NYC SHOT TO PIECES: 45 People Shot As Of 7:00PM Sunday; 63 Shot In Chicago

There were around 35 shootings between the 4th of July and 7:00PM Sunday, injuring more than 45 people, according to the NYPD.

According to the NYPD, there were 575 incidents with 705 victims from Jan. 1 through July 4 of 2020. There were 369 incidents with 423 victims in the same time period last year.

The Twitter accounts of some NYPD Chiefs took to Twitter to denounce the violence.

NYPD Assistant Chief Kathleen O’Reilly, Commanding Officer  of Manhattan North tweeted: “Disgraceful the amount of people shot in Manhattan North in the past 24 hours! Where are the elected officials and violence interupter!! The community is suffering!!”

NYPD Assistant Chief Stephen Hughes, Commanding Officer of Manhattan South tweeted: “Manhattan DA Cy Vance where are you? No show at any shooting scene!!! Our community is being attacked, there have been 24 people shot in the city in the past 24 hours….Where Are You!!!”

The string of holiday weekend shootings in New York City, as well as Chicago, prompted a response from President Donald Trump, who tweeted at Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday evening that the federal government is “ready, willing and able to help, if asked!”

At least 17 people died and 63 others were injured in Chicago due to gun violence over the Fourth of July weekend so far. Two killed overnight were young, continuing a string of children fatally shot in recent weeks.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. prompted a response from President Donald Trump, who tweeted at Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday evening that the federal government is “ready, willing and able to help, if asked!” & my tweet to you our Beloved President Donald Trump is, that we desperately need you more than ever, and you MUST win this November. As for both de Blasio & Cuomo, both of you should feel ashamed of yourselves, and much worse, and both of you:- Jump in the lake & vanish & get lost for ever. Even Dinkins was not such a disgrace as you de Blasio.

  2. Somebody needs to inform the shooters that black lives matter.
    Or perhaps the victims weren’t African-American. So then it’s OK.

    The main thing is to continue defunding the police….

  3. Let these animals loose around this loser’s residence. Let them take out the idiot city council members who idolize them.
    This is what you leftist imbeciles wanted. Now you’ve go it. They’re coming for YOU next.

  4. and to think,that this filthy traitorous anti-American communist swine had the audacity to want to become president

  5. By all means defund the police department and turn NYC into lawless city. What were they thinking? (I use the term ‘thinking” loosely.)

  6. This is Democrat design to unseat the president. They couldn’t care less about the loss if life – in fact it may help to serve their overall agenda! Why us Jews still vote Democrat behooves me!

  7. Both he and that idiot Cuomo should resign and let people who know how to handle the mess these jerks got New York into do the job.
    Best place for them is a virus infected nursing home.

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