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BIG BOUNCE: Biden Approval Climbs to 47% in New Poll

Joe Biden | (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

After a State of the Union address in which he promoted the fight for democracy and freedom worldwide, President Joe Biden finds himself enjoying a significant gain in approval rating, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Marist, found that Biden now has a 47% overall approval rating from Americans – a massive shift from just a week ago, when he received 39% approval in another Marist poll.

His standing among the American people has also improved on the issues of the economy and the coronavirus pandemic. While Biden’s bounce is predominantly among his Democratic base, he also enjoys moderate gains among independents. Of note, rare, bipartisan consensus exists on the issue of sanctions levied against Russia. Most Americans, regardless of party, support these sanctions, and nearly seven in ten favor them even if it means higher energy prices domestically, according to the poll.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Historically, US presidents get a bounce in the polls when a war breaks out. See the poll results in a month before you Democrats do a victory dance, and you Republicans do your fake-news dance.

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