Russians Confirm S-300 System Contract With Iran

s300.jpgRussia continues playing both sides of the fence, serving as a member of the Quartet group and continuing to feed the world’s major terrorists advanced weaponry, including Iran.
Russian news agencies are now reporting Russia is confirming the sale of S-300 sophisticated anti-aircraft systems to Iran, system that have the potential of significantly complicating efforts to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Russia’s Interfax, ITAR and RIA news agencies quoting high-ranking officials who confirm the contract for the advanced system was signed two years ago, adding delivery has not yet been made.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert actually made a trip to Russia in the hope of persuading the nation’s leaders to hold off on such sales to Iran, pointing out the dangers and the shift in the regional balance of power that would result. Nevertheless, Russia seems to continue without impunity, defying the United States, EU and UN, all Quartet members, as it goes about ‘business as usual’ when the international community is seeking to impose sanctions on Iran that will halt the nation’s continued advances in its weapons of mass destruction program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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