with Satmar. Sign of the times.
If there’s a pollution problem, it should be taken care of.
I Ithink your comparison is more than a bit over the top. Its a simple issue. If the bakery has properly installed their oven vent system than the city’s health inspectors can tell these demonstrators to go home. If the bakery is in violation than give them 48 hours to intall the required filtration system or shut it down. its not rocket science. Most of the matzoh bakeries today are able to operate within the standards. Some of the last bakeries on the lower East Side moved to NJ becaue it was not cost-effective to retrofit their ovens. Same here. No reason to continue operating a polluting plant if it cannot operate wihin the law.
Today they protest about air pollution tomorrow they will protest about blood of a xtian baby being mixed in matzo.
Whatta we want?
Clean air?
When do we want it?
Where do wr want it?
In the neighborhood with one of the worst toxic air quality levels of all Brooklyn! Yes, shutting down this one lone bakery that operates a couple months out of the year will give Wmsburg clean,air, lol.
March 5, 2018 11:55 am at 11:55 am
By the way, the protestors don’t even live in the Williamsburg area…the protesting residents shuttle in these outsider protestors that live in classier neighborhoods…the protestors later return to their luxury homes..
And u know this info how?
As far as keeping windows open? Plenty apts dont have thier own thermostat which could make it very hot at night, so the only choice is to open the window a bit.
Typical anti-semites. If they weren’t embarassed what others would think of them saying it, they’d say at their protest what they’re thinking: Jews Get Out of our Neighborhood.
Idiots! Who sleeps with their windows open in middle of winter? They start making matzo in December they’re finished in a month, that’s still winter. Don’t be an idiot. Tell us the truth about what you’re protesting about.
There aren’t many “coal-fired” matzoh bakeries left. Several have burned down and others have converted to natural gas or wood (as is the case here). There is a simple answer, The City should test the air coming from the vents of the bakery and confirm the smoke is within limits. If not, than obviously shut It down immediately. BTW, there are totally different standards for fixed and mobile pollution sources.
I love the new way of thinking: I would’ve said ” there’s a factory here maybe i shouldn’t move right next to it” I wonder where this mimdset comes from that people think they have right to try to control everything around them.
By the way, the protestors don’t even live in the Williamsburg area…the protesting residents shuttle in these outsider protestors that live in classier neighborhoods…the protestors later return to their luxury homes.. really they couldn’t care less…..if they’re so concerned, why don’t they protest the drugs, violence and other crimes that are rampant in the area????