Trump Rages Against “Lowlife, Dog, Dumb, Small Brain, Big Mouth” John Kelly

FILE - In this June 27, 2018 file photo, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, right, leans in to talk with President Donald Trump during Trump's meeting with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Kelly is defending former White House national security aide, Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who raised concerns about President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president that spurred his impeachment. Kelly made the comments at a public forum Wednesday evening in Morristown, New Jersey. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump launched a scathing critique on his Truth Social Website, targeting his former White House Chief-of-Staff, John Kelly. Kelly, who held the longest tenure in this role during the Trump administration, corroborated claims made by CNN’s Jake Tapper that Trump had indeed used the term “suckers” when referring to deceased U.S. service members during a 2018 trip to France.

Additionally, an article by The Atlantic alleged that Trump expressed reluctance to visit the graves of fallen American soldiers, citing, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” and reportedly referred to the 1,800 Marines who perished at the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I as “suckers.”

Trump vehemently denied these allegations and directed his frustration towards Kelly following his confirmation of the remarks.

Trump wrote the following on truth Social:

John Kelly, by far the dumbest of my Military people, just picked up the theme of the Radical Left’s lying about Gold Star Families and Soldiers, in his hatred of me. He was incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn’t stand the guy, so I fired him like a “dog.” He had no heart or respect for people, so I hit him hard—Made no difference to me. He’s already on record defending me all over the place. Nobody loves the Military like I do! Now he finally speaks back by making up fake stories, or confirming the made up stories of the Dems and Radical Left…

…He’s a Lowlife with a very small brain and a very big mouth. Interestingly, before firing him, his wife, who suffered a lot, told me he would never speak badly about “President Trump.” Wrong! Did he totally lie about another Lowlife, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson? Let them fight that one out themselves. Numerous people are angry and upset because they know they will never be in a new Trump Administration, but only for one reason, they’re not nearly good enough. Kelly would be among those at the top of the list!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. LBJ, then why did he hire him? The man picks the best and the brightest, until they disagree. Then they are idiots and incapable of tying their shoes. If that’s so what type of vetting process does the most important CEO in the world use for hiring?

    As I see it this man is for you until he isn’t. That is a big problem for anyone, whether he hates you now or will tomorrow. And as we have seen he will hate everyone, eventually.

  2. an article by The Atlantic alleged that Trump expressed reluctance to visit the graves of fallen American soldiers, citing, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” and reportedly referred to the 1,800 Marines who perished at the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I as “suckers.”

    That story was thoroughly debunked at the time. It was not Trump’s decision to cancel his visit to the cemetery, it was the Navy’s decision because the weather made it unsafe to fly the helicopter. And several witnesses who were in the room with him reported that he did not say the things the Atlantic accused him of.

  3. Every day another rave and rant by this idiot about another one of his own appointees. When he was first elected he assured us he was a genius at selecting only the best and brightest to staff the new administration. One after another, just about every competent member of his administration couldn’t stand working for him and subsequently shared what a disaster this lying, racist narcissist really was.

  4. And yet, many yiddishe adults, who were raised with concepts of middos, speaking with refinement, not taking gratuitous revenge, and Shmiras Halashon nevertheless follow this man with unflagging devotion.

  5. Very hard to understand how so many people are still drinking the cool aid from Trump;
    Per his own assessment of Kelly, how dumb can Trump be , when he had him serve in 2 of the most important posts in his admin for 2 years;
    More news for you: if you buy all this stuff from Don, Donald also thinks that you are a ‘sucker’
    1.- Trump picked Kelly as DHS SECRETARY FROM JAN 20,2017 until July 28, 2017
    2.- Trump appointed Kelly to the post of White House Chief of Staff on July 28, 2017
    3.-.-Kelly: Rank General
    Commands United States Southern Command
    1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
    Multinational Force West
    Gulf War
    Operation Desert Storm
    Iraq War
    Defense Distinguished Service Medal
    Defense Superior Service Medal
    Legion of Merit (2) with Combat “V

  6. Kelly is a disgruntled employee who was fired. Why would any normal person listen to him? Trump was the bestfriend of our community and the State of Israel. He stopped funds to the PA because the rewarded those who murdered Jews in cold blood. Yet we don’t see a comment about these things from the Ortho-libs. Orthodox Atheists or plain fakers using Hebrew sounding handles. Llamas!

  7. Unfortunately you are all correct. He’s a horrible human being. Worst middos and narcissist.

    However the reason we all follow him is because he was by far the best president since Reagan. He’s accomplished a tremendous amount for this country and that’s not even counting what he did for Israel.

    I personally think most politicians are as bad as he is but they have integrity to not show it and hide it within themselves. Trump shows it all outside and has no filter but the things he says are very much what they all feel.

    The reason why he’s so dangerous is because you never know what he can do. With regular politicians you know there’s only so far they will. Trump has no such limit. BH in his track record he’s been good for the country and excellent for Israel but he is a very scary person if he ever chose to go against Israel.
    On the other hand, he’s done so much good because he has no limit to what he can do and will not cater to special interests as much as the others will.

    That’s why even though I don’t like him personally, and I’m scared of him, I still hope he gets elected because I feel that his track record is better than that of the others.

  8. How could a Torah Jew with even the slightest awareness of Midos have any shaichus to such a grubba FEIRD is beyond comprehension.
    All the good he did for Israel is valued, but he still remains an orange ape in the jungle.

  9. Is this the way a President should talk?
    I don’t think so.
    He actually sounds like some of the commenters on Yeshiva World!
    Please people, don’t learn from this man how to speak.
    Hashem wants us to speak in a gentle pleasant way.

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