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ANOTHER Jew? (Shomer Shabbos!) To Work For Barack Obama

lew.jpgAs he prepares to take office, President-elect Barack Obama is relying on a small team of advisers who will lead his transition operation and help choose the members of the Obama administration. The NY Times is running a series of profiles of potential members of the administration. The following appears on their website:

Name: Jacob J. Lew

Being considered for: A variety of domestic policy jobs, including director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Would bring to the job: Extensive experience in the White House and on Capitol Hill; intimate knowledge of the substance and politics of federal programs, the budget process and appropriations.

Is linked to Mr. Obama by: Longtime friendship with Clinton administration alumni, including John D. Podesta, a co-chairman of the Obama transition.

In his own words: “Fiscal discipline is essential to protect Social Security and strengthen Medicare, so that both will be there in the years ahead. Reducing the accumulated federal debt will help us to protect these important programs.” (Congressional testimony in March 2000.)

“Fiscal discipline and progressive government must be essential partners.” (Statement at the White House in April 1998.)

Used to work as: Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1998 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Was deputy director of the budget office (1995-1998), senior policy adviser to Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. of Massachusetts (1979-87) and an aide to Representative Joe Moakley of Massachusetts (1974-75).

Carries as baggage: No serious impediments. He is respected by members of both parties as a policy specialist and a legislative craftsman. Some Republicans say he can be highly partisan. As executive vice president of New York University, he tangled with a union representing graduate students who help teach courses. His work for an investment unit of Citigroup could invite criticism in the current financial turmoil.

Is otherwise known for: No matter how frenetic the pace, he would leave his government office to observe the Jewish Sabbath on Friday evenings.

If appointed, he becomes the 4th Jew to serve President-elect Barack Obama’s administration. The first three are: U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) serving as White House chief of staff; David Axelrod who was appointed as Senior Advisor to Obama; and Ronald A. Klain serving as chief of staff to Vice President-elect Joe Biden.

His Résumé includes: Born Aug. 29, 1955, in New York City. … known as Jack….earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard in 1978 and a law degree from Georgetown in 1983. … issues director at the Democratic National Committee in 1988. … founding director of the Center for Middle East Research, 1992. …worked on Mr. Clinton’s national service initiative and his ill-fated health care plan. …executive vice president of New York University (2001-6). …now chief operating officer of Citi Alternative Investments, a unit of Citigroup.

(LINK to NY Times / Photo by AP)

17 Responses

  1. Is this a good thing that so many Jews might be in Obama’s close circle? Are we as Jews better off keeping a lower profile? As it is when things go bad they somehow find fault with us and lay the blame at our feet.

  2. Hmmmm – No Jews, No Good; Yes Jews, No Good. Let’s see . . . I get it . . . . “no way I’m ever gonna concede anything he does is anything but No Good”

  3. Can you imagine some serious national emergency erev a 3 day yom tov and the entire white house staff is out for 3 whole days not answering their cell phones??? That will surely look good for the jews!!

  4. I’d like to offer my opinion from a little island across the pond.
    In the most Israel-friendly government we had here under Tony Blair, there was NOT ONE JEW in a senior position. Unfortunately, a Jew in government has to go out of his way to prove he is not biased towards Israel.
    So, is this good news? Time will tell…

  5. In defense of all these negative comments I must say that there are many, many, many Jews working in the real world who are extremely bright, educated, hard working and very, very honest–who every day presents to the world a Kiddish Hashem. Our efforts to let the rest of the world know what a good Yid is helps to counter balance all the chillul Hashem that is also out there that the world sees.

  6. The negative comments are by those brainwashed by the hate mongers in the conservative movement. Not that all those who are conservative are like that, it’s just the radio clones.

    There never was any evidence of Obama being against Jews. If fact, there are bills he sponsored that are quite pro-Israel. Those thoughts were either knee-jerk reactions based on racism, or foolishness by believing in guilt by association. Can you imagine having an acquaintance who has bad traits and all their faults are placed upon you?

    Anyway, I am glad no one here has to eat crow for the one reason, it is not kosher.

  7. #7 Nobody call Obama an anti-semite. What they did say is that having so many Jews in high governmental positions could eventually cause their downfall… as they would most likely be the first people to be blamed, should anything go wrong, chas veshalom. However, obviously, Hashem is the One Who is setting them (us) up in this position, for reasons that we do not yet know.

  8. Thanks, Aaron Chaim, for being the voice of sanity here.

    And veryinteresting, I listen to (some) conservative radio, and racism is not one of the things they express. Rather, it’s that the Federal Gov’t doesn’t have to be involved in every aspect of our lives.

    Does anyone recall how many Jews were in Ronald Reagan’s administration? He is the greatest “friend” we’ve had in recent years. GWB did great till he came up with the “2 state solution”, which is now being shoved down Israel’s throat, with help from their government.

  9. #13, Queen of Persia. In fact, Obama has been compared on here to Yemach Sh’mo all through his campaign. That is about as anti-semitic a reference as can be.

    #14, AWoman_outside_bklyn, while I, too, listen to that kind of radio, among other stations with various political leanings, they DO talk about the federal government not being involved in our lives, albeit hypocritically, but they also brainwashed too many listeners with hate. The racist part, which is not overly existent on conservative radio, was really my comment about the Obama haters who posted here. The vitriol against Obama in posts on this site, for many, had to do with nothing other than Obama is black.

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