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Russian Missile Damages Yeshiva In Kharkiv

A Russian missile damaged a yeshivah in Kharkiv on Monday morning, causing extensive damage to the building, COL reported. Fortunately, nobody was injured in the incident.

Rav Moshe Moskovitz, the Rav of Kharkiv, told COL: “The building serves as a yeshivah ketanah, Talmud Torah, and a shul for weekdays. This is the building where Chassidim davened during the Communist era and it was the Beis Medrash of the Rav and Av Beis Din Rav Aharon Tumarkin, who served as the Rav of the Chabad community in Kharkiv in the pre-World War II era.”

“Despite the shelling of our mosdos, the direct hit of the yeshivah, the damage to the shul windows and the kindergarten, at the first opportunity we’ll rebuild, renovate and strengthen all our mosdos and expand our operations even more. We’re continuing to carry out rescue operations for the Jews of the community and at the same time provide refuge, food and medications to the Jews that remain.”

Last week, the windows of the Great Synagogue in Kharkiv, the second-largest shul in Europe, were blown out from the impact of a missile fired by Russian forces which exploded in a nearby mall. There were about 100 Jews sheltering in the basement of the shul at the time of the incident.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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