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WATCH THIS: DeSantis Scolds High School Kids for Wearing Masks

(AP Photo/Marta Lavandier)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his frustration with face masks to a group of high school students who were wearing them at a press conference he held at the University of South Florida.

As he walked up to the podium, DeSantis first approached the students behind the microphone who were wearing face masks.

“You do not have to wear those masks,” DeSantis told them. “I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous.”

The students were from Middleton High School and had joined DeSantis at the press conference as part of their education on the topic of cybersecurity.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. So he’s allowed to tell others to take off their masks, but no one is allowed to tell you to wear one. How do you reconcile that?

  2. He’s right, it’s a bunch of garbage. CDC said a long time ago the masks don’t work. So when is the mass good, when It’s science, political science!

    It’s a whole bunch of garbage. The wearing of the masks has nothing to do with anything. The proof is in the pudding.

  3. After watching Biden take his mask off to sneeze and cough into his hand, and then shake other people’s hands, or rub his eyes; or Hillary claiming she had a brand new non-contagious walking pneumonia 5 years ago when she was sick and hugging children (which didn’t exist btw – a lie); after watching for 2 years goy not practicing any hand washing hygiene at all; or people not even understanding how the respiratory system and mask work; or people out there who sneeze directly on another person without even covering their mouths. And then there’s the people protesting they need to be served with haircuts back when there were no decent treatments to Covid and we still didn’t know what to do for it with great success. Those people, of course, were the ones screaming their idol will save (server) them, so they don’t need to stop sneezing on your, or washing their hands after the bathroom.
    I like the governor, but my mask is never coming off. Just be lucky I’m not wearing gloves and a respirator to greet you. Plus, it’s nice not catching a bad flu.

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