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Pope Plans Visit to Park East Synagogue!

pes.jpgAccording to an Associated Press report just released, Pope Benedict XVI will be visiting the Park East Synagogue – an Orthodox Shul – when he travels to the United States in two weeks.

Quoting U.S. bishops, the AP says that the pope will visit the Shul on the evening of April 18 – which is the Friday night before Pesach.

Separately, Benedict will meet with Jewish leaders and representatives of other faiths in Washington, D.C., on April 17th. He will also meet with leaders of other Christian groups.

Benedict is traveling to Washington and New York from April 15 through April 20.

YWN contacted the Shul, and confirmed that Chazan Yitzhak Meir Helfgot (Chief Cantor at Park East Synagogue), will not be in the Shul for the first days of Pesach.

61 Responses

  1. I never understood why people mispronounce the Lashon HaKodesh “Yom Tov” as (yiddish-inspired?) “yuntiff”.

    That’s a nice rhyme, though.

  2. I know that this shul has such affairs of high dignity- I can only imagine the simcha The Abishter receives from brining such a chashuva individual into the shul. It’s almost as geshamak as being spat in the face. This is no different than the chazeer being brought into the bais hamikdash. We all have a chiyuv to pick up the phone and reprimand such behavior-

    Tel. 212.737.6900
    Fax. 212.570.6348
    Email [email protected]

  3. Shocking!! The Avi Avos of Tumah going into a Shul!!! Hashem Yerachem, what a Chillul Hashem!! Stop this disgraceful visit now and save the Beis Hamedresh from becoming Tomah Rachmonah Utzlon.

  4. And this is the man that was a Nazi, reinstituted the pray that they must convert Jews? He is going to a Frum shul? What did I miss? Maybe one of the other news services said something I missed…….Chevre what are we doing? We need to say ENOUGH!

  5. to charvona
    i think “mishane habrios” or “baruch dayan haemes”
    i think r’yehuda levin should make a “machoo”

    what a chilul hashem.
    p.s. will they say v’hei sheomda?

  6. Why the hate? He is only trying to be diplomatic.He isn’t trying to ‘shmad’ convert anyone. I don’t thinj he should be speaking in the Rabbi’s place,but as an important person,he deserves respect. We should show derech eretz and not chillul Hashem! He should go to a few other frum shuls and chassidishe shuls,not to reform groups,so he can see what real Yidden are all about.

  7. all of you commenting should go there once for Shabbos & see who comes to Daven at that shul & I can assure you once you will be there, you will not have any more questions & it will all be self explanatory.

    Dont get so excited about the Pope coming, This is far from anybody’s imagination what this shul is all about, this is not your typical chassidic Shtibel like Will. or BP or Flatbush, this is real upper class Manhatten & yes i have been there many times & who do you think walks in right in middle of davening ?? Jackie Mason of all the big Tzadikim & when he gets tired of listening to the Chazan he walks out right in middle of the services.

    by the way i dont even know that its called davening its more of a show or some sort of entertainment & this time they are going to be entertained by the pope as the Chazen will be Absent for Yom tov & so will most of the Members be absent as they are all going away to Hotels for Pesach, they cant do Pesach its just to hard.

  8. #18: he’s a clear practicer of avodah zorah, and it’s a real disgrace for our beis hamikdash me’at, to bring in such an individual: even more, because he’s their leader!!
    You want to make a bracho??? Asher yatzar, perhaps, but without Hashem’s name, please: not to be mentioned next to such an individual.!!

  9. In 1582 Pope Gregory YSV also came Fri Nite and spoke about forced shmad.Things are getting better.The shule is run by world class Tipshim,who haven’t got a clue of a Mikdash M’at. Helfgot shoud quit,he prob. will.

  10. If the pontiff is there for yomtif and he is invited for the seder meal, he won’t decline the opportunity to dine. This will be fine for most of the time, until the participants have to pass the wine. When this happens, you see, its ok to hand it from you to me. But, the distinguished guest is very different from the rest.It’s like in Shushan of old, where the guests were dazzled with silver and gold. Jews could pull out the fly that was ready to die and merrily drink away. Like the king, the pope could cause us to laugh and sing, however it won’t mean a thing. If he touches the cup, the good times are up and and so may end our friendly sup.

  11. I always liked Rudy Giuliana, but I never realized how much until now.
    A true oheb yisrael, he was actually better to the jews than the board of this “orthodox” shul.
    Many years ago during his mayorship during a major UN convention(may hashem take nekama on all of the leaders of this organization of reshaim), Rudy hosted a party for all the world leaders. Arafat yemachshemo vezichro & all the kelabim which are his nation, was DENIED entry due to his status as a murderer.
    After 9/11 he was presented a multi million dollar check from saudi arabia to help with rebuilding. He promptly ripped it up and said he wont accept $ from terrorists.
    However, here we have today the president/board of a supposedly orthodox synagogue inviting a former member of the Nazi youth to speak in the synagogue!
    Quite amazing… i guess the old addage rings true once again – dont judge the jews by the jews. We arent all this stupid.
    I will email the shul now and link them to this message board. Let this serve as a protest to an action which is so stupid that I was speecheless for a while upon hearing.

  12. to #5..sell the chumetzto him? wasn’t his mother yiddene (catholic orphanage during war..)? (not sure) to #5 thats a good one.. to #18 did you go thru mesectas avoda zorah, and hilchos akim, yorah dayeh that you can come to these halachik conclusions. did anybody show disrespect,is anybody planning on going to throw eggs c’v? so what are you plapkening about,where do you see the hate…mr proud.of KAJ-WH TIDE) what does the gemmorah say about chanife? ms. kiddusun 66 …

  13. Rabbi schrier’s behavior is worthy of condemnation.

    WHere are the leaders of the Orthodox community with a kol koreih against allowing a shtik tumah and avodah zoro into an “Orthodox” shul.

    We have witnessed kol koriehs on sillier things.

  14. 4, you can make a bracha if he tucks his jewelry in.
    18, a large part of me agrees that we have to act
    carefully and respectfully. Please olam, if and when you write and call, do some calmly, with no spelling errors. Maybe someone reliable can post a nusach here for us.
    BUT, 18, I really think the pope is not that naive. I have a hunch he has a handle on what real Yidden are and doesn’t need a tour of Jewish NY.

  15. It’s not my place to br moreh heter for anyone. R. Schnier is the rabbi of the schul, and he is free to do as he deems appropriate there. But to all of you who are so quick to condemn this visit, did you ever consider that such a reaching out to the head of more than 1 BILLION Catholics just might positively influence him slightly about Jews and Israel? Moreover, can’t we w shep a little naches that at least he’s going to an Orthodox schul? BTW Azi Schwartz is no longer at Park East.

  16. To #24 Haven’t you heard of yayin mevushal?

    Send the Pope to Lakewood. Get him a chavrusa.
    Where is Pasrtners for Torah?

  17. Oy Vay! Look at the latest fad Netan started now.. Even the pope wants to start davening in shul now!! just hope the rabbonim make sure to do their research real well if he ends up asking to be megayer.. 🙂 🙂

  18. this, THIS is where we’re holding. if you read the papers this is meant to be a huge honor. if it weren’t true it would be quite funny.


  19. A goy can give a korban at the time of the Beis Hamikdosh. Since tefillah takes the place of korbanos, what’s the problem?

  20. contrary to my log in name, I am not amused. i find myself increasingly disgusted by the tone of the comments to this website. While I may agree with those who feel the visit may be inappropriate, the level of disrespect shown to one’s fellow jews by a great deal of the posters is what is really appalling. Why do we constantly forget that sinas chinam was the cause of the destruction of the second Bais Hamikdash. Moderators, please address this issue already!!!

  21. It’s a sorry state of affairs if a so called
    orthodox shul caters to people who we’ve
    suffered from close to 2000 years
    they killed our ancestors our leaders, tzadikim etc.
    you think they’ve changed their religion
    & we kiss their feet ..
    compared to what they did to us, the Moslem’s are a drop in the bucket compared to them
    give them any chance and they will do it again
    Eisav sonei l’yakov, They are eisav ..

  22. To: Comment by amusedreader — April 3, 2008 @ 4:42 pm

    This is not sinas chinam. This shul is compromising on religious values that our ancestors were killed for. The catholic church had alot to do with WWII. And they represent avoda zorah.(too name a few things wrong with this visit) So it is not us with sinas chinam, but rather the board of Park East, who have sinas chinam to do this to other jews! (P.S. I am a modern orthodox jew)

  23. Everybody please take a chill. Mipnei darkey shalom its not the end of the world. As far as the pope himself is concerned he should have the respect and courtesy to remove his tzalim before entering but that basic fundamental decency he probably won’t have.

  24. “The pope is coming because he wants to start a new organization- “Pastors in Torah” ”


    This is why I sometimes bother to read the comment sections. Almost as good as that other new org I heard about: Yad L’Akum.

    Thanks for the laugh- it was a great Pesach cleaning break! 🙂

  25. to #40…you “find yourself increasingly disgusted..” can solve your problem very easily…there’s plenty other websites you can find, also for bnei we went thru posts on this news item, can you give example of 1 or 2 postings that you consider disrespect so we can analize and get idea of what you consider it maybe viazoi meret oif de hoipt galach, gerect m’darfnish vail yader is do..but that is not disrespect. shuld we assume that the rov of that shul is ehrlich and es is oisgehalten al pi halocho ,i dont know.but we judge things like ,would the holy chasam soifer ,nodah b’yehideh,igsros moishe mincuhs yitzchok divrei yoel etc, etc etc dos getun? “lo,b’chinom holich hazarzif aitzel huoirev ale mipnay….” now there might’ve been thruout the ages that a godol did…but probably involved pikiach nefesh which definetely is not shayech here.. also can you point out which post is sinas chinom so we can get idea whats bothering you. eich hob moireh dos de host hanueh fin de zach memaileh stert eich vos men red akaigen….it is interesting that you zork ziech oif “destruction of the 2nd bais hamikdos” and bnei bai you seem to have hanueh that the mentch vos is a representetive fun de gloibing vos hat chorev gemacht..kumt in a shul b.ferhasye in m’frit zeich so you are soiser yourself bnei ubai…..

  26. Full disclosure – I am a congregant of park east synagogue

    Fact: I am a former JDL member and believe Rabbi Mier Kahane is right
    I am a social activist
    I have difficulty with the re insertion of the good Friday prayer in latin calling for the conversation of jews

    With that said I have also learned to respect diplomacy and its strengths. History has shown that more can be achieve with friendly diplomacy then antagonistic arrogance.

    Further Rabbi Schnier a holocaust survivor, a scared man from crystal nacht, does everything in his reach to make sure the memories of the holocaust is NEVER forgotten. As a case in point, this January on UN holocaust remembrance day which happened to fall on a Shabbat the rabbi had 40 diplomats from the UN in shul and invited the holocaust survivor members of the shul up to the bema and recite the shema – and then the rabbi directed his comments to the UN delegates “let NO MAN EVER say the holocaust did not happen – these men are your proof”

    Please attack the issues with clarity – any uneducated person can attack the rabbi or the shul – it takes thought and brains to attack the issues ….. so please lets use our yeshiva brains and attack the issues with thought

  27. I agree that it is disgusting to bring him into a shul. Just like we would not walk into a church, we should not allow him into our shuls. But I do say that we should respect him, since he has a very big koach in how the Christian world. From the little I have read about him, he seems to be a fair person. Yes, his ancestors killed our ancestors, and that in not forgettable, but we today must live besholom with our neighbors and by bashing him, we are just creating more animosity. Also remember that they read and monitor all our websites and these comments can be detrimental.

  28. TOMIM, do you prefer he orders pogroms against all jews and do what they did centuries ago to us? Or a nice gesture of tolerance and peace is what he is trying to offer?

  29. It would appear, that more readers are concerned regarding chazan helgot than with the pope. Whats wrong with jews these days ?

    We still face blood libels and anti semitism ? so avi avos hatumah comes before pesach to a shull and you welcome him?

    Let him apologize to the millions of kedoshim his organization killed..

    He can apologize for the blood libels and the tzores they put klal yisrael through..

    I am remin ded of “all for the boss” Had rav yakov yosef herman zt’l been alive.. he would walk to the shull to scream and protest.

    #36.. yes and they also sold they position of cohen gadol.. and nu he can makriv a karban.. donate some $$ and get lost.

  30. to #45 ..unbelievable…your comparisons…to be medame a stam goy that comes to shule to emitzer that repersents and is de hoipte fun avoide zora.also you say “attend services” is going to daven kabboles shabbos, maybe shliach tzibbur just curious what you mean “attend services”?

  31. to #45 mr charlie hall..also noticed from your posts on other news items..dayne hashkofes toigt nit your post #24 in rabbi lipshitz commentary you are very worried about “enough of muslim slander” ,(they dont have enough of slaughtering us and other infidels and you are worried about muslim slander{by the way vie shteit dus az oif umes huolem is asser loshen horah..dont know just asking}) how “great rabbis assered it..” can you mention 1 or 2 of those great rabbis i mean not your “great rabbis” this is a perfect example of ver di bist mit dayne haskofes…and nobody start plapkening about sinos chinm..we know very well if cahas v’sholem i would have a hatzaleh call(i’m not hatzalah just moshel) to mr chalie hall or chas v’sholom vice versa and i would know it is you and you me we would run with gantze hartz…so all this discussions here is just to veryfy if oisgehalten al pi shulchun u’rech..can be both side right but only with reyos al pi torhah not from influenced minds from shmuts fun de gass (shmut newspaper, mag., etc., etc…

  32. No, he is not suitable to daven Kabboles Shabbos – he does not know the Nusach. But he will read “Bameh Madlikin and not KeGavnoh – since he davens Nusach Ashkenaz (seeing as he is from Ashkenaz).

  33. #45 your missing the point!! HE IS NOT A STAM GOY! He is the pope of the catholic church! So if he wants to address jews in a shull to apologize for past church behavior FINE! But Shabbos before pesach ?

    How many kedoshim are trembling in their graves ? How many jews has the catholic church killed with their pesach blood libels ?

    Will the vatican now open their archives and and release the seforim they have ? They have 800 manuscripts:

    Other sources say they have the original manuscripts of the rambam etc..

  34. I’m very sorry to see the comments to this news post most of which are very antagonistic filled with hatred and racisim (for some reason the picture’s of some Gedolim meeting in holy places with politicians who stood for very anti torah agendas (ie. Reb Shloma of Bobov) in the sukkah and many others comes to mind and i don’t remember anyone having any problems then)
    The pope who keeps the sheva mitzvos bnei noach unlike most of the above mentioned politicans should be allowed into the shul and anyone having a problem with that should give a good reason.

  35. Great news. I hope the shul will ignore all objections that they will receive.

    We are in golus, and we should maintain good contacts with the umos ho’olam, including us visiting them and them visiting us.

  36. to #61…dayne ptchetel tut nit farenferen de kashois fun #53…also again..refer to us just 1 or 2 places where we can look up l’gaby what you say that “christianity is mutter l’ far as we know it avoide zora b’shitfos. also l’gabay slander’ does it also bother you all the slamder that each newspaper is full of this politician agains that polititians etc etc..if,you shuld but them ,mesayeh yday oivrei avareh, also “lifney evayr lo sitayn michshol” see rashi avoda zorah that is also l’gabay non-jew. oichet, eich hab starke svoreh az oif goy is nisht asser to reden loshon horah to long pshetel to type, but if i’m wrong let us know out there, but only with rayous al pi torah

  37. helfgot will be in connecticut with gateways
    stern no longer works at park east
    schwartz no longer works at park east
    they are still looking for a chazzan sheni
    rumor has it that motzen is coming to try out

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