FLATBUSH: Pedestrian Killed In Horrific Crash On Ocean Parkway

Hatzolah rushed a critically injured patient to Maimonides Medical Center after a devastating car accident on Ocean Parkway and Ave. M in Flatbush on Wednesday night. Sadly, the man’s life was unable to be saved.

The horrific scene unfolded around 9:30 pm when a vehicle traveling on Ocean Parkway lost control and jumped a curb, striking a light stanchion before hitting an approximately 50-year-old man sitting on a bench, amputating both of his legs and killing him instantly.

Hatzolah was at the scene in less than a minute and rushed the man in traumatic arrest to the hospital. Doctors valiantly fought to revive, but were sadly unable

The driver of the Tesla involved in the crash fled on foot from the scene, but was located about a block away and taken into custody by the NYPD.

Ocean Parkway northbound between Ave M and L will be closed for an investigation for several hours.

Chevra Kaddisha services were not needed in this horrible incident.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. The fact that there wasn’t a name in the first 3 words makes you already know that no “chevron kadisha” was needed

  2. If he was killed instantly, why was he taken to the hospital? Was he killed instantly or critically injured? The article is contradictory.

  3. “The driver of the Tesla involved in the crash fled on foot from the scene, but was located about a block away and taken into custody by the NYPD”

    I mean, seriously? What do these people/murderers think, when they run away and abandon their vehicle with the license plate still on, at an accident scene? Do they really think they are going to just disappear into thin air?! Do they really think they’re not going to get caught?!

    “Leaving the scene involving serious physical injury or death can result in felony charges carrying a maximum sentence of up to seven years. These charges, even though they are violations of New York’s Vehicle & Traffic Law and not the Penal Law, are very serious and can result in jail time.”

  4. Sad! There was a similar accident on the same block on a Shabbos afternoon about 35 years ago. It is amazing that they still have essentially no barrier between the cars and the benches.

  5. The driver is a young FRUM kid 17 years old and let’s not judge anyone! And let’s say BH” his not dead!

  6. Not getting involved, often it is a stolen vehicle, driving while intoxicated, driving without a license or without insurance. So they run away even if caught they hope the Alcohol or drugs would wear off.

  7. It was a 17 yr old kid, who live a cpl of blks away, with only a junior license, who should NOT have been driving alone, let alone speeding around, that struck and killed that poor 76 yr old resident. And I bet you he somehow gets off with a light sentence, if any at all.

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