Im Ein Kemach Ein Torah! Large Turnout at Supper Learning Night Seder in Flatbush

ps.jpgThere was a nice turnout last night at K’hal Tiferes Yaakov in Flatbush for the launching of their “Summer/Supper Night Seder” 5768.

After much success that this idea has had in other communities, the Mora D’asra Rav Ahrohom Schorr Shlita decided to initiate the program in his Bais Medrash for the many Ba’alei Batim whose families are upstate all week in the Catskills.

Instead of Ba’alei Batim going out to restaurants, spending exuberant amounts of money on a dinner, and loafing around aimlessly, they can come eat supper for a minimal fee of approximately $7, and spend some time learning with a Chavrusa in the Shul.

Monday nights menu consisted of four delicious different types of meats, choice of side dishes, dessert, and drinks. The food is prepared by a top-notch gourmet caterer, and a delicious menu of suppers have been planned for the duration of the summer.

YWN spoke with one of the organizers who said that people are welcome to come to the Shul just to eat, and there is no requirement to stay to learn after they are finished.

Suppers will be served on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays from 6:45PM – 7:45PM, and the Shul is located at 1212 East 15th Street near Avenue L in Flatbush.

Additionally, there is a Minyan for Mincha at 7:45PM , Maariv at 9:45PM, and quite a few Shiurim to partake in should you choose to.

This is open to all Yidden, of all walks of life to attend.

Come, eat, learn and enjoy your summer evenings the correct way!

7 Responses

  1. We should all give credit to “IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH” for starting this project over 10 years ago.

    IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH has been setting up shiurim in Boro Park, Williamsburg, Flatbush, Monsey and many other places given on summer weekday nights. Reb Shmuel Birnbaum ZT”L called it Hatzolas N’foshos, (No need to add to his great insight)

    Thousands of people participate in these shiurim, including many girls in Flatbush who go to the Bostoner Shul to listen to the shiurim, many of them standing outside in the sweltering heat to hear D’Var Hashem.

    Me K’Amcha Yisroel!

    P.S. ThanX to YWN for reporting this, it is M’Chazeik others to go and participate.

  2. It’s kdai to go, just to see and hear the kol torah of the baale batim. The chizuk is priceless and their learning…. aahhh!!! there’re just no words that can adequately describe the scene.

    This is the greatest of shmiros that we’ll ever have.

  3. This beautiful idea is not limited to the USA. For example about 3 years ago the Nidchei Yisroel Yechaneis shul in Central Amsterdam, Holland, started a program where Shiurim are offered in Iwrit, accompanied by a meaty meal free of charge. These shiurim are intended to attrack some of the thousands (!) Israeli Chilonim who live, or spend time, in Holland and the organisers, have seen an incredible success. Several of the participants have turned from total Chilonim into Shomrei Shabbos and Manichei Tfillin within a very short time and are now bringing their friends to the Shiurim (and the meal!).
    A similar program also runs in Antwerp, Belgium with equally great success.
    Mi Ke’amcho Yisroel!

  4. There should be a number posted so people can call and sponsor the evening (and make it free to join) to take part in the zchus. Will definitely attract even more people.

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