NYC’s Bloody Weekend: Dozens Of Shooting Incidents In Two Days; Bloomberg Blames Washington

Twenty-four New Yorkers were hit by gunfire, one fatally, over 24 hours of violence this weekend, prompting Mayor Bloomberg to call the bloody stretch “unconscionable” and demand action from Washington.

The eruption of shootings from 6 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday left the mayor livid and the parents of three wounded children distraught and angry.

Police said the two dozen victims were shot in 14 separate incidents in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. As of last night, no arrests had been made in any of the shootings.

The mayor said 24 people shot in 24 hours in the city “is just unconscionable.”

“We cannot tolerate it,” Bloomberg said while speaking at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. “There are just too many guns on the streets and we have to do something about it.”

New York has the toughest gun laws in the country, but Bloomberg said the city alone cannot stop the onslaught of shootings. “We need the federal government to step up,” he said.

Bloomberg is a co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and has lobbied Washington repeatedly to beef up gun laws.

The mayor called on all federal politicians, regardless of party, to get on the same page .

“Both ends of Pennsylvania Ave., both sides of the aisle,” he said. “We cannot continue to have these guns in the hands of kids who don’t understand the value of life.”

YWN has confirmed with police sources that the number of shooting incidents is higher than what is being reported. Since Sunday morning, there have been more than a dozen additional incidents – including one just a few minutes before publishing this article on Church Avenue and East 38th Street (67 Precinct).

(Source: NY Daily News / YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Sure! Blame everyone else but himself. He is turning out to be a disaster of a Mayor.
    Maybe there is a connection between high crime and the abhorent behavior he fought to sanction.

  2. Mr. Bloomberg is doing the politician thing, when things get tough, blame someone else. The Police Department has frozen almost all hiring. Instead of spending money on useless pedestrian islands, they could have hired hundreds of more cops to do the job they do best. Mayor Bloomberg’s failed Liberal policies have come back to bite.

  3. Bloomberg’s calling for tougher gun control laws, calling out the NRA as the reason for the shooting. (I heard him say so on WCBS last night.)

    Bloomberg! Did these killers have a gun licence? Do you really think that law abiding citizens, you know, the ones who get the gun licences, are the ones doing the shooting?!?
    Bloomberg! Don’t you think that you perhaps encouraged the black market for guns by making these outrages unconstitutional gun laws? Don’t you think that perhaps you have blood on your hands for fostering such an environment?
    self promoting idiot.

  4. Maybe clean up the two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue right here in New York, Mr. Mayor. Try putting some thought into how to reduce crime, as your predecessor so successfully did, instead of brainstorming ridiculous ideas like persecuting car owners and conveniently extending term limits on a temporary basis.

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