WATCH IT: Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder Confronts Anti-Semite To His Face

Rockland County Legislature Aron Wieder called out an anti-Semite to his face last week, and the video has since gone viral.

YWN spoke to Wieder who tells us that he was attending a press conference from YAFFED where an individual named Michael Hull attended. Hull runs a Facebook page called “Clarkstown – What They Don’t Want You To Know”, loaded with blatant hatred and anti-semitism.

Following the presser, Wieder was having a conversation with Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffe, when he tells us that Hull approached him, slapped him on the back, and announced that “I won’t talk to him as I think he is a Nazi.”

Wieder responded, “All Nazis are dead by now, so you are not a Nazi but an anti-Semite.”

Wieder also told him that if he lays his hand on him one more time, he will press charges against him. Afterwards while Wieder spoke to reporter Nancy Cutler from the Journal News Hull turned around “and I told that I’ll tell it to his face that he is an anti semite.”

“I am a proud Jew who is not intimidated by bullies, haters and antisemites,” Wieder told YWN.

Meanwhile, According to, Rockland Legislator Laurie Santulli requested a resolution condemning the actions by Legislator Aron Wieder, D-Spring Valley, including comments Wieder made Friday outside the Rockland County Courthouse to a community activist and “earlier statements against a state Assemblywoman.”

“I am in no way saying that he is not entitled to his own opinion however he is not entitled to embarrass our legislature,” Santulli said in her letter to Laurence O. Toole, legislative clerk.

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7 Responses

  1. Maybe Wieder is trying to cover up all the skeletons in his and his constituents closest’s….pulling the anti semite card is the cheapest trick in the trade! You can only fool the people for so long before they catch on to all the shenanigans that these corrupt politicians pull off. Eventually they’ll be taken out in cuffs and put in the slammer where they belong.

  2. AFAIK Wieder is Satmar.

    Is this type of behavior in line with the Satmar shita about how Yidden should conduct themselves in golus?

  3. Because conservatives are not allowed to say what they feel. It’s okay only if you’re a liberal. Feh, the system is rotten.

  4. Jews today who vote Democrat are committing a CRIME/Aveira of Lo Tamod al dam reiacho

    The blatant anti semitism coming out from the Democratic Party is VERY dangerous for Jews all over.

  5. Lit, because we are in golus we can’t defend ourselves?! We can’t stick up for ourselves?! Are you kidding me?!

    Aaron Weider, git gezugt!

  6. Wolfie Wieder cries WOLF every time things go against him. He and his fellow Ramapo Democrats have turned Monsey from a Makom Torah into a Makom Maamon.

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