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Prevent Yourself From Driving With A Suspended Drivers License

Brooklyn – Each year hundreds of people within our community are arrested while driving with a suspended drivers license. The Department of Motor Vehicles can suspend you driving privileges for a variety of reasons. The most common ones are failure to answer a traffic summons, pay the fine or surcharge listed on the summons. This suspension will remain in effect until you correct the condition that led to the suspension. We have seen all too often how hard working individuals that neglect to answer a traffic summons wind up in jail.

Other instances are of a revoked driver’s license. The most common ways that your license gets revoked are is you were convicted of operating an uninsured vehicle, permitting another person to operate your uninsured vehicle or if the Department of Motor Vehicles receives evidence that you were involved in an accident without being insured. In these situations, your license will be revoked for at least one year. Being caught with a revoked driver’s license is a harsh conviction with severe penalties.

We urge you to please take a few moments to find out the status of your drivers license by calling the Department of Motor Vehicles between the hours of 8:00AM – 4:00 PM at 718-488-5710. Have your drivers license readily available so you can answer the appropriate information.

Remember, if a Law Enforcement Officer stops you with a suspended or revoked drivers license YOU GO TO JAIL. Make the phone call today and encourage your friends and family to do the same. You can save a lot of unwanted aggravation.

(Public Service Announcement From Flatbush Shomrim)

16 Responses

  1. If someone does not realize the severity of doing something which leads up to a suspended license, and on top of that does not realize the severity of obeying the law and not driving while suspended, they should have their license permanently revoked because this is just symptomatic of an attitude that would carry over to other violations that puts OTHER PEOPLE at risk. Remember OTHER people???

  2. #1:

    I know someone who got his license suspended because he had gotten a ticket way upstate, and the hearing was scheduled for Chol Hamoed many months later – completely understandable if it slipped his mind. Luckily, he spoke to the DMV and got it unsuspended after they sent him a letter, but this is not a person who I would have a problem with him driving. Don’t be so holier-than-thou critical.

  3. To #1

    It;s easy to pass blame, but if you do not receive your court date in the mail and the court date passes your license is suspended. Take a moment to think how many letter the USPS fails to deliver on any given day

  4. I once had my license suspended because the bored cop (who stopped me on the highway for my headlights not shining on exactly the same spot) wrote the wrong address. The response came back in the mail and I had no way of contacting them. I figured I would get some kind of follow up.
    It was a Ness in the first place that I found out about the suspension; they sent the notice to my old address. So, I don’t know who got you so angry today, AinOd, but I guess you got the picture by now.

  5. #2, if to you it is completely understandable to miss a court date for anything, then I see why you and I are not on the same page. Maybe I should not come off so holier-than-thou. From now on my attitude is “court, shmourt”.

    #3, while it is true that a certain amount of people miss court due to not being notified, they still have their day in court and if the license is suspended, it is probably not due to needing a second court date. It is due to the offense. Also, the idea that if you know you committed an offense, and do not actively keep up with your case, and think if you dont get mail you are off the hook, that, too, is a kind of person that I would understand would not see my point.

    In all, #2 and #3 you both have the exact same disregard for society-at-large. Being pulled over by an officer of the law is not something that should slip your mind. They explain fully what you need to do. Any subsequent revocation of license is hardly due to the reasons both of you present. I can understand your being defensive. But the truth is, motor vehicle matters are more important than most of us, in our community, give attention to.

  6. How about this, don’t get your license suspended. If your license does get suspended, don’t drive a car. I don’t care why your license is suspended. If it suspended don’t drive. If you feel that it was suspended inappropriately, then go to court and get it reinstated.

  7. Also be aware of the fact that once arrested for driving with a suspended license you may end up spending the night in jail.
    One of my idiot acquaintences was caught an hour before Shabbos.They don’t serve cholent and kugel in jail.He didn’t get out until monday.Another acuaintance was handcuffed to a drunk inmate who threw up all over him.

  8. Friends!! Why the fighting? The most appropriate comment on here would be a thank you to Flatbush Shomrim for caring about all of us. The article never mentioned blame to anyone for possibly having their license suspended and neither should anyone else. Let’s take the hint from the Flatbush Shomrim and start caring about each other. The Shomrim Members didn’t locate all those missing persons in the past two weeks from fighting with one another. Shomrim, thank you for informing us of this crucial matter and helping us ensure our freedom from arrest!

  9. #11 Once this press Release went out the phones were ringing off the hook. Your best bet is to try in the morning.Once you get through just follow the options and it wouldn’t take long.

    #9 You can log on to NJDMV and you will have an option online to check the status of your NJ drivers license. You will also find the NJ Department of Motor Vehicles number on the website.

    If you should have any problem you can call the Flatbush Shomrim NON Emergency number at 718-338-9453 and leave your name and phone number and someone will get back to you. You can also email us at [email protected]

  10. Just totally amazed by what Shomrim is involved in. Crime fighting, finding lost people, community issues, to name a few and there certainly has to be much more. KOL HAKAVOD!!! You guys have really earned my respect….

  11. I was stopped by a cop AND ARRESTED THE FIRST WEEK AFTER THIS LAW WENT INTO EFFECT in 1999. Unbeknownst to me, my license was suspended due to an old ticket I had forgotten about which was mailed to old address of mine, so i didnt get the notices…# 1 it can happen to well meaning innocent people. It WAS NOT FUN AT ALL spending the day in jail until 1am in the morning. PLEASE PEOPLE MAKE SURE YOUR LICENSE IN VALID!!

  12. #13 I’m not sure when you get up in the morning but as i mentioned at comment #12 if you call in the morning you are likely to get through. I tried twice this morning a little after 8:00AM and i got through both times. If you can’t wake up that early in the morning you can leave your name and pnone number on out NON emergency number at 718-338-9453 and i will personally get the information for you.
    But please don’t discourage other from making the phone call by saying DMV is busy every day.

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