The outbreak of measles is growing. The following are the latest updates available to YWN.
The Rockland County Health Department is now requiring more students to get the measles vaccine or stay home from school, as more confirmed cases are reported in the county. The health commissioner said students should stay home for three weeks if not vaccinated to keep measles from spreading.
Two children have been hospitalized – ONE IN INTENSIVE CARE – because of the measles outbreak, and the health department is taking more precautions to make sure it doesn’t spread among students.
As more measles cases are confirmed in Rockland, the health department is urging everyone in the county to make sure they’re vaccinated and expanding the list of schools where students should either get the vaccine or be kept home for three weeks.
Rockland County’s Commissioner of Health, Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, announced Wednesday that all schools in the Village of New Square are now required to keep students who are un-vaccinated or under-vaccinated against the disease home until 21 days have passed since the last case of measles is confirmed in the county.
The same standards apply for students in specific schools in Monsey, Spring Valley, and any school with less than a 70 percent vaccination rate. So far, the county has given more two thousand doses of the measles vaccine, referred to as MMR. Ruppert is urging parents to make sure their whole families vaccination history.
The New Jersey Department of Health is warning residents about two additional confirmed cases of measles who could have exposed others to the infection while in Ocean County between October 25 and 30.
Anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed to measles:
- NPGS, 231 Main St, Lakewood, NJ 08701
- October 25 between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.
- October 29 between 2:15 p.m. and 4:45 p.m.
- Pizza Plus, 241 4th St, Lakewood, NJ 08701 on October 28 between 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
The Department is working in collaboration with the Ocean County Health Department to identify and notify people who might have been exposed during the time the individuals were infectious.
There have been dozens of stories published by YWN in the past few months of measles alerts issued by authorities involving Frum people who have not been vaccinated.
YWN published a story two weeks ago about a measles outbreak in New York, with 6 residents of Williamsburg and multiple residents of Rockland County confirmed to have the disease.
The Viznitz Monsey Girls School announced that any child who is not immunized, can’t return to school for 21 days. No “religious exemption” is accepted. A religious exemption does not work when there is a measles outbreak.
Three weeks ago, YWN reported about the Menahel of Breslov Mosdos in Tzefas having been infected with the measles. He was listed in critical condition at the time of the news story.
Last week, YWN published an article where MK (Yisrael Beitenu) Yulia Malinovsky on Monday, during a session of the Knesset Health Committee, blasted the chareidi public of intensifying the spread of measles in Israel because so many of the community refuse to vaccinate.
Measles is highly contagious, so anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting the disease.
People who are unvaccinated risk getting infected with measles and spreading it to others, and they may spread measles to people who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or have specific health conditions.
Individuals are considered protected or immune to measles if:
• they were born before 1957
• have received two doses of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine
• have had measles confirmed by a health care provider
• or have a lab test confirming immunity
Symptoms include a fever, rash, cough, conjunctivitis or runny nose, and they could appear 10 to 12 days after exposure.
The virus can remain in the air or on surfaces for up to two hours.
To prevent the spread of illness, health officials are advising individuals who may have been exposed and who have symptoms consistent with measles to contact their health care provider, a local clinic, or a local emergency department before going for care.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
11 Responses
Some common sense:
You can also ask, How would u feel if your child died from MMR VACCINE? statistically, more ppl die from the shot than from measles.
Mumps? Would be benign if acquired as a child. The vaccine only temporarily suppressed the immune system so u dont get it as a child but are at risk as an adult with more complications. Furthermore, the mumps component of the vaccine does not protect against exposure whatsoever. They are in court presently being sued for falsifying their data to make it look like it works (they used rabbits blood to create that effect).
Time to rethink that vaccine perhaps?
Why are 2 children in the hospital and one in intensive care? “Due to measles outbreak” hardly sounds like an explanation. Do they have measles? Complications from measles? Anyone know?
> mylogic37
I just found it on israelnationalnews and vosizneias and Jpost.
We all owe hakaros hatov to those people who have warned the hamon am about the dangers of using vaccines. Without them, many more people would be vaccinating their children and preventing easily preventable diseases.
How would you feel as a parent if your child died from measles? How would you feel if your child got mumps and can never have children?
The studies about the MMR vaccine have been proven to be in error.
Mylogic-see my above post. A report on lohud today ( News website for lower hudson valley NY)
i have kids in shiduchim and i am not makpid on many of the cultural specifics etc.. however vaccines is a deal breaker if you are affiliated with the no vax – sorry i cant live with that and smoking is the second q although as bad as smoking is i think no vax is way worse what do u think
Belev Echad, if that is true then which news source is reporting this?
Capman, For the upteenth time it’s irrelevant. All Dr’s say that even if you have been vaccinated you STILL have a chance to get it (I think it’s a 4% chance)!! Why can’t you meshgunas get this fact!!!! It’s amazing how dumb and dangerous the anti-vaxx are!!! So to review if everyone was vaccinated then the chances of anyone getting sick is zero! But if people do not get vacainated then others can get sick.
Capman, according to the report on Lohud today, not one of these people had been vaccinated.
(There are 12 cases of babies who are less than 12 months old and therefor were too young to receive the vaccine)
To vax or not to vax, that is the question.
OK, with 40 cases in Monsey, how many of those were vaxed and how many not.
I think YWN should also report the horrifying news from today in Yerushalayim. BDE…an 18 month old baby died from measles today. Hashem Yerachem.