By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
Some will go to Shawnee. Others will go to Camelback and some will go to Blue Mountain. One of the most popular activities during “winter break” is that trip to the mountain resort which offers skiing and snow-tubing. It is one of those rare activities that young parents, young children, and older children can all enjoy. It can certainly loads of fun, but it does bring to mind a question.
Are there any halachos that apply to these activities of which we should be aware?
There is one central halacha that permeates every possible activity and is the underlying thread behind the halachos that we find below. That central halachah is to act like a true eved Hashem in all we do.
1. Before actually skiing, carefully review the rules posted in the lodge. There are rules of decorum, who goes first, where you may not stop, and the method of actual skiing. For example, on certain slopes the management does not want skiers to go down straight because it will build up too much speed. They want all skiers to circle left and right, following the poles and indicated path. Ignorance of the resort rules is not an excuse. Every parent or responsible adult should review the rules with everyone in the group.
2. Never cut in front of the line before others. There is a huge temptation, especially in regard to snow tubing to cut in front of the line and go up again without waiting one’s turn. This is a form of stealing, as it limits the amount of time that others have on the slopes as well. Unfortunately, this too should be discussed by the responsible adult prior to getting on the slopes and or the snow tubing site.
3. Hold the door open for others. It is proper conduct and courteous behavior to hold the door open for anyone in sight when they enter or exit the lodge. The great Tanna Shammai would smile and offer a greeting to anyone who he came in contact with, and was the first to offer it. In our times, holding the door open would be the social equivalent.
4. Never exchange lift tickets with another in order to attempt to save money. Skiing and or snow tubing is an expensive activity, and the temptation to save money by exchanging lift tickets or the like, does exist. This, however, is outright theft and should never be countenanced. This too is something that, unfortunately, should be discussed prior to the arrival at the ski resort.
5. Always clean up after oneself and family members. People often take breaks for lunch or supper when it is a night snow activity. Wrappers must be thrown out and spills must be cleaned up. It is prudent to bring a rag or napkins along as well because often the resort may run out of paper towels.
6. Never block an emergency exit or even a regular exit when unloading or eating. The management has an obligation to ensure the safety of its patrons and often views this very negatively. Before entering the lodge, one should look to see where the safety exits are in order to make sure that one does not block it.
7. When making a minyan, do not block others from their regular course of movement. People do not like the idea of not being able to get to where they have to go because a group of people are blocking them.
What if you see someone else violating one of the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Skiing? It may be prudent, in a gentle tone to remind them of the severity of the issues involved. What is the source of the Sheva Mitzvos of Skiing? We find it in a verse in Vayikra 22:32 — “Lo sechalelu es shaim kodshi.”
The author can be reached at [email protected]
17 Responses
Zahavas, ” At least one Rav ok pants in pink with flowers”, well, last time I was in Ir HaTorah, I did not notice a single frum woman or girl (over 3-years old) wearing clothing that was pink (neither with or without flowers). In fact, the predominant color of all women’s clothing was black (with the occasional dark navy blue). Maybe “at least one Rav” should be told that “Black is the new Pink with Flowers” in frum women’s fashion!
Sadly an article like this has to be written and published. These seven points should be obvious. But unfortunately, the behavior of a number of “frum yidden” (who stand out like sore thumbs) make all Jews look bad. There should be no reason why I (and others) have to field questions from non-Jewish friends and in-law family members (who are not in the least bit anti-Semitic) as to why they behave the way they do.
About the Ski pants, I know of at least one Rav who poskin that Ski pants was OK, if it was Pink with Flowers (Something clearly aimed at females) and it would not be begged Eish
You mean “7 tips of common sense”
Oh and you forgot #8 when you park only take up 1 parking space
*mussar seder.
Phil, indeed he has published a follow up article which thankfully addresses “real” halachic issues such as ski pants, instead of merely addressing mentshlichkeit issues and midos issues as this article does.
True that midos are also halacha but one certainly distinguishes his Shiyur in halacha with his missed seder.
Rebbitzin, I’m sure you saw it too, it was just posted on YWN an halachik analysis by Rabbi Hoffman on wearing pants for skiing.
I don’t know if it was because of our comments or not, I highly doubt though that he put the article together so quickly after he saw our comments. In any case, I admire him for addressing an unpopular point.
On another note, I am uncomfortable with the mocking of Torah expressions. I know many do so, but I expect a higher standard from a rabbi. To use the term “Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Skiing” (a parody on Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach) is actually, ““Lo sechalelu es shaim kodshi” – making chol something which is Kodesh. But that is my feelings, you may disagree.[EDITOR’S NOTEף WITH DUE RESPECT, NO ONE IS MOCKING HERE. AND ASKING YIDDEN NOT TO MAKE A CHILLUL HASHEM IS ANYTHING BUT CHOL..]
Phil. There “might” be a hetter for women to wear ski pants. They all do and no rabbi condemns it, including the author-rabbi. The silence and omission speak volumes. If people will ignore him, may he simply pretend it isn’t an issue? Rabbi condemn talking in shul, even though the majority ignore the condemnation, in the hopes a few will adhere. I know sefardim have some leeway on wearing pants under skirts..maybe ski pants are muttar for women, I am no rabbi or possek!.
Rebbitzin, it is against halacha for women and girls to wear pants. But who cares right? The main thing is to br nice…
I think the author knows that if he says it’s against halacha the people who go will ignore him, but at least the idea of behaving nicely resonates with these “frum women wearing pants is not a problem” type of families …
Just wondering why there is no issue with women wearing ski PANTS?
I assume if it is not listed, there is no problem!
Reb Meir G, no need to apologize for your typos, it’s your “yidden contribute greatly to the Catskills economy so they can do whatever they want and goyim should just be happy we’re here” attitude that u should apologize for.
8. Make sure to stay with your buddy and be back at the bus at 4:30
sorry for the typos i should be more careful; points ,culturally
what about ” lo siglosh” & lo sisna es ochichoh bilvovechoh all the pints mentioned above are valid , yet how YOU look at another yid who may be oiver one of these is just as important . all too often we see a minyan blocking… and we use it as an excuse NOT to daven w minyan rather than look at the positive that even in camelback they are makpid w minyan…
as far as the management …they enjoy the brisk business and culurally each group brings its set of challenges and we do too… i explained this to the management in lake compounce you are making a killing off these jews& yes so you put 2 extra guys to clean up the huge mess in the pavillion it cost you $200 ( we still need to use garbage cans but the management is very fine)
“Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Skiing” Hahahahaha!
Excellent article, but a real shame that such Devarim P’shutim, need to be conveyed.
Enjoy your trips and please make a Kiddush HaShem.