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Lakewood: Township committee approves new $62.9 million budget

budget.jpgThe $62.9 million municipal budget will go up 4.8 percent from when last year’s was adopted, yielding an expected tax levy spike of 12 percent, from $31.02 million to $35.27 million. The tax rate will also rise about 10.7 percent, from 41.1 cents to 45.5 cents per $100 assessed property value. A home valued at $291,208, the township average, will pay $1,325 in municipal taxes, an increase of $228. The committee approved the budget with only one member, Robert W. Singer, voting no. APP

9 Responses

  1. those taxes are cheap to other locales. i guess thoise kollel yungeleit will have to get a job eh? to pay the extra $228.

  2. Can you tell me why we need to pay more tax .Are there not less kids in the Lakewood School System.
    I guess IT MUST BE THE BUSING OF OUR CHILDREN. Give us the tax money back we will pay our own busing it will be a lot cheaper. Maybe you can get ONE UZERER ELECTED HEIMESHE MEMBERS TO EXPLAIN TO US

  3. matzaman – these are municipal taxes, not school taxes. It must be the police dept budget, since this is such a high crime city. Or maybe it’s to deal with the increased sanitation dept budget, with all the new developments going up – that’s a possibility…

    Just wait for the school budget to be approved

  4. This has absolutely nothing to do with the schools or busses. That is by the school district which raised their portion of the taxes two months ago.

  5. I don’t live in Lakewood, but based on the numbers above the taxes are still VERY low. Where I live, in New Jersey, a house valued at nearly $300,000 would pay about $3,000 in Municipal taxes alone, and forget about when you add the public school.
    I think if a study was done across NJ, Lakewood would still be one of the lowest municipal tax locations around.

  6. CHEAP?! eliezer you obiously are clueless to Lakewoods township blatant disconcern over its mismanaged budgeting and spending. I.E.the greatU.E.Z. mustering zone. Thats probably only one of the great mistakes their craming down citizens throats to recoup their losses. No one disputes that Lakewood is bursting at the seams with development but at the same time there needs to be a more responsible efficient account system. We the citizens here just don’t have anymore to give.

  7. this is just the municipal portion of the taxes. The total bill for the above property would be well over $5000. Also keep in mind that after the recent revaluation any regular townhouse is assessed well over $300000.

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