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Flatbush Shomrim Apprehend Robbers

f shomrim.jpgAt approximately 3:30PM, three African-American males robbed a person – who had apparently just made a large withdrawal from a nearby bank – on Avenue J near East 12th Street. Flatbush Shomrim were called, and given exact descriptions of the suspects. Within seconds, Shomrim arrived on the scene, and chased the suspects – along with an off-duty NYPD officer – and successfully apprehended two of them a few blocks away on Avenue L and East 12th Street.

A third suspect managed to get away, and broke into a home on Avenue L and East 13th Street, where he was hiding. A heavy NYPD response arrived, surrounded the home, and the man was found hiding inside a second-floor bedroom. He was arrested without incident.

The $1000 which was stolen was B”H retrieved as well.

Flatbush Shomrim advise everyone to please be vigilant when making a bank withdrawal, to ensure that no one is watching you.

The community of Flatbush once again needs to thank the dedicated men of Flatbush Shomrim – and the NYPD – for putting their lives on the line to protect the streets of the community.


16 Responses

  1. Excuse me “busy mom”, but how can you compare a posuk that speaks about HKB”H to shomrim that are Basar vadam. Hinai Lo Yanum V’Lo Yishan Shomer Yisroel thank you for making these robbers captured.

  2. j and east 12th – was tuli rosenberg there – it was right outside his store, heichel haseforim – he’s a great shomrim guy!

  3. EXCUSE MEEEEE mr. bentch kvetcher….so quick to give mussar, heh? how about a little dan l’kaf z’chus?? maybe that’s EXACTLY what busy mom meant….thanking hk”bh????

  4. sorry but there is more to the story – we live across the street and there was a HUGE police response we witnessed it – at least 10 cars and an attempt by the perp to get away by car – when a police officer withdrew his weapon before the perp was arrested!
    give the police credit where it is due! yes the shomrim are wonderful and apprehended one or two of the perps but it wasnt only them!

  5. How does one contact Shomrim if chas veshalom necessary?
    PS #3 That is apparently what was meant by the play on words of #2 To much cleaning work can make people critical even if they aren’t bentch kvetchers
    Leshana habah beYerushalaim Habenuya

  6. A big thank you to the volunteers of Flatbush Shomrim and the NYPD. It was a major seen and B’H came to an end.
    Good to know we have people like this nearby the frum neighborhoods for any need – even like in this case a bit dangerous!
    Thank You

  7. How does Shomrim get the call right after the incident? Did the victim call shomrim instead of 911 or did he call 911 & shomrim or did he call 911 and 911 alerts shomrim?

    I’m asking because the response time was within a minute according to the article.

  8. Great Job Shomrim (who was the main people involved) and the NYPD. A special Thank you to unit # 15 Naftolie Rosenberg who was the first person on seen. Naftolie keep up all your great work for the community.

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