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MUSK HELPING UKRAINE WIN? Billionaire Helps Ukrainian Drones Pound Russians to Pulp

Ukrainian forces have been extremely successful in targeting Russian tanks and troops using highly sophisticated armed drones, and they have one person in particular to thank: Elon Musk.

Musk’s Starlink satellite system has been providing Ukrainian drones with uninterrupted internet service, despite internet service and power often being down across the country.

In the early days of the war, Musk promised to provide Ukraine with satellite internet service, a pledge he has followed through on, and continues to.

On Saturday, 53 more satellites were launched into orbit, providing an additional boost to internet service in Ukraine and across the globe.

In addition to armed drones, Ukraine has deployed smaller drones outfitted with cameras that are providing crucial intelligence on Russian troops positions and movements. The software used by the drones gathers data from its own camera and combines it with other intelligence, including satellite images, to create a comprehensive picture of the enemy’s movements.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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