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“VAMPIRE STATE”: Nearly 40% of New Yorkers Looking to Pack Up and Pack Out

Dorian Mongel - Unsplash

A new poll finds that nearly 4 in 10 New Yorkers are fed up with its liberal policies and high taxes and are looking for a way.

The poll, conducted by Zogby Strategies, found that “New Yorkers [are looking] elsewhere as the ‘Empire State’ is increasingly viewed as ‘the Imperial State’ or even the ‘vampire state,'” analyst Jeremy Zogby said.

“Folks are saying that if the cost of living is high, at least there is one thing they can do about it,” he said. “Prices of gasoline, groceries, and everything else are at a runaway stage, so there are places that cost less.”

The poll notes that the 39% of New Yorkers who say they are considering fleeing the state is up 5 percentage points since the last poll, taken in January.

“It is fascinating that whether it is NYC, NYC suburbs, or upstate, New Yorkers’ sentiment is to head for the hills,” Zogby said. “Just not New York hills.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. NY is the worst city to live in, if you disregard the benefits of a large Jewish community.
    Every day new speed cameras go up to add a new tax.
    Property taxes go up yearly. Home prices keep going up till they are unaffordable for most. Construction is really expensive as well with zoning laws very restrictive and the department of building costly and hard to deal with. Forget that extension.
    Schools are increasingly being targeted. Vaccines are mandatory to go to school and who knows maybe soon covid vaccines.
    Mandates have destroyed many businesses and continue to be implemented even without any reason.
    Let’s not mention crime rates- cops are busy bothering the general population with mandates, tickets and other minor stuff, while ignoring the rocketing crime rates and real criminals. Plus NY isn’t even pretty, quality of life isn’t great with no yards or place to play and relax.

  2. The poll is probably people’s wishful thinking. I’ll bet that in a year or two, the population in NYC will still be above 8 million

  3. Very strange that for the Vampire State where everyone wants to leave, 2021 was a record year where real estate sales and rental markets are approaching or, in some cases, exceeding prepandemic prices. More apartments were sold in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn in Q3 and Q4 of 2021 than at any comparable time in the last 30years. Renters, who were kvelling about their deep discounts and landlord freebies just a year ago, are now facing sticker shock of as much as 30 or 40 percent rent hikes.
    P.S. Not to case aspersions, but the Zogby polls are notoriously right-leaning, anti-Dem and phrase their questions to reflect their “editorial” perspective just as the lefty pollsters will slant in the opposite direction in sample design and question wording. People vote with their dollars and the real estate results (not forecasts) are a useful indicator of their confidence in the New York market.

  4. Just get rid of these liberal politicians. Let them run for the hills. Why should the normal citizens. Dump DemocRATs

  5. Liberal policies resemble a parasite that keep feeding off its host until the host finally dies. As long as liberals control the agenda in New York, it will continue on its death spiral.

  6. Then why do they vote overwhelmingly for the politicians that the article claims they can’t stand. The real poll is the election, and the results there contradict the “professional” pollsters the article cites.

  7. Wait. If this is true, then why are they voting in all these liberals. Then these people go to place and turn the next state liberal, thereby shooting themselves in the foot again.

  8. So here is why this is a ridiculous article… Zogby is among the least respected and least accurate polling companies in the US. Putting aside political bias (which can be shown statistically in failed polling accuracy), their methods are not statistically sound. They use exclusively online polling (and push-polling at that) which provides no distribution among the populace. If you put a poll on a conservative website, your polling of 1,000 conservatives is not reflective of an entire population of a region that is clearly not-at-all conservative.

    Upset with “liberal policies?” Really? When was the last time a Republican contended at all for a city-wide office? How many Republicans represent NYC districts? Pres. Biden won Manhattan by 74 points, Brooklyn by 55 points, the Bronx 63 points, etc., etc. They don’t like liberal policies but vote for the liberals that enact the policies?

    There are many, many valid reasons to leave New York, as I did 20 years ago. But the “liberal policies” isn’t one of them. Things are cheaper? Who sets gas and food prices? The government?! Is this Soviet Russia? The free market makes New York one of the most expensive places to live in the US. Supply and demand. People want to live there, so prices are high. No one wants to live in Toombs County, Georgia (population 2,000), so prices are low.

    You want to blame “taxes”? What’s the sales tax in NYC? 8.875%. What’s the sales tax in Toombs County, Georgia? 8.000%. What’s the gasoline tax in New York? 8.05 cents per gallon. What’s the gasoline tax in Georgia? 7.50 cents per gallon. Yeah… that half a penny is TOTALLY crippling the lifestyle of New Yorkers.

    Now do you want to compare salaries and job opportunities between New York City and… everywhere else?

    Do you do any research or critical thinking, or you just publish whatever nonsense comes across the right-wing press wires?

    Does YWN hate the free market? Should the NYC government step in and regulate gas and food prices?

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