Bloomberg Says Daughter Is ‘Fine’

Mayor Bloomberg weighed in today on his daughter’s terrifying fall from a horse Friday that left her with a concussion and possibly a fractured spine.

“She is, I think, fine,” Bloomberg told reporters at City Hall this morning about Georgina Bloomberg’s spill. ” She had a concussion, was unconscious for a short period of time, but managed to get up and walk out of the ring.”

Bloomberg, 27, was aboard a horse named Radio City on Friday night at the Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament when her saddle slipped and she fell off her mount.

She eventually got up off the Oncenter War Memorial Arena floor on her own and walked away, declining medical attention, officials said.

But she got up in pain Saturday morning and went to a nearby hospital.

Today she underwent and MRI, Bloomberg said. “I think it’s certainly not life-threatening and hopefully she’ll be fine.”

The fall wasn’t the first equestrian mishap for Georgina. She fractured her foot last summer during a competition in Canada.

And in 2002, she broke her back after another rough spill. That accident knocked her out of the saddle for six months.

Despite the danger of her sport, Bloomberg has shown no signs of wanting to give it up.

She’s expected to be among the finalists for a spot on the US Olympic equestrian team in 2012.

“I talked to her yesterday ,” the Mayor said. ” She Was in a little bit of pain but was still walking around and we’ll see what happens.

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. “I think it’s certainly not life-threatening and hopefully she’ll be fine”. So he thinks it’s not life threatening. THAT MEANS HE’S NOT CERTAIN!!!

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