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Iran Slams Obama Over Nuclear Comment

obama1.jpgIran’s parliament speaker Ali Larijani slammed US president-elect Barack Obama on Saturday for saying Tehran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons was “unacceptable,” the official IRNA news agency reported.

“This signifies a pursuit of the same erroneous policy as in the past,” Larijani said when asked about Obama’s comment on Friday.

“If the United States wants to change its standing in the region it should send good signals,” he said.

“Obama understands that change does not only mean a change of colour and superficial differences, change must also have a strategic basis,” the agency quoted Larijani as saying.

Obama told his first news conference since winning the US presidential election on Tuesday that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons was unacceptable and also that he would “respond appropriately” to a congratulatory letter from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon I believe is unacceptable. We have to mount an international effort to prevent that from happening.”

Obama added “Iran’s support of terrorist organisations, I think, is something that has to cease.”

IRNA also quoted Larijani as saying Iran’s leaders had chosen to pursue the country’s nuclear programme “having calculated the risks” and was well aware that they would come under international pressure.

Early in his election campaign, Obama said he favoured unconditional direct talks with Tehran, but he has since hardened his position.

But in an unprecedented move, Ahmadinejad on Thursday sent a letter to Obama congratulating him on his election victory.

Kayhan headlined “Obama’s men pro-Israeli,” in reference to his appointment of Rahm Emanuel, a Jew, as White House chief of staff. It called him “a member of a terrorist Zionist group.”

Jomhuri Islami’s headline read: “Obama gives green light to the Zionist regime.”

(Source: AFP)

26 Responses

  1. We will all see how wrong we were by talking bad about this good person. AND hashem keeps his control over these people and protects us!

  2. The Iranian government hates the USA and Israel and Jews no matter what or who the leaders are
    They just want ton tease and confuse and this will continue till we rid Iran of its evil leaders.

  3. Everyone – all this guy is doing now is just TALKING!!! He has actually not done anything yet! Someone can talk – and change his views/ideas… back and forth – from today till tomorrow! We won’t know anything new until he starts ACTING!

  4. Before we all start drinking the left wing kool aid lets all come together and say out loud:

    We may think we (derech ha’teva) know better but the bottom line it is Yad HaSh-m. I dont know where the serious left wing socialist ideals come from but it is still Yad HaSh-m.

    Too many things have gone wrong – bderech ha’teva – in this election for it to be anything else and once a friend showed me ” Obama min haTorah mi’nayin ” I was blown away. I dont look at it as stamm a coincidence.

    This is all pertaining very strongly to ikvisa d’mashicha and we MUST do tshuva before its CHV too late.


  5. this is a direct from now lets see who between you can fill us in which auerbachs they are from. are they ayneklech from the toldos yakov yosef(r,shlomo zalman aerbachs family) or are they ayneklech of the imrai binah of yirushlaim r. meir auerbach ztl first to respond gets a smile
    _______________________________________________________________That family also includes his father, Benjamin, a pediatrician, his mother, Marsha, two brothers, Ezekiel, a doctor at the National Institutes of Health, and Ari, a Hollywood agent who inspired the Ari Gold character in HBO’s “Entourage.”

    Obama, criticized by Republicans during the campaign for his contacts with Palestinian advocates, named in Emanuel a person with strong family ties to Israel.

    Benjamin Emanuel participated in the Irgun, a pre- statehood group seeking independence for Israel. As he was putting up posters to promote the resistance, he was struck on the head by a British officer’s baton, a wound that is still visible today. Benjamin’s brother, Emanuel, was killed, and he changed the family name from Auerbach to Emanuel in his honor.

    It was a competitive family. Emanuel’s mother jokingly calls her middle son, “Rahmbo.” When he was 17, Emanuel severed half of his middle finger while working at an Arby’s restaurant. He refused to be treated because he wanted to attend his high school prom. An infection set in and almost killed him. It was at that moment, his mother said, that he became more serious about life, as detailed in the book “The Thumpin”’ by Naftali Bendavid, an account of Emanuel’s role in the 2006 campaign.

  6. break, the only thing that mark said was that everything that happens is from hashem, and that moshiach is coming. if you think that this is just the republican positions i’m not sure what religion you’re from.

  7. #14 and #15, although it’s great that we will have a jewish chief of staff, there’s more to Rahm. The following is from a recent piece the Wall Street Journal did on him:

    The Republican National Committee called the choice Mr. Obama’s first “broken promise.” “This is an ironic choice for a president-elect who has promised to change Washington, make politics more civil, and govern from the center,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R., Ohio).

    Some Democratic aides on Capitol Hill were similarly struck by the partisan nature of the appointment — and even more so by the extended rollout. The Associated Press reported last week that Mr. Emanuel was likely to get the job, which he denied. By Wednesday, congressional sources were widely confirming he had been offered the job, but Emanuel aides said he hadn’t accepted it.
    —John D. McKinnon contributed to this article.

    Also, Rahm was a leading figure in both Clinton’s attempt at a government-controlled healthcare system and the infamous oslo accords.

    And Rahm’s attitude does not quite match the “change ” that Obama has promised. i quote:
    ‘Emanuel is said to have “mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways.” On the night after the Clinton election, “Emanuel was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting ‘Dead! … Dead! … Dead!’ and plunging the knife into the table after every name.” His “take-no-prisoners attitude” earned him the nickname “Rahm-bo”.’ And before anyone can even start claiming this is “right-wing propaganda”, this is all straight from wikipedia. Look it up.

  8. mw13, check out the weekend interview in today’s WSJ (the last inside page of the first section in the print edition; I’d guess it’s available online as well). It really highlights Emanuel’s pragmatic side, which is how he became as powerful as he is today.

  9. Mw13, you didn’t actually quote wikipedia as a real source did you. Wikipedia can be added to be ANYBODY, perhaps someone trying to discredit Rep. Emanuel posted it there!

  10. fear? bacci40 and proudjew, everything on wikipedia requires a source web page that is footnoted to the sentence/paragraph. check them up. all of them predate rahm’s rise to power, most by years. pretty good planning by us “fear”mongers, huh?

  11. proudjew, i typed “Emanuel was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting ‘Dead! … Dead! … Dead!’ and plunging the knife into the table after every name.” into my Yahoo! searchbar, and came up with no less then 938 results. Are you saying all 983 lied?!

  12. Wow, spend some time with your research. Every one of those sources is quoting the rolling stone article, which if you look closely, most claim it is a myth. Congratulations on proving my point. Why don’t you go find articles on all of the wonderful things Rep. Emanuel has done for the U.S and Israel and stop harping on dumb myths from rolling stone magazine. What have you done for YOUR country lately?

  13. Anyone vehemently against Obama was not thinking. They were inheriting a view that was already cut, chewed up, and fed to them.

    Obama will turn out to do things OTHER than what everyone predicts. One thing for sure, I am very happy Rahm Emanuel will be right next to him as policies are being made.

  14. In addition, we could not ask for someone closer to our interests than Rahm Emanuel. Hashem has heard our prayers and answered them, as sometimes happens, not in the exact way we expect. Bitochon, bitochon, bitochon!

  15. proudjew, the latest thing rahm’s done for israel was to help bill arrange the oslo accords. let’s hope he doesn’t continue to ‘do so much’ for israel.

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