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VIDEO: Rep. Peter King Slams Obama Decision to Try 9/11 Detainees in Manhattan


VIDEO LINK BELOW: Republicans are irate over the move to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York, perhaps within walking distance of Ground Zero. Yet Democrats – including some from New York City – are comfortable with the idea that the mastermind of 9/11 will ultimately judged by a jury of New Yorkers.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), a Long Island Congressman on the homeland security committee, told POLITICO Friday morning that terrorists should not be afforded the same rights to trials that Americans enjoy. King said President Barack Obama is “caving into political correctness and the left wing base of his political party.” Lower Manhattan, where many presume the case will be heard, could turn into a “circus,” he said.

“I am really disgusted by it,” King told POLITICO Friday morning. “To me, it’s truly an insult to the memory of those killed on 9/11.”

In an interview with Fox News, King said “this will go down as one of the worst decisions that any US President has ever made.”

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), who chairs the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee, said “it is inconceivable that we would bring these alleged terrorists back to New York for trial.”

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) called the move “irresponsible.”

“The Obama Administration’s irresponsible decision to prosecute the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks in New York City puts the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security of the American people,” Boehner said in a news release.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said trying the alleged terrorists in New York could afford them constitutional rights which would prevent the use of information obtained through enhanced interrogation.

“Trying terrorists in military commissions at Guantanamo Bay is the most appropriate venue and safest option for the American people,” Smith said in a news release. “America already gives terrorists more constitutional rights than any other country. The Administration should not prioritize the rights of terrorists over the rights of Americans to be safe and secure.”

YWN VIDEO LINK: Click HERE to watch a video of Peter King on Fox News this morning.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC / Politico / Fox News)

9 Responses

  1. There will be total chaos. Its gonna caust the new york tax payers a lot of money to keep the animals and the court room secured. Obama will go down as truly the most irresponsible tolitarian of all time!!

  2. What’s wrong with our courts? Unless we want to treat the lot of them of prisoners of war (meaning holding them “for the duration” but no punishment for bombing civilians, since it was long ago decided that that’s kosher).

    The whole issue is a system based on civil rights, versus the Islamic system. You can trust 12 New Yorkers to decide the case. Assuming the government has been truthful in what it has been claiming, a conviction isn’t a problem.

  3. that’s ridiculous. everyone knows that many guilty people are left off on our revolving door criminal justice system.

    Remember OJ?

    THese cases are too sensitive to be left in the hands of the courts.

  4. Lot and his wife were not zoche to witness the destruction of Sdom and Gmorra (and that’s why his
    wife was punished when she looked back). I would say these reshaim should not be allowed back to New York to see the pain and destruction that they caused- especially because they delight in their evil deeds.

  5. Hussein’s true muslim colors are shining for the whole world to see – this is mamash an insult not only for all American, but for the whole world that is not muslim. How can the justice system let this happen? How can mass murderers who are not even citizens have citizen rights? this is so ridiculous that is disgustingly obvious what hussein is doing.

  6. The manchild keeps showing his true colors and to blame it on the AG is a crock of you know what! There is no way a decision like that gets made by someone OTHER than the president!

    If Yerachmiel Begun is reading this site… when are you going to make a song about BHO like you did with Mr Carter???

  7. Yeh, for all those who said “stop calling him a muslim”, and “he’ll be jtst about the same as Mccain on security”… Here’s the fruits of your stubberness

  8. akuperma, please, please, go away and take the rest of your crew from the Association of Communities Organizing for Reform Now, okay?

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