HATE IN WILLIAMSBURG: Hasidic Teen Punched In The Face In Unprovoked Attack

Hate struck the Jewish community in NYC again, this time in Williamsburg.

It happened at around 5:00PM at Marcy Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, when an African American male punched a Hasidic teen in the face.

Thanks to the fast response of Williamsburg Shomrim and the NYPD, the suspect was immediately taken into custody.

The 13-year-old victim was treated by Hatzolah on the scene. Thankfully, he did not require being transported to the hospital.

Charges are pending.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. To DWKL1 The word chaptzem changed to Shomrim and Shmira sometime in the 1980s. Besides a chaptzem wouldn’t work nowadays. Too many cameras and legal issues. In addition, when the cops showed up to a chaptzem they would usually land a few punches of their own. Wouldn’t work in today’s pc world.

  2. I’m sorry, but the truth must be expounded upon. Do you know that for every stupid small ‘anti semitic’ attack in Williamsburg in the past 70 years, there were at least three attacks perpetrated by fellow Chasidim? I won’t bore you with the details here, but take for example the internal fighting between A and ZL, which was splashed over the secular papers when it happened; they acted violently between themselves. The same behavior was shown towards many, many individuals and communities in the area. So I don’t know why all those attacks aren’t deemed anti semitic as well.

  3. Why isn’t it “hate” when people are physically attacked and harassed by their own for using the Williamsburg eruv? Why isn’t it hate when people in Will. are harassed ny their own for all types of things, merely because they don’t follow the Satmir communist regime? Maybe all this hate from other factions is a message that we should first learn to live peacefully between ourselves.

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