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Senate passes holocaust refugees bill

us senate.jpgToday, the U.S. Senate passed legislation offered by Senator Russ Feingold, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and Senator Daniel Inouye that will create a commission to study the treatment of Jewish refugees by the U.S. government during World War II.  Twenty-six Republican Senators opposed the legislation.

“The fact that more than two dozen Republican Senators saw fit to oppose this legislation is beyond comprehension,” said NJDC Executive Director Ira Forman.  “The treatment of Jewish refugees during World War II was a dark period in American history.  Senators Feingold, Lieberman, and Inouye should be commended for working to bring the truth about this issue to light.”

The legislation was offered as an amendment to the Senate’s immigration bill, because of a Republican parliamentary maneuver that blocked a standalone version of the legislation.

5 Responses

  1. “Twenty-six Republican Senators opposed the legislation.”
    Can their names be listed so we can know who our true friends are!!

  2. this was not a vote on this issue but a trick by the dem.’s to make the gop for the bill by putting this in the bill but these sen. did not fall for it good for them! there is nothing wrong.
    let these big ‘ cha’chuminm’ put a bill -only- on this issue & let’s see how the vote gos

  3. Wow. Another study. Big Deal, where will it get us? Will it bring the people back? Will it do anything for the generations of victims?

  4. Just a bunch of politicians trying to get more votes and a way of making the immigration bill more palatable. I have been listening to the conservative radio talk shows and each and everyone has been reporting that the phones are ringing off the hook with complaints about the immigration bill. This is how the Senators plan to stop people from calling them; give something to the Jews!

    But, who needs an investigation? Just go to the archives of the Agudath Israel and you can all see the gehinnom that Mike Tress and others went through to try to save the few that they did. Just a bunch of political hooey if you ask me.

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