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Chabad Shul Of Miami Beach Destroyed In Fire Along With Sefer Torah R"L

Police and fire officials are conducting an investigation after the Chabad Shul of Miami Beach located near 24th and Pine Tree was destroyed in a fire, WSVN reports. Rabbi Zev Katz, the Rov of the Shul, told the media that the Sefer Torah was R”L destroyed – along with everything else. The mayor of Miami Beach said these horrible acts will not be tolerated.

Arson is being suspected in this fire.


6 Responses

  1. “These horrible acts…” I’m assuming the mayor and the police department have pegged this as arson… can you elaborate?

  2. It is actually a building belonging to a non-Jewish Women’s League. The Hebrew Academy rents the building from the women’s league and they use it every day for davening, classrooms, and extra curricular events. Chabad on wheels uses it on Shabbos as a shul. The loss to the Hebrew Academy and their many students is tremendous.

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