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Netanyahu’s Visit to Ukraine Inspires Bris Milah

A moving event took place during Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s official visit to Kiev last week, which was the first state visit of a foreign leader to Ukraine since the election of the Jewish president Vladimir Zelensky, and the first by an Israeli prime minister since 1999.

Prior to Netanyahu’s arrival, his impending visit caused great excitement in Ukraine’s Jewish community, according to Rabbi Dovid Nachshon, Chairman of Chabad’s Mitzvah Tanks and of Tzivos Hashem. Rabbi Nachshon, a friend of Netanyahu for many years, accompanied him on his visit to Ukraine. In a recent interview with Arutz Sheva, he explained the story’s background.

“The Jewish community in Ukraine was very excited,” Rabbi Nachshon said. “[Netanyahu’s impending arrival] raised the spirits of many local Jews. One 70-year old Jewish resident of Kiev, Felix Gelfer, reacted to the news of Netanyahu’s visit by excitedly expressing his wish to undergo a bris milah [in honor of the visit] to Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman, the rabbi of Ukraine.

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Rabbis had spoken to Gelfer in the past about undergoing a bris but he had pushed off the suggestion. His excitement and pride about an Israeli prime minister visiting his home country kindled a desire in him to bolster his Jewish identity through undergoing a bris despite his advanced age. Additionally, he wanted to name himself Yonatan, in honor of Netanyahu’s late brother, an IDF commander who died in 1976 while rescuing Israeli hostages at the Entebbe airport in Uganda.

Gelfer, who underwent a bris llst Wednesday during Netanyahu’s visit, requested that Netanyahu himself be the sandak at the bris, but since security and schedule considerations precluded that possibility, Rabbi Nachshon was the sandak in his stead. A few hours later, Rabbi Nachson brought Gelfer to the meeting taking place between Netanyahu and the the leaders of the Jewish community of Ukraine in Kiev.

Rabbi Nachson and Gelfer sat down in the audience. The Israeli ambassador to Ukraine was speaking and mentioned the bris milah performed earlier that morning which was prompted by Netanyahu’s visit.

“We were sitting near Netanyahu,” Rabbi Nachshon said. “I motioned to Netanyahu that [Gelfer] is the man next to me and Netanyahu called him to the stage. They were both very excited and warmly embraced each other.”

Rabbi Nachshon added that the story quickly spread in Ukraine’s Jewish community and raised awareness of the importance of bris milah. “Thanks to Bibi, who knows how many Jews will be circumcised.”

Rabbi Nachson elaborated that Netanyahu’s visit and the special welcome he received during his visit with the [Jewish] president of Ukraine honoring him, was a great source of Jewish pride to the local Jewish community.

“It’s hard to believe how things have changed. Just 70 years ago – we know what was going on there. The Keren Yisrael is being raised ahead of the imminent geulah. We’re getting a taste of it.”

“As a friend of Netanyahu, I’m deeply moved time after time from what he’s accomplished, how he’s raised the Keren Yisrael among the nations, in the United States, in Russia and in other countries. Success like this a “hatzlacha elokit” – a success from Hashem. There’s something here which is way beyond everything, said Rabbi Nachshon, mentioning the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s blessing to Netanyahu many years ago.

“I stood with him when the Rebbe told [Netanyahu] that he would need to stand up to 119 [a reference to the 120 members of the Israeli Knesset] but if you go in the path of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, you’ll succeed over all of them. There’s a miraculous bracha here which adds to his special powers. The honor shown him is honor for all Jews. All the streets were full of Israeli flags. The newspaper had a caricature which portrayed how the Ukrainian army was saluting two Jews, Netanyahu and the Jewish president [of Ukraine]. We can be a light unto the nations in ruchniyus and gashmiyus,” Rabbi Nachshon concluded.

When Netanyahu spoke at the meeting, his speech was replete with references to Jewish faith. “Our people were almost completely wiped out. We were mercilessly massacred. And now, our people live in a strong, resilient, advanced and prosperous nation – first and foremost due to the strength of our faith.”

“Nothing matters without faith. Without faith, we wouldn’t have been able to create the miracle of the rebirth of Israel in its homeland. It is a faith that is passed down from generation to generation, even in the most arduous times.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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